This plugin provides some helper methods to get logical position of chess, or to pick chess, or to move chess, etc.
This plugin provides some helper methods to get logical position of chess, or to pick chess, or to move chess, etc.
Add and remove
- "Action:Add chess" could add chess to a board object.
- "Action:Remove chess" could remove chess from current board.
These actions only could change the logical position, not physical position.
These actions only could change the logical position, not physical position.
- "Action:Move chess", or "Action:Move chess by UID" could move this chess to target tile, the logical z index will not be changed.
- "Action:Move chess to xyz" could move chess to specific logical position.
- "Action:Swap chess by UID" could swap the logical position with other chess.
Get logical position
"Expression:LX", "Expression:LY", and "Expression:LZ" could be used to get the logical position (x,y,z).
Get board UID by "Expression:BoardUID", return (-1) if chess is not in any board.
"Expression:LX", "Expression:LY", and "Expression:LZ" could be used to get the logical position (x,y,z).
Get board UID by "Expression:BoardUID", return (-1) if chess is not in any board.
Get other chess's UID
"Expression:LZ2UID" could be used to get other chess's UID which stand on the same logical XY position with specific z-index.
"Expression:DIR2UID" could be used to get UID of neighbor chess, return (-1) if no chess picked. The code direction could be get in layout plugin (rex_board_squareTx, or rex_board_hexTx). User could add add 2nd parameter to indicate the z-index.
"Expression:LZ2UID" could be used to get other chess's UID which stand on the same logical XY position with specific z-index.
"Expression:DIR2UID" could be used to get UID of neighbor chess, return (-1) if no chess picked. The code direction could be get in layout plugin (rex_board_squareTx, or rex_board_hexTx). User could add add 2nd parameter to indicate the z-index.
Test conditions
These test condition would return true if testing pass, these condition will also affect the current SOL.
These test condition would return true if testing pass, these condition will also affect the current SOL.
- Logical position: "Condition:Compare LX", "Condition:Compare LY", and "Condition:Compare LZ" could test if the logical position is matched the conditions.
- Is empty above: "Condition:No chess above" will return true if no other chess above this chess. i.e. the count of z-index is 1. "Condition:No chess at LZ" is used to test if these is no other chess at the specific z-index.
- On the board: "Condition:On the board" could be used to test if this chess is at the specific board. It might be useful if there has more then one board objects in project.
- Are neighbors: "Condition:Are neighbors (UID)" could be used to test if this chess and other chess are neighbors.
- Is a tile: "Condition:Are neighbors (UID)" could be used to test if this chess is a tile (z=0).
Pick an empty cell randomly
Sample capx
Mix "Condition:No chess at LZ" with other test conditions and finally pick a chess instance randomly by "system action: pick random instance".
Sample capx
Mix "Condition:No chess at LZ" with other test conditions and finally pick a chess instance randomly by "system action: pick random instance".
Drag tile/chess on an isometric board
Sample capx
Sample capx