Plugin, ACE table, Discussion thread
Dependence: rex_firebase_apiV3
Dependence: rex_firebase_apiV3
Item tables to save and query items. Each value is indexed by (tableID, itemID, key).
Item tables to save and query items. Each value is indexed by (tableID, itemID, key).
Compare with rex_firebase_itemtable plugin
This plugin contains multiple tables and it can modify multiple items across these tables in an atomic write process. i.e. values will be changed at the same time.
This plugin has querying function to pick items by a single condition.
This plugin contains multiple tables and it can modify multiple items across these tables in an atomic write process. i.e. values will be changed at the same time.
This plugin has querying function to pick items by a single condition.
Call these actions in "Prepare - Enumeration" category to build items.
Call these actions in "Prepare - Enumeration" category to build items.
- Action:Set value
- Action:Set boolean value
- Action:Set server timesetamp
- Action:Set JSON
Tree structure
Add "Condition:Table node" to create a table node, then add "Condition:Item node" to create an item node. Then call these actions in "Prepare - Tree" category to add values.
Add "Condition:Table node" to create a table node, then add "Condition:Item node" to create an item node. Then call these actions in "Prepare - Tree" category to add values.
- Action:Set value
- Action:Set boolean value
- Action:Set server timesetamp
- Action:Set JSON
Push item
Get a new itemID of "push" item by "Expression:GenerateKey", it will be saved in "Expression:LastGeneratedKey".
Get a new itemID of "push" item by "Expression:GenerateKey", it will be saved in "Expression:LastGeneratedKey".
Set JSON by key
Sample capx
Key string contains "." or "/" will be splitted into levels to create a JSON object above the root key. For example, set key "pos.x" to 10, will add {"x":10} at key "pos". And get 10 back by key "pos.x" directly in ""Expression:CurItemContent", or "Expression:At".
User does not need to create or parse JSON by JSON plugin anymore.
Sample capx
Key string contains "." or "/" will be splitted into levels to create a JSON object above the root key. For example, set key "pos.x" to 10, will add {"x":10} at key "pos". And get 10 back by key "pos.x" directly in ""Expression:CurItemContent", or "Expression:At".
User does not need to create or parse JSON by JSON plugin anymore.
Write to server
Call "Action:Update" to upload all items to firebase server. "Condition:On update complete" will be triggered while writing completed, otherwise "Condition:On update error" will be triggered.
Call "Action:Update" to upload all items to firebase server. "Condition:On update complete" will be triggered while writing completed, otherwise "Condition:On update error" will be triggered.
Remove an item
Call "Action:Remove" to remove a item.
"Condition:On remove complete" will be triggered if save completed, otherwise "Condition:On remove error" will be triggered.
Call "Action:Remove" to remove a item.
"Condition:On remove complete" will be triggered if save completed, otherwise "Condition:On remove error" will be triggered.
Load items
Sample capx
Load all tables/a table/an item
Call "Action:Load item" to load all tables/a table/an item.
Sample capx
Load all tables/a table/an item
Call "Action:Load item" to load all tables/a table/an item.
- Load all tables: Set tableID "" to load all tables.
- Load a table: Set itemID to "" to load all items in the table.
- Load an item: tableID and itemID are not "" either.
Table is empty
Check if a table has no item by "Condition:Table is empty".
Check if a table has no item by "Condition:Table is empty".
Retrieve items
Get requested tableID by "Expression:LastTableID" under "Condition:On request complete".
Then retrieve items in this table under "Condition:For each itemID" by "Expression:CurItemID", and "Expression:CurItemContent".
"Expression:CurItemContent" has 3 types of output
Get requested tableID by "Expression:LastTableID" under "Condition:On request complete".
Then retrieve items in this table under "Condition:For each itemID" by "Expression:CurItemID", and "Expression:CurItemContent".
"Expression:CurItemContent" has 3 types of output
- Expression:CurItemContent : return JSON string of all key-value pairs.
- Expression:CurItemContent( key ) : return the value of a specific key.
- Expression:CurItemContent( key , default_value ) : return the value of a specific key, or the default value if the key does not exist.
Or get a specific value by "Expression:At". This expression has 5 types of output
- Expression:At : return JSON string of all tables
- Expression:At( tableID ) : return JSON string of all items in a table
- Expression:At( tableID , itemID ) : return JSON string of an item in a table
- Expression:At( tableID , itemID , key ): return a value of a key in an item of a table
- Expression:At( tableID , itemID , key , default_value ) : return a value of a key in an item of a table, or a default value of this key does not exist.
Items list
Sample capx
User could put items into rex_taffydb object by "Expression:AsItemList" to query and sort items locally.
"Expression:AsItemList" has 3 types of output.
Sample capx
User could put items into rex_taffydb object by "Expression:AsItemList" to query and sort items locally.
"Expression:AsItemList" has 3 types of output.
- Expression:AsItemList : return items in all tables
- Expression:AsItemList( tableID ): return items in a table
- Expression:AsItemList( tableID , itemID ): return a item
There are 2 querying actions
Load items and put them into rex_taffydb object to do more complex querying.
There are 2 querying actions
- "Action:Get items by "In Range" - Get items by single condition-In Range (start to end) with count limit in a table. Set count to -1 to get all matched items
- "Action:Get items by comparison" - Get items by single condition with count limit in a table. Set count to -1 to get all matched items.
Load items and put them into rex_taffydb object to do more complex querying.
Requests queue
Sample capx
Uses requests queue feature if there are more then 1 load request in the same time. Follows these steps to run a requests queue.
Sample capx
Uses requests queue feature if there are more then 1 load request in the same time. Follows these steps to run a requests queue.
- Call "Action:Start new request queue" to start a new queue
- Add request into this queue by "Action:Load item", "Action:Get items by "In Range", "Action:Get items by comparison".
- Call "Action:Process request queue" to start requests in queue
- "Condition:On request complete" will be triggered while all requests competed.
Clean request result tables
Call "Action:Clean result table" to clean the request table. Set tableID to "" to clean all tables.
Call "Action:Clean result table" to clean the request table. Set tableID to "" to clean all tables.
On disconnect
Sample capx
There are two ways to build saved items, in enumeration or tree structure, like building items for saving.
Reference: rex_firebase_itemmonitor plugin
Sample capx
There are two ways to build saved items, in enumeration or tree structure, like building items for saving.
Reference: rex_firebase_itemmonitor plugin
Call these actions in "On disconnected - Enumeration" category to register a disconnected handler.
Call these actions in "On disconnected - Enumeration" category to register a disconnected handler.
- Action:Set value
- Action:Set boolean value
- Action:Set server timesetamp
- Action:Set JSON
- Action:Remove key
- Set tableID to "" to remove all tables
- Set itemID to "" to remove all items in the table
- Set key to "" to remove all keys in the item
- Otherwise, remove a key in an item.
Tree structure
Call these actions in "On disconnected - Tree" category to register a disconnected handler.
Call these actions in "On disconnected - Tree" category to register a disconnected handler.
- Action:Set value
- Action:Set boolean value
- Action:Set server timesetamp
- Action:Set JSON
Reference path
Get reference path by "Expression:Ref", it has 4 type of output.
Expression:Ref : return the root of all tables
Expression:Ref( tableID ) : return the reference path of a table
Expression:Ref( tableID , itemID ) : return the reference path of an item.
Expression:Ref( tableID , itemID , key ) : return the reference path of a key in an item.
Get reference path by "Expression:Ref", it has 4 type of output.
Expression:Ref : return the root of all tables
Expression:Ref( tableID ) : return the reference path of a table
Expression:Ref( tableID , itemID ) : return the reference path of an item.
Expression:Ref( tableID , itemID , key ) : return the reference path of a key in an item.
Shuffle items
Sample capx
Set a random string at a key to shuffle items after sorting by that key.
"Expression:RandomBase32( length )" can be used to get a random string, each character is picked from one of 32 character "0" - "9" , "a" - "z", excluded "a", "i", "l", "o".
Sample capx
Set a random string at a key to shuffle items after sorting by that key.
"Expression:RandomBase32( length )" can be used to get a random string, each character is picked from one of 32 character "0" - "9" , "a" - "z", excluded "a", "i", "l", "o".