Sample capx
Sample capx
The origin point and the radius
The origin point of this circle is the center point of rex_glayouter object.
The origin point of this circle is the center point of rex_glayouter object.
In "Circle" shape, the radius is half of minimum between width and height of this rex_glayouter object.
In "Ellipse" shape, the radius is half of width or height of this rex_glayouter object. ( Sample capx )
In "Circle" shape, the radius is half of minimum between width and height of this rex_glayouter object.
In "Ellipse" shape, the radius is half of width or height of this rex_glayouter object. ( Sample capx )
Start angle and delta angle
The start angle of layout is set by "Start angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set start angle".
There are "Fix" or "Average" modes to get delta angle between instances. It could be configured by "Mode" in properties table, or "Action:Set mode".
The start angle of layout is set by "Start angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set start angle".
There are "Fix" or "Average" modes to get delta angle between instances. It could be configured by "Mode" in properties table, or "Action:Set mode".
Fix mode
The delta angle between instances is defined by "Delta angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set delta angle".
The delta angle between instances is defined by "Delta angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set delta angle".
Average mode
The delta angle between instances is got by averaged. The average angle is set by "Range angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set range angle".
The delta angle between instances is got by averaged. The average angle is set by "Range angle" in properties table, or "Action:Set range angle".
Angle offset
"Angle offset" in properties table could add an offset to angle for each arranged instances in private array of this rex_glayouter instance.
"Angle offset" in properties table could add an offset to angle for each arranged instances in private array of this rex_glayouter instance.
Result of arrangement
In rex_glayouter object, user could get result of arrangement under "Condition:On layout instance" by
In rex_glayouter object, user could get result of arrangement under "Condition:On layout instance" by
- Expression:InstX
- Expression:InstY
- Expression:InstAngle