Plugin, ACE table, Discussion thread
- rex_glayouter plugin
- A layout behavior like rex_layouter_linear, or rex_layouter_cyclic.
Show text using sprites in rex_glayouter object.
Each character is created by a sprite, so that they could be controlled by behaviors like official sine behavior, or responded the official touch events individually.
Show text using sprites in rex_glayouter object.
Each character is created by a sprite, so that they could be controlled by behaviors like official sine behavior, or responded the official touch events individually.
Sample capx
Sample capx
- Put this behavior under rex_glayouter object, and add a layout behavior like rex_layouter_linear, or rex_layouter_cyclic for arrangement of character sprites.
- Prepare a sprite object to map frames to characters.
Sprite for characters
User need to have a sprite to map frames to characters. The mapping list is declared at "Characters list" in properties table. Then link the sprite object to this behavior by "Action:Set character object".
User need to have a sprite to map frames to characters. The mapping list is declared at "Characters list" in properties table. Then link the sprite object to this behavior by "Action:Set character object".
Set text
- Call "Action:Set text" to create/maintain character sprites by this input text, frame index of each character sprite will be assigned by the characters list.
- The character sprites will be added to rex_glayouter object automatically, and they will be arranged by the layout behavior (rex_layouter_linear, or rex_layouter_cyclic).
Compared with official sprite font plugin
The official sprite font plugin creates characters in a single instance. This rex_layouter_text behavior creates characters in sprites.
The advantage of this rex_layouter_text behavior is , user could control each character individually. The disadvantage is , it need more memory resource than official sprite font plugin.
The official sprite font plugin creates characters in a single instance. This rex_layouter_text behavior creates characters in sprites.
The advantage of this rex_layouter_text behavior is , user could control each character individually. The disadvantage is , it need more memory resource than official sprite font plugin.