Handles loading and unlocking of medals.
Handles loading and unlocking of medals.
Mange medals
Mange medals under the dashboard of "API Tools" -> "Medals".
Mange medals under the dashboard of "API Tools" -> "Medals".
Get list
Call "Action:Get list" to get medals list.
"Condition:On get medals list" will be triggered while get list, read list in JSON string by "Expression:MedalsAsJSON". Otherwise "Condition:On get medals list error" will be triggered, get error message by "Expression:ErrorMessage".
Call "Action:Get list" to get medals list.
"Condition:On get medals list" will be triggered while get list, read list in JSON string by "Expression:MedalsAsJSON". Otherwise "Condition:On get medals list error" will be triggered, get error message by "Expression:ErrorMessage".
Retrieve medals
Retrieve medals by "Condition:For each medal", get properties of each medal by these expressions -
Or get properties of a medal by index
Retrieve medals by "Condition:For each medal", get properties of each medal by these expressions -
- Expression:CurMedalName
- Expression:CurMedalID
- Expression:CurMedalIcon
- Expression:CurMedalDifficulty
- Expression:CurMedalDescription
- Expression:CurMedalValue
- Expression:CurMedalIsSecret - return 1 if this medal is secret
- Expression:CurMedalIsUnlocked - return 1 if this medal is unlocked
- Condition:Is secret
- Condition:Is unlocked
- Condition:Compare difficulty
Or get properties of a medal by index
- Expression:Index2MedalName( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalID( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalIcon( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalDifficulty( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalDescription( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalValue( index )
- Expression:Index2MedalIsSecret( index ) - return 1 if this medal is secret
- Expression:Index2MedalIsUnlocked( index ) - return 1 if this medal is unlocked
- Condition:Is secret
- Condition:Is unlocked
- Condition:Compare difficulty
Load user icon
Medal icon might not load into sprite directly because "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in server. Designer might try to load icon to image element by Pode's plugin.
Medal icon might not load into sprite directly because "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in server. Designer might try to load icon to image element by Pode's plugin.
Call "Action:Unlock" to unlock a medal by medal ID.
"Condition:On unlock medal" will be triggered while unlock medal success, read this unlocked medal by "Expression:LastUnlockedMedalID".
. Otherwise "Condition:On unlock medal error" will be triggered, get error message by "Expression:ErrorMessage".
Call "Action:Unlock" to unlock a medal by medal ID.
"Condition:On unlock medal" will be triggered while unlock medal success, read this unlocked medal by "Expression:LastUnlockedMedalID".
. Otherwise "Condition:On unlock medal error" will be triggered, get error message by "Expression:ErrorMessage".