Load animations of sprite from URL.
Load animations of sprite from URL.
Load all animations of this sprite follows these 3 steps.
- Call "Action:Load all animations" to load all frames of all animations of this sprite.
- To load each frame, this behavior will trigger "Condition:On get URL" to get URL of this frame from event. Get the animation name and the index of this frame by "Expression:AnimationName", "Expression:FrameIndex", then set the URL by "Action:Set URL".
- "Condition:On all animations loaded" will be triggered when all frames are loaded finished (successful or failed). Each successful or failed loading of a frame will trigger "Condition:On frame loaded successful" or "Condition:On frame loaded failed". Get the animation name and the index of this frame by "Expression:AnimationName", "Expression:FrameIndex", and the loaded URL by "Expression:FrameURL".