Import tmx file
Call "Action:Import tmx" to import tmx file, which has 2 kinds of format. Each format need a dedicated parser.
Call "Action:Import tmx" to import tmx file, which has 2 kinds of format. Each format need a dedicated parser.
- JSON format - rex_tmx_JSON_parser
- XML format - rex_tmx_XML_parser
Retrieve or create tiles
After importing tmx file by called "Action:Import tmx", user could call these actions to retrieve or create tiles.
After importing tmx file by called "Action:Import tmx", user could call these actions to retrieve or create tiles.
- "Action:Create tiles" : it will create tile instances at the layer with the same name defined in tmx file, in one tick.
- "Action:Retrieve tile array" : it will retrieve each available cell without creating any instance in one tick. User need to create tile instances manually under "Condition:On each tile cell".
- "Action:Create tiles in a duration" : this action is similar as "Action:Create tiles", but it will create tiles in many ticks. It is useful for creating large number of tiles.
- "Action:Retrieve tile array in a duration" : this action is similar as "Action:Retrieve tile array", but it will retrieve each available cell in many ticks.
On each tile cell
These actions will trigger "Condition:On each tile cell" for each available cell, to configure or create tile manually. Expressions in categories "Map", "Tile: Layer", "Tile: Tileset".
For example, "Expression:PhysicalX", "Expression:PhysicalY", and "Expression:LayerName", "Expression:Frame" could be used to create and set tile instances.
These actions will trigger "Condition:On each tile cell" for each available cell, to configure or create tile manually. Expressions in categories "Map", "Tile: Layer", "Tile: Tileset".
For example, "Expression:PhysicalX", "Expression:PhysicalY", and "Expression:LayerName", "Expression:Frame" could be used to create and set tile instances.
Offset of tiles
The offset of tiles is defined by "X at (0,0)", "Y at (0,0)" in properties table, or by "Action:Set instance position of (0,0)". This information will be used while call "Action:Create tiles", or "Action:Create tiles in a duration", or "Expression:PhysicalX", "Expression:PhysicalY".
The offset of tiles is defined by "X at (0,0)", "Y at (0,0)" in properties table, or by "Action:Set instance position of (0,0)". This information will be used while call "Action:Create tiles", or "Action:Create tiles in a duration", or "Expression:PhysicalX", "Expression:PhysicalY".
Retrieve properties
Conditions in category "For each property" could be used to retrieve properties, get values by related expressions.
Conditions in category "For each property" could be used to retrieve properties, get values by related expressions.
- "Condition:For each layer property" - "Expression:CurLayerPropName", "Expression:CurLayerPropValue"
- "Condition:For each tileset property" - "Expression:CurTilesetPropName", "Expression:CurTilesetPropValue"
- "Condition:For each tile property" - "Expression:CurTilePropName", "Expression:CurTilePropValue"
- "Condition:For each map property" - "Expression:CurMapPropName", "Expression:CurMapPropValue"
Retrieve layers
"Condition:For each layer" could be used to retrieve layers, get layer properties by "Condition:For each layer property" shown in previous section, or layer name by "Expression:LayerName"
"Condition:For each layer" could be used to retrieve layers, get layer properties by "Condition:For each layer property" shown in previous section, or layer name by "Expression:LayerName"
Object layer
This plugin also could retrieve object layers under "Condition:On each object", using expressions in category "Object: Object" to get the information of each object.
This plugin also could retrieve object layers under "Condition:On each object", using expressions in category "Object: Object" to get the information of each object.
Release tmx object
After retrieve or create tiles, call "Action:Release tmx object" to release parsing result from memory.
After retrieve or create tiles, call "Action:Release tmx object" to release parsing result from memory.
Retrieve or create tiles in a duration
Sample caxp
"Action:Create tiles in a duration", or "Action:Retrieve tile array in a duration" are used to retrieve or create tiles in many ticks, these also will trigger "Condition:On retrieving duration", and "Condition:On retrieving finished". User could add processing UI under "Condition:On retrieving duration" with "Expression:RetrievingPercent".
The parameter "Processing time" is similar as "Percentage" in rex_eventbalancer. It is the executing time counted by (1/60)*"Processing time" (second) in each tick in the duration.
Tmx object only could be released after retrieving finished. For example, call "Action:Release tmx object" under "Condition:On retrieving finished".
Sample caxp
"Action:Create tiles in a duration", or "Action:Retrieve tile array in a duration" are used to retrieve or create tiles in many ticks, these also will trigger "Condition:On retrieving duration", and "Condition:On retrieving finished". User could add processing UI under "Condition:On retrieving duration" with "Expression:RetrievingPercent".
The parameter "Processing time" is similar as "Percentage" in rex_eventbalancer. It is the executing time counted by (1/60)*"Processing time" (second) in each tick in the duration.
Tmx object only could be released after retrieving finished. For example, call "Action:Release tmx object" under "Condition:On retrieving finished".
Retrieve tiles at logic X,Y
Sample capx
Call "Condition:For each tile at logic XY" to get properties of tiles at logic X,Y. User could create a part of tiles in a specific range.
Sample capx
Call "Condition:For each tile at logic XY" to get properties of tiles at logic X,Y. User could create a part of tiles in a specific range.
Configure layout object
User needs to configure layout objet (rex_board_squareTx, or rex_board_hexTx) if using rex_board plugin to store tiles and chess.
Call "Action:Set board width", "Action:Set board height" and put "Expression:MapWidth", "Expression:MapHeight" to set it.
Square board
Call "Action:Set orientation by number" (rex_board_squareTx) and put "Expression:IsIsometric" (rex_TMXImporter_v2) to set it.
Call "Action:Set cell size" (rex_board_squareTx) and put "Expression:TileWidth", "Expression:TileHeight" to set it.
Hexagon board
Call "Action:Set layout by number" (rex_board_hexTx) and put "Expression:IsUp2Down", "Expression:IsIndent" (rex_TMXImporter_v2) to set it.
Call "Action:Set cell size" (rex_board_hexTx) and put "Expression:TileWidth", "Expression:TileHeight" to set it.
User needs to configure layout objet (rex_board_squareTx, or rex_board_hexTx) if using rex_board plugin to store tiles and chess.
Call "Action:Set board width", "Action:Set board height" and put "Expression:MapWidth", "Expression:MapHeight" to set it.
Square board
Call "Action:Set orientation by number" (rex_board_squareTx) and put "Expression:IsIsometric" (rex_TMXImporter_v2) to set it.
Call "Action:Set cell size" (rex_board_squareTx) and put "Expression:TileWidth", "Expression:TileHeight" to set it.
Hexagon board
Call "Action:Set layout by number" (rex_board_hexTx) and put "Expression:IsUp2Down", "Expression:IsIndent" (rex_TMXImporter_v2) to set it.
Call "Action:Set cell size" (rex_board_hexTx) and put "Expression:TileWidth", "Expression:TileHeight" to set it.
Fill official tilemap
Sample capx
Call "Action:Reset tilemap" to resize the official tilemap object and fill tile ID with a tmx layer.
Sample capx
Call "Action:Reset tilemap" to resize the official tilemap object and fill tile ID with a tmx layer.
Official save/load
Sample capx
This plugin support official save/load. User must keep parser object (i.e. do not destroy it) while official saving.
Sample capx
This plugin support official save/load. User must keep parser object (i.e. do not destroy it) while official saving.