This plugin could wait events raised.
For example, there are two instances which move to target position by rex_moveTo behavior, user might want to wait them all for hitting target position.
This plugin could wait events raised.
For example, there are two instances which move to target position by rex_moveTo behavior, user might want to wait them all for hitting target position.
- Add the pending event by name with "Action:Wait event".
- Remove the finished event by name with "Action:Event has finished" while event has been done.
- "Condition:On all events finished" will be triggered when all pending events (name) with the same tag had been removed.
Call "Action:Cancel events" to cancel all events with the specific tag. i.e. "Condition:On all events finished" will not be triggered after "Action:Cancel events" called.
Call "Action:Cancel events" to cancel all events with the specific tag. i.e. "Condition:On all events finished" will not be triggered after "Action:Cancel events" called.
Other conditions
"Condition:On waiting start" will be triggered while an new waiting event added by "Action:Wait event".
"Condition:Is waiting" could be used to test if an event is waited or not,
"Condition:On waiting start" will be triggered while an new waiting event added by "Action:Wait event".
"Condition:Is waiting" could be used to test if an event is waited or not,
User could see the pending events at debugger.
User could see the pending events at debugger.