Behavior : Zigzag
- Using LOGO-like script to move or rotate sprite.
- Enable if you wish this to begin at the start of the layout.
- Enable if you wish this to start at the start of the layout.
- Enable to rotate sprite with command.
Repeat count
- The times to execute commands repeatly. 0 is infinity.
- F=Move Forward, B=Move Backward, R=Turn Right, L=Turn Left, W=Wait. ex:"F 100;L 60"
Max moving speed
- Maximum moving speed, in pixel per second.
Moving acceleration
- Moving acceleration, in pixel per second per second.
Moving deceleration
- Moving deceleration, in pixel per second per second.
Max rotation speed
- Maximum rotation speed, in degrees per second.
Rotation acceleration
- Rotation acceleration, in degrees per second per second. 0 is using max speed directly.
Rotation deceleration
- Rotation deceleration, in degrees per second per second. 0 is ignored deceleration
Initial angle
- Initial zigzag angle for non-rotatable mode, in degrees.
Precise mode
- Force sprite move to target.
Continued mode
- Running zigzag as in continued-time.
Command queue
Action:Set repeat count
- Set times to execute commands repeatly. 0 is infinity.
- Repeat count ( number ) : The times to execute commands repeatly. 0 is infinity.
Action:Clean command queue
Action:Add command
- Add a command into command queue.
- Command Type ( Combo ) : Command Types.
- Options : ["Move (F)orward","Move (B)ackward","Turn (R)ight","Turn (L)eft","(W)ait"]
- Parameter ( number ) : The parameter of command.
Action:Add commands
- Add commands string into command queue.
- Commansd ( string ) : Commands string. F=Move Forward, B=Move Backward, R=Turn Right, L=Turn Left, W=Wait. ex:"F 100;L 60"
Action:Execution start
- Start to execute command.
Action:Execution stop
Action:Set maximum moving speed
- Set the object's maximum moving speed.
- Max moving speed ( number ) : Maximum moving speed, in pixel per second.
Action:Set moving acceleration
- Set the object's moving acceleration.
- Moving acceleration ( number ) : The moving acceleration setting, in pixel per second per second.
Action:Set moving deceleration
- Set the object's moving deceleration.
- Moving deceleration ( number ) : The moving deceleration setting, in pixels per second per second.
Action:Set maximum rotation speed
- Set the object's maximum rotation speed.
- Max rotation speed ( number ) : Maximum rotation speed, in degrees per second.
Action:Set rotation acceleration
- Set the object's rotation acceleration.
- Rotation acceleration ( number ) : The rotation acceleration setting, in pixels per second per second.
Action:Set rotation deceleration
- Set the object's rotation deceleration.
- Rotation deceleration ( number ) : The rotation deceleration setting, in pixels per second per second.
Action:Set rotatable
- Set rotatable.
- Rotatable ( Combo ) : Set rotatable.
Action:Set moving angle
- Set moving angle in degree. Also rotate sprite at rotatable mode
- Angle ( number ) : The angle of moving direction.
Action:Set activated
- Enable the object's Zigzag behavior.
- Activated ( Combo ) : Enable the behavior.
Action:Set precise
- Set precise.
- Precise ( Combo ) : Set precise.
- The current activated state of behavior.
- The current moving speed, in pixel per second.
- The current rotation speed, in degrees per second.
- Get current command index in command queue. 0 is the first command.
- The moving angle, in degree.
- The maximum moving speed setting, in pixel per second.
- The moving acceleration setting, in pixel per second per second.
- The moving deceleration setting, in pixel per second per second.
- The maximum rotation speed setting, in degrees per second.
- The acceleration setting, in degrees per second per second.
- The rotation deceleration setting, in degrees per second per second.
- 1 to rotate sprite with command.
- The times to execute commands repeatly. 0 is infinity.
Condition:Is executing command
- Is executing command.
- Command Type ( Combo ) : Command Types.
- Options : ["Move (F)orward","Move (B)ackward","Turn (R)ight","Turn (L)eft","(W)ait","Any"]
Condition:On command queue finish
- Triggered when command queue finish.
Condition:On command start
- Triggered when command start.
- Command Type ( Combo ) : Command Types.
- Options : ["Move (F)orward","Move (B)ackward","Turn (R)ight","Turn (L)eft","(W)ait","Any"]
Condition:On command finish
- Triggered when command finish.
- Command Type ( Combo ) : Command Types.
- Options : ["Move (F)orward","Move (B)ackward","Turn (R)ight","Turn (L)eft","(W)ait","Any"]
Condition:Compare moving speed
- Compare the current moving speed of the object.
- Comparison ( cmp ) : Choose the way to compare the current moving speed.
- Speed ( number ) : The moving speed, in pixel per second, to compare the current speed to.
Condition:Compare rotation speed
- Compare the current rotation speed of the object.
- Comparison ( cmp ) : Choose the way to compare the current rotation speed.
- Speed ( number ) : The rotation speed, in degree per second, to compare the current speed to.