Plugin : Tween tasks







  • Start task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Destroy ( Combo ) : Destroy task after task done.
      • Options : ["Keep","Destroy"]


  • Pause task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.


  • Resume task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.


Action:Destroy task

  • Destroy task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.


Action:Set parameter

  • Assign start and end value of a function parameter.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Parameter ( string ) : Name of parameter.
    • Start ( number ) : Start value.
    • End ( number ) : End value
    • Type ( Combo ) : Function type of easing.
      • Options : ["Linear","EaseInQuad","EaseOutQuad","EaseInOutQuad","EaseInCubic","EaseOutCubic","EaseInOutCubic","EaseInQuart","EaseOutQuart","EaseInOutQuart","EaseInQuint","EaseOutQuint","EaseInOutQuint","EaseInCircle","EaseOutCircle","EaseInOutCircle","EaseInBack","EaseOutBack","EaseInOutBack","EaseInElastic","EaseOutElastic","EaseInOutElastic","EaseInBounce","EaseOutBounce","EaseInOutBounce"]

New - group task

Action:New sequence task

  • Create a new task to run tasks in sequence or parallel.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Repeat ( number ) : Repeat count. 0 is infinty.
    • Task {n} ( variadic ) : Tasks in sequence.

Action:New parallel task

  • Create a new task to run tasks in parallel.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Repeat ( number ) : Repeat count. 0 is infinty.
    • Child task {n} ( variadic ) : Tasks in parallel.

Action:Add child task

  • Add child task into group task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • child task ( string ) : Name of child task.

New - tween task

Action:New function task

  • Create a new task to run functuion.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Function ( string ) : The name of the function that is being called.
    • Interval ( number ) : Interval, in seconds.
    • Repeat ( number ) : Repeat count. 0 is infinty.

Action:New inversed task

  • Create a new task inversed from function task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Inverse from ( string ) : Name of inversed task.

New - wait for signal task

Action:New wait for signal task

  • Create a new wait task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Signal ( string ) : Name of waited signal.

New - wait task

Action:New wait task

  • Create a new wait task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Interval ( number ) : Wait interval, in seconds.

On function

Action:Apply easing

  • Apply easing to function parameter, used under "Condition: On function"
    • Parameter ( string ) : Name of parameter.
    • Type ( Combo ) : Function type of easing.
      • Options : ["Linear","EaseInQuad","EaseOutQuad","EaseInOutQuad","EaseInCubic","EaseOutCubic","EaseInOutCubic","EaseInQuart","EaseOutQuart","EaseInOutQuart","EaseInQuint","EaseOutQuint","EaseInOutQuint","EaseInCircle","EaseOutCircle","EaseInOutCircle","EaseInBack","EaseOutBack","EaseInOutBack","EaseInElastic","EaseOutElastic","EaseInOutElastic","EaseInBounce","EaseOutBounce","EaseInOutBounce"]

Task parameter

Action:Set parameter

  • Set a parameter of task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Parameter ( number or string ) : Name of parameter
    • Value ( number or string ) : Value

Action:Bind instance

  • Bind instance to task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Instance ( object ) : Bound instance.
    • Destroy ( Combo ) : Destroy bound instance after task done.
      • Options : ["Keep","Destroy"]

Action:Bind instance by UID

  • Bind instance to task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • UID ( number ) : Instance UID.
    • Destroy ( Combo ) : Destroy bound instance after task done.
      • Options : ["Keep","Destroy"]

Wait for signal

Action:Continue task

  • Continue task.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Signal ( string ) : Name of waited signal.

Action:Continue by signal

  • Continue task.
    • Signal ( string ) : Name of waited signal.




  • Get tween value of parameter under "Condition:On function". Add "start", "end", or "delta" to 2nd parameter to get start or end or delta value.
    • Parameter ( string ) : Name of parameter.



  • Get current child task name in sequence task. Return "" if not avaiable. Add 2nd parameter to child task name.



  • Get value of task parameter.
    • Task ( string ) : Name of task.
    • Parameter ( string ) : Parameter's name


  • Get task name.


  • Get root task name. Add 2nd parameter to child task name.


  • Get bound instance UID.



Condition:On task done

  • Triggered when a task is done.
    • Name ( string ) : Name of task.

Condition:On any task done

  • Triggered when any task is done.

Condition:On any task start

  • Triggered when any task is started.

Condition:On task started

  • Triggered when a task is started.
    • Name ( string ) : Name of task.


Condition:On function

  • Triggered when a function is called.
    • Name ( string ) : The name of the function that is being called.


Condition:Is task running

  • Return true if task is running.
    • Name ( string ) : Name of task.