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Array sorting, built-in methods of phaser.

  • Author: Richard Davey


Built-in array sort

var out = arr.sort(compareFunction);
  • compareFunction : A function that defines an alternative sort order.
    function(a, b) {
        // return a - b;
    • Return a negative value
    • Return 0
    • Return a positive value

Stable array sort

var out = Phaser.Utils.Array.StableSort(arr, compareFunction);


var arr = Phaser.Utils.Array.Shuffle(arr);

Move item

  • Moves the given element to the top of the array.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.BringToTop(arr, item);
  • Moves the given element to the bottom of the array.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.SendToBack(arr, item);
  • Moves the given array element up.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.MoveUp(array, item);
  • Moves the given array element down.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.MoveDown(array, item);
  • Moves an element in an array to a new position.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.MoveTo(array, item, index);
  • Swaps the position of two elements.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.Swap(array, item1, item2);
  • Moves the element at the start of the array to the end, shifting all items in the process.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.RotateLeft(array, steps);
    • steps : The number of times to shift the array.
  • Moves the element at the end of the array to the start, shifting all items in the process.
    Phaser.Utils.Array.RotateRight(array, steps);
    • steps : The number of times to shift the array.