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Clamp or wrap position of game object inside target bounds.

  • Author: Rex
  • Behavior of game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexboundsplugin', '', true);
  • Add bounds behavior
    var bounds = scene.plugins.get('rexboundsplugin').add(gameObject, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import BoundsPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/bounds-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexBounds',
                plugin: BoundsPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add bounds behavior
    var bounds = scene.plugins.get('rexBounds').add(gameObject, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import Bounds from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/bounds.js';
  • Add bounds behavior
    var bounds = new Bounds(gameObject, config);

Create instance

var bounds = scene.plugins.get('rexBounds').add(gameObject, {
    // target: undefined,
    // bounds: undefined,
    // enable: true,

    // boundsHitMode: 'clamp',  // 'clamp', or 'wrap'
    // boundsHitMode: {
    //     left: 'clamp',
    //     right: 'clamp',
    //     top: 'clamp',
    //     bottom: 'clamp' 
    // },

    // alignMode: 0
  • target :
    • A game object : Update target bounds from this game object in each tick.
    • undefined, null, or false : Set target bounds in bounds parameter. Default behavior.
  • bounds : Target bounds used when target is not a game object.
    • A rectangle object
    • An object :
          width: 0, height: 0,
          x: 0, y: 0,
          centerX: 0, centerY: 0,            
      • width, height : Size of target bounds.
      • x, y, or centerX, centerY : Position of target bounds.
  • enable :
    • true : Clamp or wrap game object's position when game object overlap left/right/top/bottom bounds.
    • false : Don't clamp or wrap game object's position at any bound
    • An objecct : Set true to clamp or wrap game object's position at a bound
          left: true,
          right: true,
          top: true,
          bottom: true
  • boundsHitMode : Position mode when game object overlap bounds
    • 0, or 'clamp' : Clamp game object's position when game object overlap left/right/top/bottom bounds.
    • 1, or 'wrap' : Wrap game object's position when game object overlap left/right/top/bottom bounds.
    • An objecct : Set 0/'clamp', or 1/'wrap' to clamp or wrap game object's position at a bound
          left: 0,   // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          right: 0,  // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          top: 0,    // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          bottom: 0  // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
  • alignMode :
    • 0, or 'bounds' : Align bounds of game object to target bound. Default behavior if boundsHitMode are all set to clamp mode.
    • 1, or 'origin' : Set position of game object to target bound. Default behavior if boundsHitMode has wrap mode.

Target game object

  • Set
    // bounds.boundsTarget = gameObject;
  • Clear
    // bounds.boundsTarget = undefined;
  • Get
    var gameObject = bounds.boundsTarget;

Target bounds

  • Set
    • bounds : Target bounds used when target is not a game object.
      • A rectangle
      • An object :
            width: 0, height: 0,
            x: 0, y: 0,
            centerX: 0, centerY: 0,            
        • width, height : Size of target bounds.
        • x, y, or centerX, centerY : Position of target bounds.
  • Get
    var rect = bounds.bounds;


  • Set
    • Enable all bounds
      //  bounds.setEnable(true);
    • Disable all bounds
    • Enable bounds via object
          left: true,
          right: true,
          top: true,
          bottom: true
  • Get
    var enable = bounds.enable;
    • true : Has any enabled bounds
    • false : All bounds are disabled.
  • Get enabled of a bound
    var enableLeftBound = bounds.boundsEnable.left;
    var enableRightBound = bounds.boundsEnable.right;
    var enableTopBound =;
    var enableBottomBound = bounds.boundsEnable.bottom;

Bound hit mode

  • Set
    • 0, or 'clamp' : Clamp game object's position when game object overlap left/right/top/bottom bounds.
    • 1, or 'wrap' : Wrap game object's position when game object overlap left/right/top/bottom bounds.
    • An objecct : Set 0/'clamp', or 1/'wrap' to clamp or wrap game object's position at a bound
          left: 0,   // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          right: 0,  // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          top: 0,    // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
          bottom: 0  // 0,'clamp',1,'wrap'
  • Get
    var leftBoundHitMode = bounds.boundsHitMode.left;
    var rightBoundHitMode = bounds.boundsHitMode.right;
    var topBoundHitMode =;
    var bottomBoundHitMode = bounds.boundsHitMode.bottom;

Align mond

  • Set
    • 0, or 'bounds' : Align bounds of game object to target bound.
    • 1, or 'origin' : Set position of game object to target bound.
  • Get
    var alignMode = bounds.alignMode;
    • 0 : Align bounds of game object to target bound.
    • 1 : Set position of game object to target bound.

Hit result

  • Game object is hitting any bound
    var isHitAny = bounds.isHitAny;
  • Game object is hitting a bound
    var isHitLeft = this.isHitLeft;
    var isHitRight = this.isHitRight;
    var isHitTop = this.isHitTop;
    var isHitBottom = this.isHitBottom;


  • On hit any bound
    bounds.on('hitany', function(gameObject, bounds) {
  • On hit left bound
    bounds.on('hitleft', function(gameObject, bounds) {
  • On hit right bound
    bounds.on('hitright', function(gameObject, bounds) {
  • On hit top bound
    bounds.on('hittop', function(gameObject, bounds) {
  • On hit bottom bound
    bounds.on('hitbottom', function(gameObject, bounds) {