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Flow control of question manager with a dialog.

  • Author: Rex
  • Template

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');    
    scene.load.script('rexdialogquest', '');
  • Add dialog and quest object
    var dialog = scene.rexUI.add.dialog(config); 
    var quest = new rexdialogquest({
        dialog: dialog,
        // ...

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    import DialogQuest from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/dialog-quest/DialogQuest.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add dialog and quest object
    var dialog = scene.rexUI.add.dialog(config); 
    var quest = new DialogQuest({
        dialog: dialog,
        // ...

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Dialog } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
    import DialogQuest from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/dialog-quest/DialogQuest.js';
  • Add dialog object
    var dialog = new Dialog(scene, config);
    var quest = new DialogQuest({
        dialog: dialog,
        // ...

Create dialog-quest object

var quest = new DialogQuest({
    dialog: dialog,

    questions: undefined,
    // format: undefined,
    // delimiter: ',',
    // types: {
    //     question: 'q',
    //     option: '',
    // },
    // convert: true,

    quest: true,
    // quest: {
    //     shuffleQuestions: false,
    //     shuffleOptions: false,
    // }
  • dialog : A dialog game object.
    • UI plugin does not included in this template, install it before creating a dialog game object.
    • Reuse/update dialog game object for each question.
    • The number of choice buttons should be equal or larger than the maximun number of options.
  • Other parameters : See quest

Flow chart

graph TB

Start["quest.start()"] --> EventUpdateChoice["quest.emit('update-choice', choice, option, quest)<br>----<br>Update each choice button via question.option[i]"]

EventUpdateChoice --> EventUpdateDialog["quest.emit('update-dialog', dialog, question, quest)<br>----<br>Update dialog, action button via question"]

EventUpdateDialog --> EventClickChoice["quest.emit('click-choice', choice, dialog, quest)<br>----<br>Click any choice button"]

EventClickChoice --> EventClickAction["quest.emit('click-action', action, dialog, quest)<br>----<br>Click any action button"]

EventClickAction --> IsLast{"quest.isLast()"}
EventClickChoice --> IsLast

IsLast --> |No| Next[""]
IsLast --> |Yes| Complete("Complete")

Next --> EventUpdateChoice


  • Update dialog events
    • Update each choice button via question.option[i]
      quest.on('update-choice', function(choice, option, quest){
      }, scope);
      • choice : Choice button game object.
        • Unused choice button game object will be hideen.
      • option : Option object.
      • quest : Quest object.
    • Update dialog, action buttos via question
      quest.on('update-dialog', function(dialog, question, quest){
      }, scope);
      • dialog : Dialog game object.
        • Call dialog.layout() if needs.
      • question : Question object.
      • quest : Quest object.
  • Button clicking events
    • Click choice button
      quest.on('click-choice', function(choice, dialog, quest) {
      }, scope);
      • choice : Clicked choice button game object.
      • dialog : Dialog game object.
      • quest : Quest object.
    • Click choice button
      quest.on('click-action', function(action, dialog, quest) {
      }, scope);
      • choice : Clicked action button game object.
      • dialog : Dialog game object.
      • quest : Quest object.

Quest methods

  • Start quest
  • Next quest;
  • Is last question
    var isLast = quest.isLast();
  • Remove all questions
  • Add questions
    quest.add(questions, config);
    • questions : An array of question objects, or a csv string. See questions section in Create question manager instance section.
    • config :
      • delimiter : Delimiter of csv string. Default value is ','
      • types : Define value of row type.
        • types.question : Define value of question row. Default value is q.
        • types.option : Define value of option row. Default value is '' (empty string).
      • convert : Convert string values to other types.
        • Default type converting : Convert string to number, boolean, null, or string
          • '0', '1', ... (number string) -> number
          • 'true', or 'false' -> true or false
          • '' (empty string) -> null
          • Others : string.
        • Set false to ignore types converting, i.e. all values are string.
        • A custom type converting function :
          function(stringValue, key) {
              // return value;

Private data methods

  • Get data
    var value = quest.getData(key, defaultValue);
  • Get all data
    var data = quest.getData();
  • Set value
    quest.setData(key, value);
  • Increase value
    quest.incData(key, inc, defaultValue);
  • Multiple value
    quest.mulData(key, mul, defaultValue);
  • Clear all data