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Ease-move game object.

  • Author: Rex
  • Method only


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexeasemoveplugin', '', true);
  • Ease-move to/from
    var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexeasemoveplugin').moveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);
    var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexeasemoveplugin').moveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import EaseMovePlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/easemove-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexEaseMove',
                plugin: EaseMovePlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Ease-move to/from
    var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);
    var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);

Import method

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import method
    import { EaseMoveTo, EaseMoveFrom } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/easemove.js';
  • EaseMove-out-destroy
    var easemove = EaseMoveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);
    var easemove = EaseMoveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);

Move to

var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y);
// var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);
// easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveTo(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease, easemove);
  • x, y : End position.
    • Number : End position x/y.
    • String(+=300) : Related position of current position x/y.
    • undefined : Don't move along x/y axis.
  • ease : 'Linear', 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back' ...
  • easemove : Ease-move behavior.

Move from

var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y);
// var easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease);
// easemove = scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').moveFrom(gameObject, duration, x, y, ease, easemove);
  • x, y : Start position.
    • Number : Start position x/y.
    • String(-=300) : Related position of current position x/y.
    • undefined : Don't move along x/y axis.
  • ease : 'Linear', 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back' ...
  • easemove : Ease-move behavior.


See Events of tween task

  • Move completes or is stopped.
    easemove.on('complete', function(gameObject, easemove){
    }, scope);

Inject methods

  • Inject methods into game object
  • Inject methods into class of game object
    // scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').injectMethods(Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite.prototype);
  • Inject methods into class of game object
    // scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').injectMethods(Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite.prototype);
  • Inject methods into root class of game object
    // scene.plugins.get('rexEaseMove').injectMethods(Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject.prototype);

Injected methods

  • Move from
    gameObject.moveFrom(duration, x, y);
    // gameObject.moveFrom(duration, x, y, ease);
    // gameObject.moveFrom({x, y, duration, ease});
    // gameObject.moveFrom({x, y, speed, ease});
        .moveFromPromise(duration, x, y, ease)
        // .moveFromPromise({x, y, duration, ease})
        // .moveFromPromise({x, y, speed, ease})
            // ...
    • x, y : Start position.
      • Number : Start position x/y.
      • String(+=300) : Related position of current position x/y.
      • undefined : Current position x/y.
    • speed : Get duration according to speed and distance between current gameObject position to {x, y}
    • ease : 'Linear', 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back' ...
  • Move-from destroy
    gameObject.moveFromDestroy(duration, x, y);
    // gameObject.moveFrom(duration, x, y, ease);
    // gameObject.moveFrom({x, y, duration, ease});
    // gameObject.moveFrom({x, y, speed, ease});
        .moveFromDestroyPromise(duration, x, y, ease)
        // .moveFromDestroyPromise({x, y, duration, ease})
        // .moveFromDestroyPromise({x, y, speed, ease})
            // ...
  • Move to
    gameObject.moveTo(duration, x, y);
    // gameObject.moveTo(duration, x, y, ease);
    // gameObject.moveTo({x, y, duration, ease});
    // gameObject.moveTo({x, y, speed, ease});
        .moveToPromise(duration, x, y, ease)
        // .moveToPromise({x, y, duration, ease})
        // .moveToPromise({x, y, speed, ease})
            // ...
    • x, y : End position.
      • Number : End position x/y.
      • String(+=300) : Related position of current position x/y.
      • undefined : Current position x/y.
    • speed : Get duration according to speed and distance between current gameObject position to {x, y}
    • ease : 'Linear', 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back' ...
  • Move-to destroy
    gameObject.moveToDestroy(duration, x, y);
    // gameObject.moveTo(duration, x, y, ease);
    // gameObject.moveTo({x, y, duration, ease});
    // gameObject.moveTo({x, y, speed, ease});
        .moveToDestroyPromise(duration, x, y, ease)
        // .moveToDestroyPromise({x, y, duration, ease})
        // .moveToDestroyPromise({x, y, speed, ease})
            // ...
  • Move-stop
    // gameObject.moveStop(true);  // Set to end position
  • Events
    • Move-from complete
      gameObject.on('movefrom.complete', function(gameObject) { });
    • Move-to complete
      gameObject.on('moveto.complete', function(gameObject) { });