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Get scale factor from 2 dragging touch pointers.

  • Author: Rex
  • Member of scene

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Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexgesturesplugin', '', 'rexGestures', 'rexGestures');
  • Add pinch input
    var pinch = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch(config);
    // var pinch = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch(gameObject, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import GesturesPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/gestures-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexGestures',
                plugin: GesturesPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexGestures'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add pinch input
    var pinch = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch(config);
    // var pinch = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch(gameObject, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Pinch } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/gestures.js';
  • Add pinch input
    var pinch = new Pinch(scene, config);
    // var pinch = new Pinch(gameObject, config);

Create instance

  • Pinch input
    var pinch = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch({
        // enable: true,
        // bounds: undefined,
        // threshold: 0,
    • enable : Set false to disable input events.
    • bounds : A rectangle object or undefined (to use game window as rectangle object), for detecting the position of cursor.
    • threshold : Fire pinch events after dragging distances of catched pointers are larger than this threshold.
  • Pinch behavior of game object
    var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pinch(gameObject, {
        // enable: true,
        // bounds: undefined,
        // threshold: 0,
    • Start pinching when pointer-down on this game object.


  • Get
    var enable = pinch.enable;  // enable: true, or false
  • Set
    pinch.setEnable(enable);  // enable: true, or false
    // pinch.enable = enable;
  • Toggle


On dragging

  • On dragging 1st touch pointer, fired when 1st touch pointer is moving
    pinch.on('drag1', function(pinch) {
        // var drag1Vector = pinch.drag1Vector; // drag1Vector: {x, y}
    }, scope);
    • pinch.drag1Vector : Drag vector from prevoius touch position to current touch position of 1st catched touch pointer.
  • On dragging 2 touch pointers, fired when any catched touch pointer moved.
    pinch.on('pinch', function(pinch) {
        // var scaleFactor = pinch.scaleFactor;
        // gameObject.scaleX *= scaleFactor;
        // gameObject.scaleY *= scaleFactor;
    }, scope);
    • pinch.scaleFactor : Rate of distance change between 2 catched touch pointers.

On drag start, on drag end

  • On drag 1 touch pointer start, fired when catching 1st touch pointer.
    pinch.on('drag1start', function(pinch) {
    }, scope);
  • On drag 1 touch pointer end, fired when releasing the last one catched touch pointer.
    pinch.on('drag1end', function(pinch) {
    }, scope);
  • On drag 2 touch pointers start, fired when catching 2 touch pointers.
    pinch.on('pinchstart', function(pinch) {
    }, scope);
  • On drag 2 touch pointers end, fired when releasing any catched touch pointer.
    pinch.on('pinchend', function(pinch) {
    }, scope);

Scale factor

var scaleFactor = pinch.scaleFactor;

Rate of distance change between 2 catched touch pointers. (i.e current distance between 2 catched touch pointers / previous distance ).

Drag vector of 1st touch pointer

var drag1Vector = pinch.drag1Vector; // {x, y}

Catched touch pointers

  • Pointer 0, available when state is 1
    var pointer0 = pinch.pointers[0];
    • Position of pointer
      var x = pointer0.x;
      var y = pointer0.y;
      var worldX = pointer0.worldX;
      var worldY = pointer0.worldY;
  • Pointer 1, available when state is 2
    var pointer1 = pinch.pointers[1];

Is pinched

var isPinched = pinch.isPinched;

Return true if pinched.

Is pointer inside another game object

Under any pinch event,

pinch.on('pinch', function(pinch) {
    var isPointer0InsideGameObject = pinch.isPointer0InGameObject(anotherGameObject);
    var isPointer1InsideGameObject = pinch.isPointer1InGameObject(anotherGameObject);

Other properties

  • Drag threshold
    • Get
      var dragThreshold = pinch.dragThreshold;
    • Set
      // pinch.dragThreshold = dragThreshold;
  • Detect bounds
    • Get
      var bounds = pinch.bounds;
    • Set
      // pinch.bounds = bounds;