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Group actions


Set properties of game objects, built-in methods of phaser.

  • Author: Richard Davey


Call function

Phaser.Actions.Call(gameObjects, function(gameObject) {

}, scope);

Set any property

Phaser.Actions.PropertyValueSet(gameObjects, key, value, step, index, direction);
  • gameObjects : An array of game objects.
  • key : The property to be updated.
  • value : The amount to be added to the property.
  • step : This is added to the value amount, multiplied by the iteration counter.
  • index : An optional offset to start searching from within the items array.
  • direction :
    • 1 : from beginning to end.
    • -1: from end to beginning.
Phaser.Actions.PropertyValueInc(gameObjects, key, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.SmootherStep(gameObjects, key, min, max, inc));
Phaser.Actions.SmoothStep(gameObjects, key, min, max, inc));
Phaser.Actions.Spread(gameObjects, key, min, max, inc));


Phaser.Actions.SetX(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.IncX(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.SetY(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.IncY(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.SetXY(gameObjects, x, y, stepX, stepY, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.IncXY(gameObjects, x, y, stepX, stepY, index, direction);

Shift position

Set the position of first game object to (x, y), others to the position of previous game object.

Phaser.Actions.ShiftPosition(gameObjects, x, y, direction, output);

Position on shape

Grid align

Phaser.Actions.GridAlign(gameObjects, {
    width: -1,
    height: -1,
    cellWidth: 1,
    cellHeight: 1,
    position: Phaser.Display.Align.TOP_LEFT,
    x: 0,
    y: 0
  • width : The width of the grid in items (not pixels). -1 means lay all items out horizontally, regardless of quantity.
  • height : The height of the grid in items (not pixels). -1 means lay all items out vertically, regardless of quantity.
  • cellWidth : The width of the cell, in pixels.
  • cellHeight : The height of the cell, in pixels.
  • position : The alignment position.
    • 0, or Phaser.Display.Align.TOP_LEFT
    • 1, or Phaser.Display.Align.TOP_CENTER
    • 2, or Phaser.Display.Align.TOP_RIGHT
    • 3, or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_TOP
    • 4, or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER
    • 5, or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_BOTTOM
    • 6, or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER
    • 7, or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_TOP
    • 8, or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER
    • 9, or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_BOTTOM
    • 10, or Phaser.Display.Align.BOTTOM_LEFT
    • 11, or Phaser.Display.Align.BOTTOM_CENTER
    • 12, or Phaser.Display.Align.BOTTOM_RIGHT
  • x, y : Position of first item.


Line :

var line = new Phaser.Geom.Line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnLine(gameObjects, line);
// Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnLine(gameObjects, line, ease);
Phaser.Actions.RandomLine(gameObjects, line);


Circle :

var circle = new Phaser.Geom.Circle(x, y, radius);
Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnCircle(gameObjects, circle, startAngle, endAngle);
Phaser.Actions.RandomCircle(gameObjects, circle);


Ellipse :

var ellipse = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(x, y, width, height);
Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnEllipse(gameObjects, ellipse, startAngle, endAngle);


Triangle :

var triangle = new Phaser.Geom.Triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnTriangle(gameObjects, triangle, stepRate);
Phaser.Actions.RandomTriangle(gameObjects, triangle);


Rectangle :

var rect = new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
Phaser.Actions.PlaceOnRectangle(gameObjects, rect, shift;
Phaser.Actions.RandomRectangle(gameObjects, rect);
Phaser.Actions.WrapInRectangle(gameObjects, rect, padding);


Phaser.Actions.Angle(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
// value: angle in radians
Phaser.Actions.Rotate(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
// value: angle in degree
Phaser.Actions.RotateAround(gameObjects, point, angle);
// point: {x, y}, angle: angle in radians
Phaser.Actions.RotateAroundDistance(gameObjects, point, angle, distance);
// point: {x, y}, angle: angle in radians


Phaser.Actions.SetVisible(gameObjects, value, index, direction);


Phaser.Actions.SetAlpha(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);


Phaser.Actions.setTint(gameObjects, value);
//Phaser.Actions.setTint(gameObjects, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight);


Phaser.Actions.SetOrigin(gameObjects, originX, originY, stepX, stepY, index, direction);


Phaser.Actions.ScaleX(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.ScaleY(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.ScaleXY(gameObjects, x, y, stepX, stepY, index, direction);

Scroll factor

Phaser.Actions.SetScrollFactorX(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.SetScrollFactorY(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);
Phaser.Actions.SetScrollFactor(gameObjects, x, y, stepX, stepY, index, direction);


Phaser.Actions.SetDepth(gameObjects, value, step, index, direction);

Hit area

Phaser.Actions.SetHitArea(gameObjects, hitArea, hitAreaCallback);

Blend mode

Phaser.Actions.SetBlendMode(gameObjects, blendMode, index, direction);

Play animation

Phaser.Actions.PlayAnimation(gameObjects, key, ignoreIfPlaying);

