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Control by input


Control camera's scroll by pan/cursor-at-bounds(scroll), and zoom by pinch/mouse-wheel.

  • Author: Rex
  • Member of scene

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexcameracontrollerplugin', '', true);
  • Add camera-controller object
    var cameraController = scene.plugins.get('rexcameracontrollerplugin').add(scene, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import CameraControllerPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/cameracontroller-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexCameraController',
                plugin: CameraControllerPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add camera-controller object
    var cameraController = scene.plugins.get('rexCameraController').add(scene, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import CameraController from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/cameracontroller.js';
  • Add camera-controller object
    var cameraController = new CameraController(scene, config);

Create instance

var cameraController = scene.plugins.get('rexCameraController').add(scene, {
    // camera: scene.cameras.main,
    // minZoom: undefined,
    // maxZoom: undefined,

    // panScroll: true,
    // panScrollEnable: true,

    // pinchZoom: true,
    // pinchZoomEnable: true,
    // pinchZoomMin: undefined,
    // pinchZoomMax: undefined,

    // inputTarget: undefined,

    // boundsScroll: true,
    // boundsScrollEnable: true,

    // mouseWheelZoom: truem
    // mouseWheelZoomEnable: true,
    // mouseWheelZoomStep: 0.01,
    // mouseWheelZoomMin: undefined,
    // mouseWheelZoomMax: undefined,

    // enable: true
  • scene : Target scene.
  • camera :
    • undefined : Default camera of this scene.
    • A camera object : Control this camera object.
  • minZoom, maxZoom : Minumun/maximum camera zoom value for pinchZoom and mouseWheelZoom behaviors.
    • undefined : No max/min constraint. Default behavior.
  • Pan scroll:
    • panScroll : Set to false will discard pan-scroll controller. Default is true.
    • panScrollEnable : Set to true to enable pan-scroll behavior. Default value is true.
    • inputTarget :
      • undefined : Receive pan/pinch input by scene's input event. Default behavior.
      • A game object : Receive pan/pinch input only on this game object.
  • Pinch zoom:
    • pinchZoom : Set to false will discard pinch-zoom controller. Default is true.
    • pinchZoomEnable : Set to true to enable pinch-zoom behavior. Default value is true.
    • pinchZoomMin, pinchZoomMax : Minumun/maximum camera zoom value. Default value is minZoom, maxZoom.
    • inputTarget :
      • undefined : Receive pan/pinch input by scene's input event. Default behavior.
      • A game object : Receive pan/pinch input only on this game object.
  • cursor-at-bounds scroll :
    • boundsScroll : Set to false will discard cursor-at-bounds-scroller controller. Default is true.
    • boundsScrollEnable : Set to true to enable bounds-scroll behavior. Default value is true.
  • mouse-wheel zoom :
    • mouseWheelZoom : Set to false will discard mouse-wheel-zoom controller. Default is true.
    • mouseWheelZoomEnable : Set to true to enable mouse-wheel-zoom behavior. Default value is true.
    • mouseWheelZoomStep : Camera zoom incremental. Default value is 0.1.
    • mouseWheelZoomMin, mouseWheelZoomMax : Minumun/maximum camera zoom value. Default value is minZoom, maxZoom.
  • enable :
    • false : Disable all camera-controller temporary.
    • true : Restore all camera-controller's enable state to previous value. Default behavior.

Set target camera


Enable controller behavior

  • Pan-scroll
    // cameraController.panScrollEnable = enable;
  • Pinch-zoom
    // cameraController.pinchZoomEnable = enable;
  • Bounds-scroll
    // cameraController.boundsScrollEnable = enable;
  • Wheel-zoom
    // cameraController.mouseWheelZoomEnable = enable;
  • Disable all behaviors
    // cameraController.enable = false;
  • Restore enable state of all behaviors
    // cameraController.enable = true;
  • Toggle enable state
    // cameraController.enable = !cameraController.enable;