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Built-in pre-fx, and post-fx shader effects.

  • Barrel Distortion : A nice pinch / bulge distortion effect.
  • Bloom : Add bloom to any Game Object, with custom offset, blur strength, steps and color.
  • Blur : 3 different levels of gaussian blur (low, medium and high) and custom distance and color.
  • Bokeh / Tilt Shift : A bokeh and tiltshift effect, with intensity, contrast and distance settings.
  • Circle Outline : Add a circular ring around any Game Object, useful for masking / avatar frames, with custom color, width and background color.
  • Color Matrix : Add a ColorMatrix to any Game Object with access to all of its methods, such as sepia, greyscale, lsd and lots more.
  • Glow : Add a smooth inner or outer glow, with custom distance, strength and color.
  • Displacement : Use a displacement texture, such as a noise texture, to drastically (or subtly!) alter the appearance of a Game Object.
  • Gradient : Draw a gradient between two colors across any Game Object, with optional 'chunky' mode for classic retro style games.
  • Pixelate : Make any Game Object appear pixelated, to a varying degree.
  • Shine : Run a 'shine' effect across a Game Object, either additively or as part of a reveal.
  • Shadow : Add a drop shadow behind a Game Object, with custom depth and color.
  • Vignette : Apply a vignette around a Game Object, with custom offset position, radius and color.
  • Wipe / Reveal : Set a Game Object to 'wipe' or 'reveal' with custom line width, direction and axis of the effect.

Texture-based Game Objects also support Pre FX, including: Image, Sprite, TileSprite, Text, RenderTexture, Video.

All Game Objects and camera support Post FX. These are effects applied after the Game Object has been rendered.

  • Author: Richard Davey
  • Pre-fx, and Post-fx shader effects

WebGL only

Only work in WebGL render mode.

Live demos



  • Add pre-fx to game object
    // gameObject.preFX.setPadding(padding);
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addBarrel(amount);
    • padding : The amount of padding to add to this Game Object, in pixels.
      • Used when amount is larger than 1.
    • amount : The amount of distortion applied to the barrel effect.
      • 1 : No distortion
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addBarrel(amount);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addBarrel(amount);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.amount = amount;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addBloom(color, offsetX, offsetY, blurStrength, strength, steps);
    • color : The color of the Bloom, as a hex value.
    • offsetX, offsetY : The horizontal/vertical offset of the bloom effect. Default value is 1.
    • blurStrength , strength : The strength of the blur/blend process of the bloom effect. Default value is 1.
    • steps : The number of steps to run the Bloom effect for. This value should always be an integer. Default value is 4.
      • The higher the value, the smoother the Bloom, but at the cost of exponentially more gl operations.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addBloom(color, offsetX, offsetY, blurStrength, strength, steps);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addBloom(color, offsetX, offsetY, blurStrength, strength, steps);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.color = color;  // hex value
    effect.offsetX = offsetX;
    effect.offsetY = offsetY;
    effect.blurStrength = blurStrength;
    effect.strength = strength;
    effect.steps = steps; // integer


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addBlur(quality, x, y, strength, color, steps);
    • quality : The quality of the blur effect. Default value is 0.
      • 0 : Low Quality
      • 1 : Medium Quality
      • 2 : High Quality
    • x, y : The horizontal/vertical offset of the blur effect. Default value is 2
    • strength : The strength of the blur effect. Default value is 1.
    • color : The color of the blur, as a hex value. Default value is 0xffffff.
    • steps : The number of steps to run the blur effect for. This value should always be an integer.
      • The higher the value, the smoother the blur, but at the cost of exponentially more gl operations.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addBlur(quality, x, y, strength, color, steps);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addBlur(quality, x, y, strength, color, steps);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.quality = quality;
    effect.x = x;
    effect.y = y;
    effect.strength = strength;
    effect.color = color;
    effect.steps = steps;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addBokeh(radius, amount, contrast);
    • radius : The radius of the bokeh effect. Default value is 0.5.
    • amount : The amount of the bokeh effect. Default value is 1.
    • contrast : The color contrast of the bokeh effect. Default value is 0.2.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addBlur(quality, x, y, strength, color, steps);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addBokeh(radius, amount, contrast);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.radius = radius;
    effect.amount = amount;
    effect.contrast = contrast;

Tilt Shift

  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addTiltShift(radius, amount, contrast, blurX, blurY, strength);
    • radius : The radius of the bokeh effect. Default value is 0.5.
    • amount : The amount of the bokeh effect. Default value is 1.
    • contrast : The color contrast of the bokeh effect. Default value is 0.2.
    • blurX, blurY : The amount of horizontal/vertical blur.
    • strength : The strength of the blur.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addTiltShift(radius, amount, contrast, blurX, blurY, strength);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addTiltShift(radius, amount, contrast, blurX, blurY, strength);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.radius = radius;
    effect.amount = amount;
    effect.contrast = contrast;
    effect.blurX = blurX;
    effect.blurY = blurY;
    effect.strength = strength;

Circle Outline

  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addCircle(thickness, color, backgroundColor, scale, feather);
    • thickness : The width of the circle around the texture, in pixels. Default value is 8.
    • color : The color of the circular ring, given as a number value. Default value is 0xfeedb6.
    • backgroundColor : The color of the background, behind the texture, given as a number value. Default value is 0xff0000.
    • scale : The scale of the circle. Default value is 1.
      • 1 : Full size of the underlying texture.
    • feather : The amount of feathering to apply to the circle from the ring. Default value is 0.005.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addCircle(thickness, color, backgroundColor, scale, feather);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addCircle(thickness, color, backgroundColor, scale, feather);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.thickness = thickness;
    effect.color = color;
    effect.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
    effect.backgroundAlpha = backgroundAlpha;
    effect.scale = scale;
    effect.feather = feather;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addColorMatrix();
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addColorMatrix();
    var effect = camera.postFX.addColorMatrix();
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Methods
    • Brightness : Changes the brightness of this ColorMatrix by the given amount.
      effect.brightness(value, multiply);
      • value : The amount of brightness to apply to this ColorMatrix. 0(black)~1. Default value is 0.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Saturate : Changes the saturation of this ColorMatrix by the given amount.
      effect.saturate(value, multiply);
      • value : The amount of saturation to apply to this ColorMatrix. Default value is 0.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Desaturate : Desaturates this ColorMatrix (removes color from it).
      effect.desaturate(value, multiply);
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Hue : Rotates the hues of this ColorMatrix by the value given.
      effect.hue(rotation, multiply);
      • rotation : The amount of hue rotation to apply to this ColorMatrix, in degrees. Default value is 0.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Grayscale : Sets this ColorMatrix to be grayscale.
      effect.grayscale(value, multiply);
      • value : The grayscale scale 0(black)~1. Default value is 1.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • BlackWhite : Sets this ColorMatrix to be black and white.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Contrast : Change the contrast of this ColorMatrix by the amount given.
      effect.contrast(value, multiply);
      • value : The amount of contrast to apply to this ColorMatrix. Default value is 0.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Negative : Converts this ColorMatrix to have negative values.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • DesaturateLuminance : Apply a desaturated luminance to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Sepia : Applies a sepia tone to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Night : Applies a night vision tone to this ColorMatrix.
      effect.night(intensity, multiply);
      • intensity : The intensity of this effect. Default value is 0.1.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • LSD : Applies a trippy color tone to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Brown : Applies a brown tone to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • VintagePinhole : Applies a vintage pinhole color effect to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Kodachrome : Applies a kodachrome color effect to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Technicolor : Applies a technicolor color effect to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • Polaroid : Applies a polaroid color effect to this ColorMatrix.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.
    • ShiftToBGR : Shifts the values of this ColorMatrix into BGR order.
      • multiply : Multiply the resulting ColorMatrix (true), or set it (false) ?
        • true : Multiply the resulting.
        • false : Set the resulting. Default behavior.


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addDisplacement(texture, x, y);
    • texture : The unique string-based key of the texture to use for displacement, which must exist in the Texture Manager. Default value is '__WHITE'.
      • You can only use a whole texture, not a frame from a texture atlas or sprite sheet.
    • x, y : The amount of horizontal/vertical displacement to apply. Default value is 0.005.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addDisplacement(texture, x, y);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addDisplacement(texture, x, y);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.x = x;
    effect.y = y;    
  • Methods
    • Set texture


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    // gameObject.preFX.setPadding(padding);
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addGlow(color, outerStrength, innerStrength, knockout);
    • padding : The amount of padding to add to this Game Object, in pixels.
      • Used when amount is larger than 1.
    • color : The color of the glow effect as a number value. Default value is 0xffffff.
    • outerStrength, innerStrength : The strength of the glow outward/inward from the edge of the Sprite. Default value is 4/0.
    • knockout :
      • true : Only the glow is drawn
      • false : Draw glow and texture. Default behavior.
    • quality : Only available for PostFX. Sets the quality of this Glow effect. Default is 0.1. Cannot be changed post-creation.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addGlow(color, outerStrength, innerStrength, knockout, quality, distance);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addGlow(color, outerStrength, innerStrength, knockout, quality, distance);
    • quality : Sets the quality of this Glow effect. Default is 0.1. Cannot be changed post-creation.
    • distance : Sets the distance of this Glow effect. Default is 10. Cannot be changed post-creation.
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.color = color;
    effect.outerStrength = outerStrength;
    effect.innerStrength = innerStrength;
    effect.knockout = knockout;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addGradient(color1, color2, alpha, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, size);
    • color1, color2 : The first/second gradient color, given as a number value. Default values are 0xff0000/0x00ff00.
    • alpha : The alpha value of the gradient effect.
    • fromX, fromY : The horizontal/vertical position the gradient will start from. Value between 0 and 1.
    • toX, toY : The horizontal/vertical position the gradient will end at. Value between 0 and 1.
    • size : How many 'chunks' the gradient is divided in to, as spread over the entire height of the texture.
      • 0 : Smooth gradient. Default behavior.
      • Others : Retro chunky effect.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addGradient(color1, color2, alpha, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, size);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addGradient(color1, color2, alpha, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, size);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.color1 = color1;
    effect.color2 = color2;
    effect.alpha = alpha;
    effect.fromX = fromX;
    effect.fromY = fromY;
    effect.toX = toX;
    effect.toY = toY;
    effect.size = size;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addPixelate(amount);
    • amount : The amount of pixelation to apply, in pixels.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addPixelate(amount);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addPixelate(amount);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.amount = amount;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    // gameObject.preFX.setPadding(padding);
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addShadow(x, y, decay, power, color, samples, intensity);
    • padding : The amount of padding to add to this Game Object, in pixels.
      • Used when amount is larger than 1.
    • x, y : The horizontal/vertical offset of the shadow effect. Default value is 0.
    • decay : The amount of decay for shadow effect. Default value is 0.1.
    • power : The power of the shadow effect. Default value is 1.
    • color : The color of the shadow. Default value is 0x000000.
    • samples : The number of samples that the shadow effect will run for. An integer between 1 and 12.
    • intensity : The intensity of the shadow effect. Default value is 1.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addShadow(x, y, decay, power, color, samples, intensity);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addShadow(x, y, decay, power, color, samples, intensity);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.x = x;
    effect.y = y;
    effect.decay = decay;
    effect.power = power;
    effect.color = color;
    effect.samples = samples;
    effect.intensity = intensity;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addShine(speed, lineWidth, gradient, reveal);
    • speed : The speed of the Shine effect. Default value is 0.5.
    • lineWidth : The line width of the Shine effect. Default value is 0.5.
    • gradient : The gradient of the Shine effect. Default value is 3.
    • reveal : Does this Shine effect reveal or get added to its target?
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addShine(speed, lineWidth, gradient, reveal);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addShine(speed, lineWidth, gradient, reveal);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.speed = speed;
    effect.lineWidth = lineWidth;
    effect.gradient = gradient;
    effect.reveal = reveal;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addVignette(x, y, radius, strength);
    • x, y : The horizontal/vertical offset of the vignette effect. Value is between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.5.
    • radius : The radius of the vignette effect. Value is between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.5.
    • strength : The strength of the vignette effect. Default value is 0.5.
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addVignette(x, y, radius, strength);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addVignette(x, y, radius, strength);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.x = x;
    effect.y = y;
    effect.radius = radius;
    effect.strength = strength;


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addWipe(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
    • wipeWidth : The width of the wipe effect. Value is between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.1.
    • direction : The direction of the wipe effect.
      • 0 : Left to right, or top to bottom
      • 1 : Right to left, or bottom to top
    • axis : The axis of the wipe effect.
      • 0 : Left to right, or right to left
      • 1 : Bottom to top, or top to bottom
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addWipe(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addWipe(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.progress = t; // 0~1
    effect.wipeWidth = wipeWidth;
    effect.direction = direction;  // 0, 1
    effect.axis = axis;  // 0, 1    


  • Add pre-fx to game object
    var effect = gameObject.preFX.addReveal(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
    • wipeWidth : The width of the wipe effect. Value is between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.1.
    • direction : The direction of the wipe effect.
      • 0 : Left to right, or top to bottom
      • 1 : Right to left, or bottom to top
    • axis : The axis of the wipe effect.
      • 0 : Left to right, or right to left
      • 1 : Bottom to top, or top to bottom
  • Add post-fx to game object, or camera
    var effect = gameObject.postFX.addReveal(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
    var effect = camera.postFX.addReveal(wipeWidth, direction, axis);
  • Disable effect
    // = false;
  • Remove effect
  • Properties
    effect.progress = t; // 0~1
    effect.wipeWidth = wipeWidth;
    effect.direction = direction;  // 0, 1
    effect.axis = axis;  // 0, 1

Remove all effects


Disable all effects

// gameObject.preFX.disable(true);  // Also remove all effects
// gameObject.postFX.disable(true);  // Also remove all effects
// camera.postFX.disable(true);  // Also remove all effects