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Circular progress


Circular progress bar shape.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexcircularprogressplugin', '', true);
  • Add circular-progress object
    var circularProgress = scene.add.rexCircularProgress(x, y, radius, color, value, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import CircularProgressPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/circularprogress-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexCircularProgressPlugin',
                plugin: CircularProgressPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add circular-progress object
    var circularProgress = scene.add.rexCircularProgress(x, y, radius, color, value, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import CircularProgress from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/circularprogress.js';
  • Add circular-progress object
    var circularProgress = new CircularProgress(scene, x, y, radius, color, value, config);

Install plugin

Install plugin in configuration of game

var config = {
    // ...
    plugins: {
        global: [{
            key: 'rexCircularProgressPlugin',
            plugin: CircularProgressPlugin,
            start: true
        // ...
    // ...
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

Create instance

var circularProgress = scene.add.rexCircularProgress(x, y, radius, barColor, value, {    
    trackColor: undefined,
    centerColor: undefined,
    thickness: 0.2,
    startAngle: Phaser.Math.DegToRad(270),
    anticlockwise: false,
    // iterations: 128,

    easeValue: {
        duration: 0,
        ease: 'Linear'
    valuechangeCallback: function(newValue, oldValue, circularProgress) {


var circularProgress = scene.add.rexCircularProgress({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    radius: 1,

    barColor: undefined,
    trackColor: undefined,
    centerColor: undefined,
    thickness: 0.2,
    startAngle: Phaser.Math.DegToRad(270),
    anticlockwise: false,
    // iterations: 128,

    value: 0,
    easeValue: {
        duration: 0,
        ease: 'Linear'
    valuechangeCallback: function(newValue, oldValue, circularProgress) {
  • x, y : Position of this object.
  • radius : Radius of this circle. Size will be (radius*2, radius*2).
  • barColor : Color of circular bar, in number or css string value.
  • trackColor : Color of circular track, in number or css string value.
  • centerColor : Color of center circle, in number or css string value.
  • thickness : 0 ~ 1, thickness of circular bar. Default value is 0.2 (0.2*radius)
  • startAngle : Start angle of circular bar, in radians. Default value is 270 degrees.
  • anticlockwise : Set true to put anticlockwise circular bar. Default value is false.
  • iterations : Iterations of curve, set larger value to get more smooth rendering result. Default value is 128.
  • value : 0 ~ 1, progress value. Default is 0.
  • easeValue : Parameters of easing value.
    • easeValue.duration : Duration of value easing, default is 0 (no easing).
    • easeValue.ease : Ease function, default is 'Linear'.
  • valuechangeCallback : callback function when value changed.
    function(newValue, oldValue, circularProgress) {

Add circular-progress from JSON

var circularProgress = scene.make.rexCircularProgress({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    radius: 1,

    barColor: undefined,
    trackColor: undefined,
    centerColor: undefined,
    thickness: 0.2,
    startAngle: Phaser.Math.DegToRad(270),
    anticlockwise: false,

    value: 0,
    easeValue: {
        duration: 0,
        ease: 'Linear'
    valuechangeCallback: function(newValue, oldValue, circularProgress) {

    add: true

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyCircularProgress extends CircularProgress {
        constructor(scene, x, y, radius, color, value, config) {
            super(scene, x, y, radius, color, value, config);
            // ...
        // ...
        // preUpdate(time, delta) {}
    • scene.add.existing(gameObject) : Adds an existing Game Object to this Scene.
      • If the Game Object renders, it will be added to the Display List.
      • If it has a preUpdate method, it will be added to the Update List.
  • Create instance
    var circularProgress = new MyCircularProgress(scene, x, y, radius, color, value, config);

Progress value

  • Get value
    var value = circularProgress.getValue(min, max); // value : min ~ max
    var value = circularProgress.getValue(); // value: 0 ~ 1
    var value = circularProgress.value; // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Set value
    circularProgress.setValue(value, min, max); // value: min ~ max
    circularProgress.setValue(value); // value: 0 ~ 1
    circularProgress.value = value; // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Increase value
    circularProgress.addValue(inc, min, max); // inc: min ~ max
    circularProgress.addValue(inc); // inc: 0 ~ 1
    circularProgress.value += inc; // inc: 0 ~ 1

Ease progress value

  • Ease value to
    circularProgress.easeValueTo(value, min, max);  // value: min ~ max
    circularProgress.easeValueTo(value);  // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Stop ease
  • Set ease duration
  • Set ease function


  • Get
    var radius = circularProgress.radius;
  • Set
    // circularProgress.radius = radius;
    • Also resize this game object to (radius*2, radius*2)

Circular track

  • Color
    • Get
      var trackColor = circularProgress.trackColor;
    • Set
      // circularProgress.trackColor = trackColor;
  • Thickness : radius*thickness
    • thickness : 0~1.

Circular bar

  • Color
    • Get
      var barColor = circularProgress.barColor;
    • Set
      // circularProgress.barColor = barColor;
  • Thickness : radius*thickness
    • thickness : 0~1.
  • Start angle
    • Get
      var startAngle = circularProgress.startAngle;
    • Set
      circularProgress.startAngle = startAngle;
      • startAngle : Start angle of circular bar, in radians.
  • Anticlockwise
    • Get
      var anticlockwise = circularProgress.anticlockwise;
    • Set
      // circularProgress.anticlockwise = anticlockwise;

Center circle

  • Color
    • Get
      var centerColor = circularProgress.centerColor;
    • Set
      // circularProgress.centerColor = centerColor;


  • On value changed
    circularProgress.on('valuechange', function(newValue, oldValue, circularProgress){
    }, scope);


  • Get
    var alpha = circularProgress.alpha;
  • Set
    // circularProgress.alpha = alpha;

Other properties

See game object

Create mask

var mask = circularProgress.createGeometryMask();

See mask

Shader effects

Support postFX effects


No preFX effect support

Compare with Circular-progress canvas

  • Circular-progress canvas creates a canvas then draw on that canvas, circular progress shape draw on GRAPHICS pipeline like Shape or Graphics game object.
  • Circular-progress canvas can draw text directly, circular progress shape can't draw any text.