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A container with a title, content, buttons and background.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');
  • Add dialog object
    var dialog = scene.rexUI.add.dialog(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add dialog object
    var dialog = scene.rexUI.add.dialog(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Dialog } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
  • Add dialog object
    var dialog = new Dialog(scene, config);

Add dialog object

var dialog = scene.rexUI.add.dialog({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:

    // Elements
    background: backgroundGameObject,

    title: titleGameObject,

    toolbarBackground: toolbarBackgroundGameObject,
    toolbar: [
        // ...

    leftToolbarBackground: leftToolbarBackgroundGameObject,
    leftToolbar: [
        // ...

    content: contentGameObject,

    description: descriptionGameObject,

    choicesType: '',
    // choicesWidth: undefined,
    // choicesHeight: undefined,  // Used when choicesType is `'grid'`, `'grid-radio'`, or `'grid-checkboxes'`
    choicesBackground: choicesBackgroundGameObject,
    choices: [
        // ...

    actionsBackground: actionsBackgroundGameObject,
    actions: [
        // ...

    // Space
    space: {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        top: 0,
        bottom: 0,

        title: 0,
        titleLeft: 0,
        titleRight: 0,
        titleTop: 0,

        toolbarItem: 0,
        leftToolbarItem: 0,

        content: 0,
        contentLeft: 0,
        contentRight: 0,

        description: 0,
        descriptionLeft: 0,
        descriptionRight: 0

        choices: 0,
        choicesLeft: 0,
        choicesRight: 0,

        // choiceLine: 0,   // Used when choicesType is `'wrap'`, `'wrap-radio'`, or `'wrap-checkboxes'`
        // choiceColumn: 0, // Used when choicesType is `'grid'`, `'grid-radio'`, or `'grid-checkboxes'`
        // choiceRow: 0,    // Used when choicesType is `'grid'`, `'grid-radio'`, or `'grid-checkboxes'`
        choicesBackgroundLeft: 0,
        choicesBackgroundRight: 0,
        choicesBackgroundTop: 0,
        choicesBackgroundBottom: 0,

        action: 0,
        actionsLeft: 0,
        actionsRight: 0,
        actionsBottom: 0,


    proportion: {
        title: 0,
        content: 0,
        description: 0,
        choices: 0,
        actions: 0,

    expand: {
        title: true,
        content: true,
        description: true,
        choices: true,
        actions: false,

    align: {
        title: 'center',
        content: 'center',
        description: 'center',
        choices: 'center',
        actions: 'center',

    click: {
        mode: 'pointerup',
        clickInterval: 100

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // sizerEvents: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width, height : Minimum width, minimum height.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this sizer. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • background : Game object of background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of dialog.
  • title : Game object of title, optional.
  • toolbar : Array of Game objects for toolbar-buttons group which arranged from left to right, optional.
    • [] : Assign an empty array if user will add button later.
  • toolbarBackground : Game object of toolbar buttons background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of dialog.
  • leftToolbar : Array of Game objects for left-toolbar-buttons group which arranged from left to right, optional.
    • [] : Assign an empty array if user will add button later.
  • leftToolbarBackground : Game object of leftToolbar buttons background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of dialog.
  • content : Game object of content, optional.
  • description : Game object of description, optional.
  • choices : Array of Game objects for choice-buttons group which arranged from top to bottom, optional.
    • Array of Game objects, for Buttons/FixWidthButtons choices.
      • [] : Assign an empty array if user will add button later.
    • 2d Array of Game objects, for GridButtons choices..
  • choicesBackground : Game object of choices buttons background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of dialog.
  • choicesType : Sizer type (Buttons/FixWidthButtons/GridButtons) and behavior (''/'radio'/'checkboxes') of choice buttons.
    • undefined, 'x', or 'y' : Buttons in vertical/horizontal without any extra behavior, default behavior.
    • 'radio', or 'x-radio' : Buttons in vertical/horizontal, with radio behavior.
      • Name of selected button game object ( will be returned via method dialog.setChoicesSelectedButtonName().
    • 'checkboxes', or 'x-checkboxes' : Buttons in vertical/horizontal, with checkboxes behavior.
      • Name of selected button game object ( will be return via method dialog.getChoicessButtonStates().
    • 'wrap' : FixWidthButtons without any extra behavior, default behavior.
    • 'wrap-radio' : FixWidthButtons with radio behavior.
      • Name of Selected button game object ( will be returned via method dialog.setChoicesSelectedButtonName()
    • 'wrap-checkboxes' : FixWidthButtons with checkboxes behavior.
      • Name of selected button game object ( will be return via method dialog.getChoicessButtonStates().
    • 'grid' : GridButtons without any extra behavior, default behavior.
    • 'grid-radio' : GridButtons with radio behavior.
      • Name of Selected button game object ( will be returned via method dialog.setChoicesSelectedButtonName()
    • 'grid-checkboxes' : GridButtons with checkboxes behavior.
      • Name of selected button game object ( will be return via method dialog.getChoicessButtonStates().
  • choicesWidth, choicesHeight : Minimum width, minimum height of choices.
    • Must assign choicesHeight value if using GridButtons choices.
  • actions : Array of Game objects, or Space ( for action-buttons group which arranged from left to right, optional.
    • [] : Assign an empty array if user will add button later.
  • choicesBackground : Game object of choices buttons background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of dialog.
  • space : Pads spaces
    • space.left, space.right,, space.bottom : Space of bounds.
    • space.title : Space between title game object and below game object.
    • space.titleLeft, space.titleRight : Extra left/right padding of title game object.
    • space.content : Space between content game object and below game object.
    • space.contentLeft, space.contentRight : Extra left/right padding of content game object.
    • space.description : Space between description game object and below game object.
    • space.descriptionLeft, space.descriptionRight : Extra left/right padding of description game object.
    • space.choices : Space between last choice-button and below game object.
    • space.choicesLeft, space.choicesRight : Extra left/right padding of choice buttons.
    • space.actionsLeft, space.actionsRight : Extra left/right padding of actions buttons.
    • space.toolbarItem : Space between each toolbar item game objects.
    • space.leftToolbarItem : Space between each left-toolbar item game objects.
    • space.choice : Space between each choice-button game objects.
    • space.choicesBackgroundLeft, space.choicesBackgroundRight, space.choicesBackgroundTop, space.choicesBackgroundBottom : Padding space around choices-background.
    • space.action : Space between each action-button game objects.
  • proportion : Keep height of element, or expand height of element.
    • proportion.title : Set to 1 to expand height of title. Default is 0.
    • proportion.content : Set to 1 to expand height of content. Default is 0.
    • proportion.description : Set to 1 to expand height of description. Default is 0.
    • proportion.choices : Set to 1 to expand height of choices. Default is 0.
    • proportion.actions : Set to 1 to expand height of actions. Default is 0.
  • expand : Expand width of element
    • expand.title : Set true to expand width of title game object. Default is true.
    • expand.content : Set true to expand width of content game object. Default is true.
    • expand.description : Set true to expand width of description game object. Default is true.
    • expand.choices : Set true to expand width of choices game object. Default is true.
    • expand.actions : Set true to expand width of actions game object. Default is false.
  • align : Align element
    • align.title
      • 'center', or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER : Align game object at center. Default value. Will add Spaces at right and left sides.
      • 'left', or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER : Align game object at left-center.
      • 'right', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at right-center. Will add a Space at right side.
    • align.content : Align content game object to 'left'/'center'/'right', if expand.content is false.
    • align.description : Align description game object to 'left'/'center'/'right', if expand.description is false.
    • align.choices : Align choices game object to 'left'/'center'/'right', if expand.choices is false.
    • align.actions : Align action game objects to 'left'/'center'/'right', if expand.actions is false.
  • click: Configuration of button clicking.
    • click.mode :
      • 'pointerdown', 'press', or 0 : Fire 'click' event when touch pressed.
      • 'pointerup', 'release', or 1 : Fire 'click' event when touch released after pressed.
    • click.clickInterval : Interval between 2 'click' events, in ms.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire sizer events. Default value is false..
  • enableLayer :
    • false : Add child game objects into scene's display list. Default behavior.
    • true : Add child game objects into an internal layer game object. See also.

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyDialog extends RexPlugins.UI.Dialog {
        constructor(scene, config) {
            super(scene, config);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Create instance
    var dialog = new MyDialog(scene, config);

Layout children

Arrange position of all elements.


See also - dirty

Pop this dialog as modal dialog, clicking any action button to close this modal dialog.

    // cover: {
    //     color: 0x0,
    //     alpha: 0.8,
    //     transitIn: function(gameObject, duration) { },
    //     transitOut: function(gameObject, duration) { },
    // },
    // cover: false, 

    // When to close modal dialog?
    // touchOutsideClose: false,
    // anyTouchClose: false,
    // timeOutClose: false,
    // manualClose: false,

    // duration: {
    //     in: 200,
    //     hold: 2000,
    //     out: 200
    // }

    // transitIn: 0, // 0|'popUp'|1|'fadeIn'
    // transitIn: function(gameObject, duration) { },

    // transitOut: 0, // 0|'scaleDown'|1|'fadeOut'
    // transitOut: function(gameObject, duration) { },

    // destroy: true,

    // defaultBehavior: true,
// dialog.modal(config, onClose);



  • config : See Modal behavior
    • config.defaultBehavior :
      • undefined, or true : Will close modal dialog when clicking any action button.
      • false : Disable default behavior. User has to invoke dialog.modalClose(data) manually.
  • onClose : Callback when closing modal dialog
    function(data) {
        // var index = data.index;
        // var text = data.text;
        // var button = data.button;
        // var dialog = data.dialog;
    • data : Contains these properties
      • data.index : Index of clicking action button
      • data.text : button.text, this property is valided if button game object is a label.
      • data.button : Clicked button game object.
      • data.dialog : This dialog game object.

Other properties

See sizer object, base sizer object, container-lite.


  • Click button
    dialog.on('', function(button, groupName, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • button : Triggered button game object.
    • groupName : 'choices', 'actions', or 'toolbar', 'leftToolbar'.
    • index : Index of triggered button game object.
    • pointer : Pointer object.
    • Cancel remaining touched events : event.stopPropagation()
  • Pointer-over button
    dialog.on('button.over', function(button, groupName, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('choice.over', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('action.over', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('toolbar.over', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('leftToolbar.over', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • button : Triggered button game object
    • groupName : 'choices', 'actions', 'toolbar', or 'leftToolbar'.
    • index : Index of triggered button game object.
    • pointer : Pointer object.
    • Cancel remaining touched events : event.stopPropagation()
  • Pointer-out button
    dialog.on('button.out', function(button, groupName, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('choice.out', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('action.out', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('toolbar.out', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('leftToolbar.out', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • button : Triggered button game object.
    • groupName : 'choices', 'actions', 'toolbar', or 'leftToolbar'
    • index : Index of triggered button game object.
    • pointer : Pointer object.
    • Cancel remaining touched events : event.stopPropagation()
  • Enable button's input
    dialog.on('button.enable', function(button, groupName, index) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('choice.enable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('action.enable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('toolbar.enable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('leftToolbar.enable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • button : Triggered button game object.
    • groupName : 'choices', 'actions', 'toolbar', or 'leftToolbar'
    • index : Index of triggered button game object.
  • Disable button's input
    dialog.on('button.disable', function(button, groupName, index) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('choice.disable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('action.disable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('toolbar.disable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    dialog.on('leftToolbar.disable', function(button, index, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • button : Triggered button game object.
    • groupName : 'choices', 'actions', 'toolbar', or 'leftToolbar'
    • index : Index of triggered button game object.

Emit button click event

  • Emit choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button's click event
    • index : A number index, or a button game object.

Get element

  • Get element
    • Background game object
      var background = dialog.getElement('background');
    • Title game object
      var title = dialog.getElement('title');
    • Content game object
      var content = dialog.getElement('content');
    • Description game object
      var description = dialog.getElement('description');
    • Choice button game object
      var buttons = dialog.getElement('choices');
      var button = dialog.getChoice(index);
      var button = dialog.getElement('choices[' + index + ']');
    • Action button game object
      var buttons = dialog.getElement('actions');
      var button = dialog.getAction(index);
      var button = dialog.getElement('actions[' + index + ']');
    • Toolbar button game object
      var buttons = dialog.getElement('toolbar');
      var button = dialog.getToolbar(index);
      var button = dialog.getElement('toolbar[' + index + ']');
    • Left-toolbar button game object
      var buttons = dialog.getElement('leftToolbar');
      var button = dialog.getLeftToolbar(index);
      var button = dialog.getElement('leftToolbar[' + index + ']');
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = dialog.getElement('#' + name);
    // var gameObject = dialog.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = dialog.getByName(name);
    // var gameObject = dialog.getByName(name, recursive);
    • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.

Add button

Add choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button

  • gameObject : A game object, or an array of game objects.

Remove button

  • Remove a choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button
    dialog.removeChoice(index, destroyChild);
    dialog.removeAction(index, destroyChild);
    dialog.removeToolbar(index, destroyChild);
    dialog.removeLeftToolbar(index, destroyChild);
    • index : A number index, a string name, or a button game object.
    • destroyChild : Set true to destroy button game object.
  • Remove all choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar buttons
    • destroyChild : Set true to destroy button game object.

Enable/disable input of button

  • Enable choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button
    • index : A number index, or a button game object.
  • Enable all buttons
  • Disable choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button's input
    dialog.setChoiceEnable(index, false);
    dialog.setActionEnable(index, false);
    dialog.setToolbarEnable(index, false);
    dialog.setLeftToolbarEnable(index, false);
    • index : A number index, or a button game object.
  • Disable all buttons
  • Toggle choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button's input
    • index : A number index, or a button game object.
  • Get choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button's input enable
    var enabled = dialog.getChoiceEnable(index);
    var enabled = dialog.getActionEnable(index);
    var enabled = dialog.getToolbarEnable(index);
    var enabled = dialog.getLeftToolbarEnable(index);
    • index : A number index, or a button game object.

Show/hide button

Hidden elements won't be counted when layouting. Call dialog.layout(), or topSizer.layout() after show/hide any button.

  • Show choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button
    • index : A number index, a string name, or a button game object.
  • Hide choice/action/toolbar/left-toolbar button.
    • index : A number index, a string name, or a button game object.

For each button

dialog.forEachChoice(callback, scope);
dialog.forEachAction(callback, scope);
dialog.forEachToolbar(callback, scope);
dialog.forEachLeftToolbar(callback, scope);
  • callback :
    function(button, index, buttons) {
        // ...

State of choices buttons


  • Read state
    var value = dialog.getChoicesSelectedButtonName();
  • Set state


  • Read states
    var states = dialog.getChoicesButtonStates();
    • states : {name: boolean}
  • Set state
    dialog.setChoicesButtonState(name, state);
    • name : Name of button game object
    • state : Set true if button is selected
  • Clear all states to false


  • On button state changed. For Checkboxes/radio
    dialog.on('button.statechange', function(button, groupName, index, value, previousValue) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • Can be used to replace setValueCallback.