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A container with trees and leaf-nodes.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');
  • Add trees object
    var trees = scene.rexUI.add.trees(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add trees object
    var trees = scene.rexUI.add.trees(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Trees } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
  • Add trees object
    var trees = new Trees(scene, config);

Add instance

Trees contains tree-node instance, each tree contains tree instance and node instance.

Add trees object

var trees = scene.rexUI.add.trees({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:

    orientation: 0,
    // rtl: false,

    // space: { left: 0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0, item:0 },

    tree: {
        // background: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
        // background: backgroundStyle,

        // toggleButton: function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
        //     gameObject
        //         .on('expand.start', function (gameObject) {
        //          })
        //          .on('collapse.start', function (gameObject) {
        //          })
        //     return gameObject;
        // }
        // toggleButton : triangleStyle,

        // nodeBackground: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
        // nodeBackground: backgroundStyle,

        // nodeBody: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
        // nodeBody: simpleLabelStyle,

        // transition: {
        //     duration: 200,
        //     expandCallback: undefined,
        //     collapseCallback: undefined,
        // },

        // orientation: 'y',

        //space: {
        //    indent: 0,
        //    indentLeft: 0, indentRight: 0, indentTop: 0, indentBottom: 0,
        //    nodeLeft: 0, nodeRight: 0, nodeTop: 0, nodeBottom: 0,
        //    toggleButton: 0,

        // align: {
        //     title: 'left',
        //     child: 'left',
        // },

        // expand: {
        //     title: true,
        //     child: true,
        // },

        // expanded: true,

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // sizerEvents: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width, height : Minimum width, minimum height.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this trees. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • orientation :
    • 'left-to-right', 'horizontal','h', 'x', or 0 : Put icon at left side, and text at right side.
    • 'top-to-bottom', 'vertical','v', 'y', or 1 : Put icon at top side, and text at bottom side.
  • rtl :
    • true : Layout children from right to left.
    • false : Layout children from left to right. Default behavior.
  • space : Pads spaces.
    • space.left, space.right,, space.bottom : Space of bounds.
    • space.item : Space between 2 children game objects.
  • tree : Default configuration of node, optional.
    • tree.background :
      • Callback
        function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
            return gameObject;
        • isLeaf :
          • false : This node is a tree-node.
          • true : This node is a leaf-node.
      • Style of Background : Create Round-rectangle, Bar-rectangle, Nine-slice, or Image as background element.
      • undefined : Don't create any game object.
    • tree.toggleButton
      • Callback
        function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
                .on('expand.start', function (gameObject) {
                 .on('collapse.start', function (gameObject) {
            return gameObject;
        • isLeaf :
          • false : This node is a tree-node.
          • true : This node is a leaf-node.
        • Events 'expand.start' and 'collapse.start' will be fired when expanding or collapsing child nodes of this tree.
      • Style of triangle, default behavior.
            color: undefined,
            alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined,
            strokeAlpha: 1,
            strokeWidth: 1,
            arrowOnly: false,
            easeDuration: 0,
    • tree.nodeBackground
      • Callback
        function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
            return gameObject;
        • isLeaf :
          • false : This node is a tree-node.
          • true : This node is a leaf-node.
      • Style of Background : Create Round-rectangle, Bar-rectangle, Nine-slice, or Image as background element.
      • undefined : Don't create any game object.
    • tree.nodeBody
      • Callback
        function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
            return gameObject;
        • isLeaf :
          • false : This node is a tree-node.
          • true : This node is a leaf-node.
      • Style of simple label : Create Simple-label as node body element. Default behavior.
    • tree.transition : Configuration of expanding/collapsing transition.
      • tree.transition.duration : Duration of expanding/collapsing transition.
      • tree.transition.expandCallback : Callback invoked when expading child. Default behavior is scale-up.
      • tree.transition.collapseCallback : Callback invoked when collapsing child. Default behavior is scale-down.
    • : Pads spaces of tree.
      •,,,, : Space of node's bounds.
      •,,, : Space of node child's bounds.
      • : Space between toggle button and next child.
    • tree.align.title, tree.align.child : Alignment of title, child game objects.
      • undefined, or 'left', or 'top' : Align game objects at left, or top. Default behavior.
      • 'center' : Align game objects at center.
      • 'right', or 'bottom' : Align game objects at right, or bottom.
    • tree.expand.title, tree.expand.child : Expand width/height of title, child game objects.
      • true : Expand width/heigh. Default behavior.
      • false : Use origin width/height.
    • tree.expanded :
      • true : Expand this tree node. Default behavior.
      • false : Collapse this tree node.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire trees events. Default value is false.
  • enableLayer :
    • false : Add child game objects into scene's display list. Default behavior.
    • true : Add child game objects into an internal layer game object. See also.

Add tree object

var tree = trees.addTree();
// var tree = trees.addTree(nodeKey);
var subTree = tree.addTree();
// var subTree = tree.addTree(nodeKey);


var tree = trees.addTree({
    // nodeKey: UUID()

    // background: backgroundGameObject,
    // background: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
    // background: backgroundStyle,

    toggleButton: toggleButtonGameObject,
    // toggleButton: function(scene {isLeaf}) { 
    //      gameObject
    //          .on('expand.start', function (gameObject) {
    //           })
    //           .on('collapse.start', function (gameObject) {
    //           })
    //     return gameObject; 
    // },
    // toggleButton : triangleStyle,

    // nodeBackground: nodeBackgroundGameObject,
    // nodeBackground: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
    // nodeBackground: backgroundStyle,

    nodeBody: nodeBodyGameObject,
    // nodeBody: function(scene {isLeaf}) { return gameObject; },
    // nodeBody: simpleLabelStyle,

    // transition: {
    //     duration: 200,
    //     expandCallback: undefined,
    //     collapseCallback: undefined,
    // },

    // orientation: 'y',

    // space: {
    //     indent: 0,
    //     indentLeft: 0, indentRight: 0, indentTop: 0, indentBottom: 0,
    //     nodeLeft: 0, nodeRight: 0, nodeTop: 0, nodeBottom: 0,
    //     toggleButton: 0,
    // },

    // align: {
    //     title: 'left',
    //     child: 'left',
    // },

    // expand: {
    //     title: true,
    //     child: true,
    // },

    // expanded: true,
var subTree = tree.addTree(config);

  • nodeKey : Store reference of this tree instance by this unique string. Get tree back by trees.getTree(nodeKey)
    • An unique string, does not contain .
    • undefined : Create unique string by UUID
  • background :
    • A game object
    • Callback
      function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
          return gameObject;
      • isLeaf :
        • false : This node is a tree-node.
        • true : This node is a leaf-node.
    • Style of Background : Create Round-rectangle, Bar-rectangle, Nine-slice, or Image as background element.
    • undefined : Don't create any game object.
  • toggleButton
    • A game object
    • Callback
      function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
              .on('expand.start', function (gameObject) {
               .on('collapse.start', function (gameObject) {
          return gameObject;
      • isLeaf :
        • false : This node is a tree-node.
        • true : This node is a leaf-node.
      • Events 'expand.start' and 'collapse.start' will be fired when expanding or collapsing child nodes of this tree.
    • Style of triangle, default behavior.
          color: undefined,
          alpha: 1,
          strokeColor: undefined,
          strokeAlpha: 1,
          strokeWidth: 1,
          arrowOnly: false,
          easeDuration: 0,
  • nodeBackground
    • A game object
    • Callback
      function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
          return gameObject;
      • isLeaf :
        • false : This node is a tree-node.
        • true : This node is a leaf-node.
    • Style of Background : Create Round-rectangle, Bar-rectangle, Nine-slice, or Image as background element.
    • undefined : Don't create any game object.
  • nodeBody
    • A game object
    • Callback
      function(scene, {isLeaf}) {
          return gameObject;
      • isLeaf :
        • false : This node is a tree-node.
        • true : This node is a leaf-node.
    • Style of simple label : Create Simple-label as node body element. Default behavior.

Add node object

  • Add default node game object
    var node = tree.addNode();
    // var node = tree.addNode(nodeKey);
    • nodeKey : Store reference of this tree instance by this unique string. Get tree back by trees.getTree(nodeKey)
      • An unique string, does not contain .
      • undefined : Create unique string by UUID
  • Add custom node game object
    var node = tree.addNode(gameObject);
    // var node = tree.addNode(gameObject, nodeKey);

Insert tree object

var tree = trees.insertTree(index);
// var tree = trees.insertTree(index, nodeKey);
// var tree = trees.insertTree(index, config);
var subTree = tree.insertTree(index);
// var subTree = tree.insertTree(index, nodeKey);
// var subTree = tree.insertTree(index, config);

Insert node object

  • Insert default node game object
    var node = tree.insertTree(index);
    // var node = tree.insertTree(index, nodeKey);
  • Insert custom node game object
    var node = tree.insertTree(index, gameObject);
    // var node = tree.insertTree(index, gameObject, nodeKey);

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyTrees extends RexPlugins.UI.Trees {
        constructor(scene, config) {
            super(scene, config);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Create instance
    var trees = new MyTrees(scene, config);

Layout children

Arrange position of all elements.


See also - dirty


Layout topmost trees when expanding/collapsing start.

Expand/collapse tree

  • Expand, will re-layout from topmost trees
    // tree.expand(duration);
    tree.expand(0);  // Immediately, won't invoke expandCallback
  • Collapse, will re-layout from topmost trees
    // tree.collapse(duration);
    tree.collapse(0);  // Immediately, won't invoke collapseCallback
  • Toggle, will re-layout from topmost trees
    // tree.toggle(duration);
    tree.toggle(0);  // Immediately, won't invoke expandCallback/collapseCallback
  • Set expanded state without re-layouting
    tree.setExpandedState(expanded);  // true, or false
  • Get expanded state
    var expanded = tree.expanded;
    • expanded : Initial value is undefined

Remove tree or node

Remove tree

  • Remove tree without destroying
  • Remove tree and destroying
    trees.removeTree(tree, true);
    tree.removeTree(subTree, true);
    tree.removeTree(nodeKey, true);
  • Remove all trees without destroying
  • Remove all trees and destroying

Remove subTree or node

  • Remove subTree or node without destroying
  • Remove subTree or node and destroying
    trees.removeNode(subTree, true);
    tree.removeNode(node, true);
    tree.removeNode(nodeKey, true);
  • Remove all sub-trees and nodes without destroying
  • Remove all sub-trees and nodes and destroying

Get sub-tree or node

  • Get sub-tree
    var tree = trees.getTree(nodeKey);
    var tree = subTree.getTree(nodeKey);
  • Get sub-tree/node
    var tree = trees.getNode(nodeKeys);
    var tree = subTree.getNode(nodeKeys);
    • nodeKeys : nodeKeys connected by ., e.x. key0.key1.key2...
  • Get all child nodes in this tree
    var nodes = tree.getNodes();
    // var nodes = tree.getNodes(out);
  • Get all child nodes including all descendant nodes
    var nodes = tree.getAllNodes();
    // var nodes = tree.getAllNodes(out);

Get parent or root tree

  • Get parent (tree)
    var patent = tree.getTreePatent();
    var patent = node.getTreePatent();
  • Get root (tree)
    var root = tree.getTreeRoot();
    var root = node.getTreeRoot();

Get element

  • Get element in a tree
    • Background game object
      var background = tree.getElement('background');
    • Toggle button game object
      var toggleButton = trees.getElement('toggleButton');
    • Node-body game object
      var nodeBody = trees.getElement('nodeBody');
    • Children-node list game objects
      var childrenNodes = trees.getElement('childrenNodes');
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = trees.getElement('#' + name);
    // var gameObject = trees.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = trees.getByName(name);
    // var gameObject = trees.getByName(name, recursive);
    • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.

Other properties

Trees is extended from trees object, base trees object, container-lite. Tree is extended from folder.

Set children interactive

Applies click, tap, press, swipe behaviors on this trees, to detect input events of children.

    // dropZone: false,

    // click: {mode: 'release', clickInterval: 100},

    // over: undefined,

    // press: {time: 251, threshold: 9},

    // tap: {time: 250, tapInterval: 200, threshold: 9, tapOffset: 10, 
    //       taps: undefined, minTaps: undefined, maxTaps: undefined,},

    // swipe: {threshold: 10, velocityThreshold: 1000, dir: '8dir'},

    // inputEventPrefix: 'child.',
  • dropZone :
    • true : Enable drop Zone on scrollable area.
    • false : Do nothing.


  • Pointer-down
    trees.on('child.down', function(child, pointer, event) {        
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
  • Pointer-up
    trees.on('child.up', function(child, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
  • Pointer-over
    trees.on('child.over', function(child, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
  • Pointer-out
    trees.on('child.out', function(child, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
  • Click
    trees.on('', function(child, pointer, event) {
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
    • pointer : Pointer object.
  • Press
    trees.on('child.pressstart', function(child, pointer, press) { 
        // ...
    }, scope);
    trees.on('child.pressend', function(child, pointer, press) { 
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
  • Tap
    trees.on(tapEventName, function(child, pointer, tap) { 
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
    • tapEventName : 'child.tap', 'child.1tap', 'child.2tap', 'child.3tap', etc ...
    • tap : Tap object.
      • tap.tapsCount : Taps count.
  • Swipe
    trees.on(swipeEventName, function(child, pointer, swipe) { 
        // ...
    }, scope);
    • child : Tree or leaf-node.
      • Pointer on tree's title : child.isTree
      • Pointer on leaf-node : child.isNode
    • swipeEventName : 'child.swipe', 'child.swipeleft', 'child.swiperight', 'child.swipeup', 'child.swipedown'.
    • swipe : Swipe object.
      • swipe.left, swipe.right, swipe.up, swipe.down : Swipe direction states.


  • On tree expand-start
    trees.on('expand.start', function(tree){
  • On tree expand-complete
    trees.on('expand.complete', function(tree){
  • On tree collapse-start
    trees.on('collapse.start', function(tree){
  • On tree collapse-complete
    trees.on('collapse.complete', function(tree){