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Shader effect


Shader effect of camera.

  • Author: Richard Davey


Register post-fx pipeline

  • Register post-fx pipeline in game config
    import PostFxClass from 'path';
    var config = {
        // ...
        pipeline: [PostFxClass]
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

Some post-fx pipelines:

  • Barrel: Barrel post processing filter.
  • Color replace: Replace color post processing filter.
  • Cross-stitching: Cross-stitching post processing filter.
  • CRT: CRT post processing filter.
  • Dissolve: Dissolve transition post processing filter.
  • Fish eye: Fish-eye post processing filter.
  • Glow-filter: Glow post processing filter.
  • Glow-filter: Glow post processing filter, ported from pixi.
  • Gray-scale: Gray scale post processing filter.
  • Hsl-adjust: Adjust color in HSL domain, post processing filter.
  • Horri-fi: 6-in-1 post processing filter.
  • Inverse: Inverse color post processing filter.
  • Kawase-blur: Kawase-blur post processing filter.
  • Pixelation: Pixelation post processing filter.
  • Toonify: Draw outlines and quantize color in HSV domain, post processing filter.
  • Shockwave: Shockwave post processing filter.
  • Split: Split image into 4 parts.
  • Swirl: Swirl post processing filter.
  • Warp: Warp post processing filter.

Add post-fx pipeline

  • PostFxClass : Class of post-fx pipeline.

Remove post-fx pipeline

  • Remove a kind of post-fx pipeline
  • Remove all post-fx pipelines
    camera.postPipelines = [];
    camera.hasPostPipeline = false;

Get post-fx pipeline

var pipelineInstance = camera.getPostPipeline(PostFxClass);
  • pipelineInstance :
    • A pipeline instance
    • An array of pipeline instances

Add effect properties

See Add effect properties behavior