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Load assets, built-in object of phaser.

  • Author: Richard Davey


Loading in preload stage

scene.load.image(key, url);
// scene.load.image(config); // config: {key, url}

Loader in preload stage will start loading automatically by scene.

Loading after preload stage

scene.load.image(key, url);   // add task
// scene.load.image(config); // config: {key, url}
scene.load.once('complete', callback, scope);  // add callback of 'complete' event
scene.load.start();                     // start loading

Set path


More configurations

More configurations in game config

    baseURL: '',
    path: '',
    enableParallel: true,
    maxParallelDownloads: 4,
    crossOrigin: undefined,
    responseType: '',
    async: true,
    user: '',
    password: '',
    timeout: 0,
    withCredentials: false,
    imageLoadType: 'XHR',    // 'HTMLImageElement' 
    localScheme: [ 'file://', 'capacitor://' ]


  • Load file complete event
    scene.load.on('filecomplete', function(key, type, data) {}, scope);
    scene.load.on('filecomplete-' + type + '-' + key, function(key, type, data) {}, scope);
  • Add loading file event
    scene.load.on('addfile', function(key, type, file) {}, scope);
  • Start loading
    scene.load.once('start', function(){}, scope);
  • Loading progressing
    scene.load.on('progress', function(progress){}, scope);
    • progress value will increase when a file is loaded, and decrease when a new file loading request is added.
      var loader = scene.load;
      var total = loader.totalToLoad;
      var remainder = loader.list.size + loader.inflight.size;
      var progress = 1 - (remainder / total);
  • Loading file progressing
    scene.load.on('fileprogress', function(file, progress){
        // var key = file.key;
    }, scope);
  • Loading a file object successful
    scene.load.once('load', function(fileObj){}, scope);
  • Loading a file object failed
    scene.load.once('loaderror', function(fileObj){}, scope);
  • All loading completed
    • Before releasing resources
      scene.load.once('postprocess', function(loader){}, scope);
    • After releasing resources
      scene.load.once('complete', function(loader){}, scope);
  • Scene's 'preupdate', 'update', 'postupdate', 'render' events will be triggered during preload stage.

Status of loader

  • Ready to start loading
    var isReady = scene.load.isReady();
  • Is loading
    var isLoading = scene.load.isLoading();

File types


  • Image
    scene.load.image(key, url);
    // scene.load.image(key, url, xhrSettings);
    • url : Url of texture, or base64 string of Uri.
  • Image and normal map
    scene.load.image(key, [url, normalMapUrl]);
    // scene.load.image(key, [url, normalMapUrl], xhrSettings);
    • url : Url of texture, or base64 string of Uri.
    • normalMapUrl : Url of normal map.
  • SVG
    scene.load.svg(key, url);
    // scene.load.svg(key, url, svgConfig);
    // scene.load.svg(key, url, svgConfig, xhrSettings);
    • svgConfig : {width, height}, or {scale}
  • Html texture
    scene.load.htmlTexture(key, url, width, height);
    // scene.load.htmlTexture(key, url, width, height, xhrSettings);

Get data from texture cache

var cache = scene.textures;
var data = cache.get(key);

Sprite sheet

scene.load.spritesheet(key, url, {
    // frameWidth: frameWidth,
    // frameHeight: frameHeight,
    // startFrame: startFrame,
    // endFrame: endFrame,
    // margin: margin,
    // spacing: spacing
// scene.load.spritesheet(key, url, frameConfig, xhrSettings);

Get data from texture cache

var cache = scene.textures;
var data = cache.get(key);

Texture atlas

scene.load.atlas(key, textureURL, atlasURL);
// scene.load.atlas(key, textureURL, atlasURL, textureXhrSettings, atlasXhrSettings);

Get data from texture cache

var cache = scene.textures;
var data = cache.get(key);

On load complete

scene.load.on('filecomplete-atlasjson-' + key, function(key, type, data) {}, scope);

Multi file texture atlas

scene.load.multiatlas(key, atlasURL);
// scene.load.multiatlas(key, atlasURL, path, baseURL, atlasXhrSettings);
  • atlasURL : The absolute or relative URL to load the texture atlas json data file from.
  • path : Optional path to use when loading the textures defined in the atlas data.
  • baseURL : Optional Base URL to use when loading the textures defined in the atlas data.

Unity texture atlas

scene.load.unityAtlas(key, textureURL, atlasURL);
// scene.load.unityAtlas(key, textureURL, atlasURL, textureXhrSettings, atlasXhrSettings);


scene.load.animation(key, url);
// scene.load.animation(key, url, dataKey, xhrSettings);

Get data from json cache

var cache = scene.json;
var data = cache.get(key);

Audio, urls);
//, urls, {instances: 1}, xhrSettings);
  • urls : The absolute or relative URL to load the audio files from, or a blob, or a base64 string of Uri.
  • config.instances : Number of audio instances for HTML5Audio. Defaults to 1.

Get data from cache

var cache =;
var data = cache.get(key);

Audio sprite

scene.load.audioSprite(key, jsonURL, audioURL, audioConfig);
// scene.load.audioSprite(key, jsonURL, audioURL, audioConfig, audioXhrSettings, jsonXhrSettings);
  • jsonURL : The absolute or relative URL to load the json file from.
  • audioURL : The absolute or relative URL to load the audio file from.
  • audioConfig : An object containing an instances property for HTML5Audio. Defaults to 1.

Video, url, noAudio);
//, url, noAudio, xhrSettings);
  • url : The absolute or relative URL to load the video files from, or a blob.
  • loadEvent : The load event to listen for when not loading as a blob.
    • 'loadeddata' : Data for the current frame is available. Default value.
    • 'canplay' : The video is ready to start playing.
    • 'canplaythrough' : The video can be played all the way through, without stopping.
  • asBlob : Load the video as a data blob, or via the Video element? Default value is false.
  • noAudio : Does the video have an audio track? If not you can enable auto-playing on it.
  • false : Has audio track, default behavior.

Get data from video cache

var cache =;
var data = cache.get(key);

Bitmap font

scene.load.bitmapFont(key, textureURL, fontDataURL);
// scene.load.bitmapFont(key, textureURL, fontDataURL, textureXhrSettings, fontDataXhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.bitmapFont;
var data = cache.get(key);

Tile map

  • JSON : Created using the Tiled Map Editor and selecting JSON as the export format
    scene.load.tilemapTiledJSON(key, url);
    // scene.load.tilemapTiledJSON(key, url, xhrSettings);
  • CSV : Created in a text editor, or a 3rd party app that exports as CSV.
    scene.load.tilemapCSV(key, url);
    // scene.load.tilemapCSV(key, url, xhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.tilemap;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.text(key, url);
// scene.load.text(key, url, xhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.text;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.json(key, url);
// scene.load.json(key, url, dataKey, xhrSettings);
  • dataKey : When the JSON file loads only this property will be stored in the Cache.

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.json;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.xml(key, url);
// scene.load.xml(key, url, xhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.xml;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.html(key, url);
// scene.load.html(key, url, xhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.html;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.css(key, url);
// scene.load.css(key, url, xhrSettings);

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.css;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.sceneFile(key, url);
// scene.load.sceneFile(key, url, xhrSettings);

The key matches the class name in the JavaScript file.


scene.load.script(key, url);
// scene.load.script(key, url, type, xhrSettings);
  • type : 'script', or 'module'.
scene.load.scripts(key, urlArray);
// scene.load.scripts(key, urlArray, xhrSettings);

Add scripts in the exact order of urlArray.


scene.load.glsl(key, url);
// scene.load.glsl(key, url, shaderType, xhrSettings);
  • shaderType : The type of shader.
    • 'fragment' : Fragment shader. Default value.
    • 'vertex' : Vertex shader.

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.shader;
var data = cache.get(key);

A glsl file can contain multiple shaders, all separated by a frontmatter block.


void main(void)


scene.load.binary(key, url, dataType);  // dataType: Uint8Array
// scene.load.binary(key, url, dataType, xhrSettings);
  • dataType : Optional type to cast the binary file to once loaded.
    • Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array Uint32Array
    • Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array
    • Float32Array, Float64Array
    • BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array

Get data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.binary;
var data = cache.get(key);


scene.load.plugin(key, url, true); // start plugin when loaded
// scene.load.plugin(key, url, true, undefined, xhrSettings);
  • url : File url or class instance.

Scene plugin

scene.load.scenePlugin(key, url, systemKey, sceneKey);
// scene.load.scenePlugin(key, url, systemKey, sceneKey, xhrSettings);
  • url : File url or class instance.

File pack

Load files in JSON format.

scene.load.pack(key, url);
// scene.load.pack(key, url, dataKey, xhrSettings);


scene.load.pack(key, json);
// scene.load.pack(key, json, dataKey);
  • dataKey : When the JSON file loads only this property will be stored in the Cache.

JSON pack file:

    'dataKey': {
        // "prefix": "...",          // optional, extend key by prefix
        // "path": "...",            // optional, extend url by path
        // "defaultType": "image",   // optional, default file type
        'files': [
                'type': 'image',
                'key': '...',
                'url': '...'
                'type': 'image',
                'key': '...',
                'url': '...'
            // ...

    'node0': {
        'node1': {
            'node2': {
                'files': [
                    // ....
    // dataKey: 'node0.node1.node2'

File type:

  • audio
  • binary
  • glsl
  • html
  • htmlTexture
  • image
  • json
  • script
  • spritesheet
  • svg
  • text
  • tilemapCSV
  • tilemapJSON
  • xml

Get pack json data from cache

var cache = scene.cache.json;  // pack json is stored in json cache
var data = cache.get(key);

Event name in 'filecomplete' event : 'filecomplete-packfile-' + key


  1. Remove key.
  2. Load file again.


Get data

var cache = scene.cache.text;
var data = cache.get(key);

Add data

var cache = scene.cache.text;
var data = cache.add(key);

Release data

var cache = scene.cache.text;

Data in cache

var cache = scene.cache.text;
var hasData = cache.exists(key);
// var hasData = cache.has(key);
Cache events
  • Add any item'add', function(cache, key, item){
  • Remove any item'remove', function(cache, key, item){

XHR Settings Object

Parameter xhrSettings

    async: true,
    user: '',
    password: '',
    timeout: 0,
    headers: undefined,
    header: undefined,
    headerValue: undefined,
    requestedWith: undefined,
    overrideMimeType: undefined,
    withCredentials: false
  • user : Optional username for the XHR request.
  • password : Optional password for the XHR request.
  • timeout : Optional XHR timeout value.
  • headers, header, headerValue, requestedWith : This value is used to populate the XHR setRequestHeader
  • overrideMimeType : Provide a custom mime-type to use instead of the default.
  • withCredentials : Whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or TLS client certificates. Setting withCredentials has no effect on same-site requests.