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Virtual joystick


Simulate cursor keys according to touch events.

  • Author: Rex
  • Member of scene

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexvirtualjoystickplugin', '', true);
  • Create instance
    var joyStick = scene.plugins.get('rexvirtualjoystickplugin').addPlayer(scene, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import VirtualJoystickPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/virtualjoystick-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexVirtualJoystick',
                plugin: VirtualJoystickPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Create instance
    var joyStick = scene.plugins.get('rexVirtualJoystick').addPlayer(scene, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import VirtualJoystick from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/virtualjoystick.js';
  • Create instance
    var joyStick = new VirtualJoystick(scene, config);

Create instance

var joystick = scene.plugins.get('rexVirtualJoystick').add(scene, {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    radius: 100,
    base: baseGameObject,
    thumb: thumbGameObject,
    // dir: '8dir',
    // forceMin: 16,
    // fixed: true,
    // enable: true
  • base : Base game object.
    • Create a circle shape object if no base game object passed.
  • thumb : Thumb game object.
    • Create a circle shape object if no thumb game object passed.
  • x, y : Position of base game object
  • radius : Circle hit-area of base game object
  • dir :
    • 'up&down', or 0 : Simulate up or down cursor keys only.
    • 'left&right', or 1 : Simulate left or right cursor keys only.
    • '4dir', or 2 : Simulate up, down, left or right cursor keys.
    • '8dir', or 3 : Simulate up, up-left, up-right, down, down-left, down-right, left, or right cursor keys.
  • forceMin : Cursor keys will be pressed when force is larger then this value.
    • force : Distance between position of base game object to touch pointer
  • fixed : Set true to fix to camera, i.e set scrollFactor to 0 for base and thumb game object. Default value is true.
  • enable : Set false to disable cursor keys simulation

State of cursor keys

var cursorKeys = joystick.createCursorKeys();

var leftKeyDown = cursorKeys.left.isDown;
var rightKeyDown = cursorKeys.right.isDown;
var upKeyDown = cursorKeys.up.isDown;
var downKeyDown = cursorKeys.down.isDown;


var leftKeyDown = joystick.left;
var rightKeyDown = joystick.right;
var upKeyDown = joystick.up;
var downKeyDown = joystick.down;
var noKeyDown = joystick.noKey;

Force & Angle

Force : Distance between position of base game object to touch pointer.

var force = joystick.force;
var forceX = joystick.forceX;
var forceY = joystick.forceY;

var angle = joystick.angle;  // degree between -180 to 180
var rotation = joystick.rotation; // radians


Visible of base game object.

  • Get : Return visible of base game object
    var visible = joystick.visible;
  • Set : Set visible to base game object and thumb game object
    joystick.visible = visible;
    Joystick will be disabled when invisible.


  • Get
    var enable = joystick.enable;
  • Set
    joystick.setEnable(enable);  // enable: true, or false
    //joystick.enable = enable;
  • Toggle


Position of base game object.

  • Get
    var x = joystick.x;
    var y = joystick.y;
  • Set
    joystick.setPosition(x ,y);
    // joystick.x = x;
    // joystick.y = y;

Scroll factor

  • Fix to camera

Touch pointer

  • Position
    var x = joystick.pointerX;
    var y = joystick.pointerY;
  • Pointer
    var pointer = joystick.pointer;


Destroy base & thumb game object.



  • On joystick updated :
    joystick.on('update', function(){});
  • On pointer-down
    joystick.on('pointerdown', function(pointer){});
  • On pointer-up
    joystick.on('pointerup', function(pointer){});


  • Base Game object:
    var baseGO = joystick.base;
  • Thumb Game object:
    var thumb = joystick.thumb;

Vector to cursor keys

A controller to represent cursor keys by (drag) vector

Create controller

var controller = scene.plugins.get('rexVirtualJoyStick').addVectorToCursorKeys({
    // dir: '8dir',
    // forceMin: 16,
    // enable: true


// import VirtualJoystick from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/vectortocursorkeys.js';
var controller = new VirtualJoystick(undefined, config);
  • dir :
    • 'up&down', or 0 : Simulate up or down cursor keys only.
    • 'left&right', or 1 : Simulate left or right cursor keys only.
    • '4dir', or 2 : Simulate up, down, left or right cursor keys.
    • '8dir', or 3 : Simulate up, up-left, up-right, down, down-left, down-right, left, or right cursor keys.
  • forceMin : Cursor keys will be pressed when force is larger then this value.
    • force : Distance between position of base game object to touch pointer
  • enable : Set false to disable cursor keys simulation.

Set vector

  • Set vector
    controller.setVector(x0, y0, x1, y1);
  • Clear vector

State of cursor keys

var cursorKeys = controller.createCursorKeys();

var leftKeyDown = cursorKeys.left.isDown;
var rightKeyDown = cursorKeys.right.isDown;
var upKeyDown = cursorKeys.up.isDown;
var downKeyDown = cursorKeys.down.isDown;

Force & Angle

var force = controller.force;
var forceX = controller.forceX;
var forceY = controller.forceY;

var angle = controller.angle;  // degree between -180 to 180
var rotation = controller.rotation; // radians