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Version of phaser3

Please upgrade your phaser3 to version >= 3.80.0.

  1. Achievements: Achievements in a csv table.
  2. Alpha mask image: Load a texture, then apply an alpha mask from another texture.
  3. Anchor: Set size and position based on visible window.
  4. Arcade-TCRP/Player: Run commands on step of Arcade.
  5. Arcade-TCRP/Recorder: Store commands with step of Arcade.
  6. AwaitLoader: Await custom task in preload stage.
  7. Away time: Get time from previous closing application to now.
  8. BBCode-text: Drawing text with BBCode protocol.
  9. Board: Core object of Board system.
  10. Board/Image: Image chess object.
  11. Board/Field of view: Visible testing, to find field of view.
  12. Board/Hexagon map: Create tile positions in hexagon/triangle/parallelogram geometry in hexagon grid.
  13. Board/Match: Get matched chess.
  14. Board/Mini board: Chess Container, to rotate/mirror/drag chess together.
  15. Board/Monopoly: Move through path tiles.
  16. Board/Move To: Move chess towards target position with a steady speed.
  17. Board/Path finder: Find moveable area or moving path.
  18. Board/Shape: Grid (polygon) shape chess object.
  19. Board/Sprite: Sprite chess object.
  20. Board/Tilemap: Create board from tilemap.
  21. Board/Tile texture: Create canvas-texture of tile.
  22. Bounds: Clamp or wrap position of game object inside target bounds.
  23. Bracket parser: A lite-weight bracket parser.
  24. Bracket parser2: A lite-weight bracket parser.
  25. Buff data: Data manager with buffs.
  26. Build arcade object: Create arcade body, and inject arcade object methods.
  27. Bullet: Move game object toward current angle of game object, with a constant speed.
  28. Button: Fires 'click' event when touch releasd after pressed.
  29. Camera controller: Control camera's scroll by pan/cursor-at-bounds(scroll), and zoom by pinch/mouse-wheel.
  30. Canvas: Drawing on canvas.
  31. CanvasInput: An invisible Input DOM element to receive character input and display on DynamicText.
  32. Canvas/Circular progress: Circular progress bar on canvas.
  33. Canvas/Line progress: Horizontal line progress bar filled with gradient color on canvas.
  34. Canvas/Round rectangle: Round rectangle on canvas.
  35. Canvas image data: Get image data from texture, or text object.
  36. Circle mask image: Load a texture, then apply a circle mask.
  37. Click outside: Fires 'clickoutside' event when pointer-down or pointer-up outside of game object.
  38. Clock: A clock to count elapsed time.
  39. Character cache: Generate bitmapfont from text game object, or bbcode text game object.
  40. Color/TintRGB: Attach tintR, tintG, tintB, and tintGray properties to a game object.
  41. Conditions table: Check conditions to find passed tests listed in a csv table.
  42. ContainerLite: Control the position and angle of children game objects.
  43. Containerlite-perspective: Snapshot children of containerlite, to a perspective render texture.
  44. Containerlite-skew: Snapshot children of containerlite, to a skew render texture.
  45. CSV-scenario: Run script in csv format.
  46. CSV-to-hash-table: Hash table indexed by (col-key, row-key) from csv string.
  47. Cursor at bound: Map position pf cursor to cursor key state.
  48. Curve/Spiral: Spiral curve.
  49. Cut Jigsaw Image: Cut image into pieces for jigsaw application.
  50. Drag: Drag game object.
  51. Drag-rotate: Get dragging angle around a specific point.
  52. Drop down: Drop down game object below another target game object.
  53. Dynamic text: Control position, angle of each character drawn on a canvas.
  54. Ease-data: Easing data value of game object's data-manager.
  55. Ease-move: Ease-move game object.
  56. Effect properties: Attach properties to a game object or camera, to add/remove/control builtin preFX or postFX effects.
  57. Eight direction: Move game object by cursor keys, with a constant speed.
  58. Event promise: Return a promise of an event.
  59. Expression parser: Parse expression string into function.
  60. Fade-out-destroy: Fade out game object then destroy it.
  61. Fade-volume: Fade-in/fade-out volume of sound.
  62. File chooser: Create a transparent file chooser button.
  63. File drop zone: Create a div element for dropping file(s).
  64. Firebase/Broadcast: Broadcast real-time messages, using firebase-database.
  65. Firebase/Files: Save JSON data, using firebase-firestore.
  66. Firebase/ID-alias: Map an unique ID to another unique ID, using firebase-firestore.
  67. Firebase/Item-table: 1d/2d/3d table, using firebase-database.
  68. Firebase/Leaderboard: Descending sort scores, using firebase-firestore.
  69. Firebase/Messages: Store messages in firebase-firestore.
  70. Firebase/Online-user-list: Online user list, using firebase-database.
  71. Firebase/Single-room: Chat room, using firebase-database.
  72. Flash: Flashing (set invisible then visible) game object.
  73. Flip: Flipping game object to another face by scaling width/height.
  74. Frame manager: Draw frames on canvas texture, or dynamic texture.
  75. FSM: Finite state machine.
  76. Fuzzy: A wrap of fuzzy logic.
  77. Gashapon: Pick random item from box.
  78. Geom/Hexagon: Hexagon geometry object.
  79. Geom/Rhombus: Rhombus shape and methods.
  80. Gesture/Pan: Get pan events of a game object.
  81. Gesture/Pinch: Get scale factor from 2 dragging touch pointers.
  82. Gesture/Press: Get press events of a game object.
  83. Gesture/Rotate: Get spin angle from 2 dragging touch pointers.
  84. Gesture/Swipe: Get swipe events of a game object.
  85. Gesture/Tap: Get tap/multi-taps events of a game object.
  86. Grid align: Align objects on quadrilateral or hexagon grid.
  87. Grid cut image: Grid cut image texture to frames, then create image game objects from these frames.
  88. Grid table: Viewer of grid table, to manipulate game object of each visible cell.
  89. Group navigator: Navigate between existing game objects, focus on next/previous/next-row/previous row game object.
  90. Hidden input text: An invisible Input DOM element to receive character input and display on text game object.
  91. Image box: Keep aspect ratio of image game object after scale-down resizing.
  92. Input text: Input DOM element.
  93. Interception: Predict the intersection position of two game objects with constant moving speed.
  94. In touching: Fires 'intouch' event every tick when pressing on a game object.
  95. Keys hub: Key object interface mapping from multiple source of key objects.
  96. Layer manager: A container of Layer game objects.
  97. Level counter: Map level value from experience value, by callback or a number array.
  98. Life time: Destroy game object when time-out.
  99. Line: Draw a line with start/end/body textures.
  100. Live2d: Display live2d model.
  101. Loading animation scene: Start loading animation scene, stop this scene when loading complete.
  102. Loading-progress: Pop-up dialog for loading-progress, then scale-down this dialog.
  103. LocalForage/Files: Save JSON data, using localforage.
  104. LocalStorage/Data: Sync data from data manager to local-storage.
  105. LZ-string: Compress string using LZ-based compression algorithm.
  106. Markdown event sheets: Event sheets contains main condition(s) and actions, in simple markdown format (headings, code block).
  107. Modal promise: Modal behavior wrapped into promise.
  108. Mouse-wheel to up/down: Map mouse-wheeling to (up/down) cursor key state.
  109. Mouse-wheel scroller: Emit scroll event when mouse-wheeling.
  110. Move to: Move game object towards target position with a steady speed.
  111. Nine patch: Stretchable image.
  112. Nine patch2: Stretchable image. Has better performance than nine-patch.
  113. Particles-along-bounds: Emit particles along bounds of game object.
  114. Particles/Bitmap-zone: Particles' emitter zone from canvas bitmap of text/canvas game object.
  115. Path follower: Set position of game object on a path.
  116. Perlin: Perlin2/Perlin3 noise and simplex2/simplex3 noise.
  117. Perspective/Card: A container with two perspective-images.
  118. Perspective/Carousel: A container with cards.
  119. Perspective/Image: Image with perspective rotation.
  120. Perspective/ImageCarousel: Display list of images.
  121. Perspective/Render texture: Render texture with perspective rotation.
  122. Perspective/Sprite: Play animation on perspective-image..
  123. PNG appender: Append user data below tail of PNG data, or extract this user data from PNG data.
  124. polar-coordinate: Attach polarOX, polarOY, polarRotation, polarAngle, and polarRadius properties to a game object.
  125. Pop up: Scale up game object.
  126. Quad/Image: Image with 4 or 9 vertex control points.
  127. Quad/Render texture: Render texture with 4 or 9 vertex control points.
  128. Quest: Question manager.
  129. Raycaster: Raycaster between obstacles.
  130. Random place: Place objects randomly inside an area without overlapping.
  131. Real-time timers: Start and counting timer by real-time timestamp.
  132. Repeat Image: Stamp image repeatly on canvas.
  133. Restorable data: Restorable data manager.
  134. RotateTo: Rotate game object towards target position with a steady speed.
  135. Rotate: Rotate game object continually with a steady speed.
  136. Run-commands: Run commands in array.
  137. Scale-down-destroy: Scale down game object then destroy it.
  138. Scale outer: Scroll and zoom camera to make default game window fit the display area, in RESIZE scale mode.
  139. Script-tag loader: Load script tag in preload stage.
  140. Scroller: Drag content. Slow down when dragging released, pull back when out of bounds.
  141. Sequence: Run sequence commands in array.
  142. Shader/Barrel: Barrel post processing filter.
  143. Shader/Color-replace: Replace color post processing filter.
  144. Shader/Cross-stitching: Cross-stitching post processing filter.
  145. Shader/CRT: CRT post processing filter.
  146. Shader/Dissolve: Dissolve transition post processing filter.
  147. Shader/Drop-shadow: Drop-shadow post processing filter.
  148. Shader/Fish-eye: Fish-eye post processing filter.
  149. Shader/Glow-filter: Glow post processing filter.
  150. Shader/Glow-filter: Glow post processing filter, ported from pixi.
  151. Shader/Gray-scale: Gray scale post processing filter.
  152. Shader/Horri-fi: 6-in-1 post processing filter.
  153. Shader/Hsl-adjust: Adjust color in HSL domain, post processing filter.
  154. Shader/Inverse: Inverse color post processing filter.
  155. Shader/Kawaseblur: Kawase-blur post processing filter.
  156. Shader/Outline: Outline post processing filter, ported from pixi.
  157. Shader/Pixelation: Pixelation post processing filter.
  158. Shader/Shockwave: Shockwave post processing filter.
  159. Shader/Split: Split image into 4 parts.
  160. Shader/Swirl: Swirl post processing filter.
  161. Shader/Toonify: Draw outlines and quantize color in HSV domain, post processing filter.
  162. Shader/Warp: Warp post processing filter.
  163. Shake-position: Shake position of game object.
  164. Shape/Checkbox: Checkbox input with drawing checker path animation.
  165. Shape/Circular progress: Circular progress bar shape.
  166. Shape/Cover: Rectangle shape covered full window, and block all touch events.
  167. Shape/Custom progress: Custom progress bar shape.
  168. Shape/Custom shapes: Custom shapes on shape.
  169. Shape/Full window rectangle: Rectangle shape covered full window.
  170. Shape/Line progress: Horizontal line progress bar shape.
  171. Shape/Quad: Quad shape, offsets can be given on four vertices, and additional points can be added on the four sides.
  172. Shape/Round-Rectangle: Round rectangle shape.
  173. Shape/Round-Rectangle progress: Horizontal or vertical round rectangle progress bar shape.
  174. Shape/Spinner: Loading animations on shape.
  175. Shape/Toggle-switch: Toggle-switch input.
  176. Shape/Triangle: Trangle shape inside a rectangle bounds.
  177. Shatter/Image: Shatter image to triangle faces.
  178. Shatter/Render texture: Shatter render texture to triangle faces.
  179. Ship: Move game object as a space ship by cursor keys.
  180. Skew/Image: Skewable Image.
  181. Skew/RenderTexture: Skewable render texture.
  182. Slider: Drag thumb on a slider bar.
  183. State manager: Another version of Finite state machine.
  184. Step: Interpolate points between previous position and current position with fixed step length.
  185. Tag-player: Text commands to control sprites, texts, sound effect or backgroun music.
  186. Tag-text: Displays text with multi-color, font face, or font size with tags.
  187. TCRP/Player: Run commands on time.
  188. TCRP/Recorder: Store commands with time.
  189. Text/Edit: Create an input text object above a text object to edit string content.
  190. Text/Typing: Typing text on text object.
  191. Text/Page: Display text page by page on text object.
  192. Text/Translation: Apply translated string (i18next) to text object.
  193. Text/Truncator: Constraints text game object size by truncating text with padding symbol on text object.
  194. Text player: Typing characters on dynamic text, waiting click or key enter, play sound effect or backgroun music.
  195. Touch event stop: Stop touch events propagation.
  196. Touch state: Store current touch input properties.
  197. Transition image: Transit texture to another one.
  198. Transition image pack: Transit texture to another one, with some pre-build effects.
  199. UI/Badge label: A container with badges above a main item.
  200. UI/Buttons: A container with a group of buttons.
  201. UI/Chart: Draw chart on canvas.
  202. UI/Color components: Edit color value by RGB, or HSV input fields.
  203. UI/Color input: Color value input field.
  204. UI/Color picker: Pick color value from H and SV palettes.
  205. UI/Confirm action: Create a modal confirm dialog temporary, invoke callback after clicking button.
  206. UI/Confirm action button: Create a modal confirm dialog temporary, invoke callback after clicking button.
  207. UI/Confrim dialog: Using json style to create confirm dialog.
  208. UI/Dialog: A container with a title, content, buttons and backgrounds.
  209. UI/Drop down list: A label can open a drop-down list panel.
  210. UI/Exp bar: Disply experience bar on NameValueLabel.
  211. UI/File selector button: A transparent file chooser button above a Label.
  212. UI/Fixwidthbuttons: A container with a group of fix-width buttons.
  213. UI/Fixwidthsizer: Layout children game objects into lines.
  214. UI/Folder: A container with a title, foldable child, and background.
  215. UI/Grid buttons: A container with a group of buttons in grids.
  216. UI/Grid sizer: Layout children game objects in grids.
  217. UI/Gird table: A container with a grid table, slider, and scroller.
  218. UI/Holy grail: Layout elements in Holy grail style.
  219. UI/Image input label: A container with a canvas icon, text, and background. Click icon to popup a (image) file chooser dialog, display selected image on canvas.
  220. UI/Knob: A knob button based on circular progress.
  221. UI/Label: A game object container with an icon, text, and background.
  222. UI/Menu: A container with buttons and sub-menu.
  223. UI/Name-input dialog: Enter first name and last name via a dialog.
  224. UI/Name-value label: A container with name text, value text in a row, with a horizontal line progress bar, 1d an icon, background.
  225. UI/Number bar: A container with an icon, slider, text, and background.
  226. UI/Overlap sizer: Layout children game objects overlapped.
  227. UI/Pages: A container with pages, only current page is visible.
  228. UI/Perspective card: A container with front and back faces.
  229. UI/Scroll-able panel: A container with a panel, slider, and scroller.
  230. UI/Scroll bar: A container with slider, two buttons, and background.
  231. UI/Simple drop down list: Using plain object to create drop down list.
  232. UI/Simple label: Using json style to create label.
  233. UI/Simple title label: Using json style to create title label.
  234. UI/Simple text box: Using json style to create text box.
  235. UI/Sizer: Layout children game objects.
  236. UI/Slider: A container with a track, indicator, thumb and background.
  237. UI/Split panels: A container with left(top) panel, right(bottom) panel, splitter, and background. Drag splitter to resize with left(top) panel, right(bottom) panel.
  238. UI/Tab-pages: A container with tabs and pages, only current page is visible.
  239. UI/Tabs: A container with 4 groups of buttons around a center panel.
  240. UI/Text area: A container with a text, slider, and scroller.
  241. UI/Text area input: A container with a canvasInput, and slider.
  242. UI/Text box: A container with an icon, (typing and paging) text, and background.
  243. UI/Title label: A container with title, text in two rows, and an icon, background.
  244. UI/Toast: Show text message for a short while.
  245. UI/Toast queue: Queue messages for a short while.
  246. UI/Trees: A container with trees and leaf-nodes.
  247. UI/Tweaker: Fine-tuning properties of target object.
  248. Unique item list: List of unique items. Support array and set methods.
  249. Viewport-coordinate: Attach vpx, vpy properties to a game object, to set position according to proportion of viewport.
  250. Virtual joystick: Simulate cursor keys according to touch events.
  251. Wait events: Wait fired events or callbacks.
  252. Webfont-loader: Load web font by google webfont loader in preload stage.
  253. XOR: Encrypt or decrypt string by XOR algorithm.
  254. YML-Achievements: Achievements in a YAML table.
  255. YML-Conditions table: Check conditions to find passed tests listed in a YAML table.
  256. Youtube player: Play youtube video on iframe.