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Dynamic text


Control position, angle of each character drawn on a canvas.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexdynamictextplugin', '', true);
  • Add dynamic-text object
    var txt = scene.add.rexDynamicText(x, y, width, height, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import DynamicTextPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/dynamictext-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexDynamicTextPlugin',
                plugin: DynamicTextPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add dynamic-text object
    var txt = scene.add.rexDynamicText(x, y, width, height, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import DynamicText from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/dynamictext.js';
  • Add dynamic-text object
    var txt = new DynamicText(scene, x, y, width, height, config);

Create instance

var txt = scene.add.rexDynamicText({
    x: 0, 
    y: 0,
    width: undefined, 
    height: undefined,

    padding: 0,  // {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}

    background: {
        color: null,
        color2: null,
        horizontalGradient: true,

        stroke: null,
        strokeThickness: 2,

        cornerRadius: 0,
        cornerIteration: null

    innerBounds: {
        color: null,
        color2: null,
        horizontalGradient: true,

        stroke: null,
        strokeThickness: 2

    style: {
        bold: false,
        italic: false,
        fontSize: '16px',
        fontFamily: 'Courier',
        color: '#fff',
        stroke: '#fff',
        strokeThickness: 0,
        shadowColor: null,
        shadowOffsetX: 0,
        shadowOffsetY: 0,
        shadowBlur: 0,
        backgroundColor: null,
        backgroundHeight: undefined,
        backgroundBottomY: undefined,
        offsetX: 0,
        offsetY: 0

    childrenInteractive: false,

    text: '',

    wrap: undefined,

    testString: '|MÉqgy',
  • x, y : Position of this dynamic-text game object.
  • width : Fixed width.
    • A number : Width of this dynamic-text game object.
      • Wrap-width is width - padding.left - padding.right.
    • undefined : Width of this dynamic-text game object will be set after invoked runWordWrap method.
  • height : Fixed height.
    • A number : Height of this dynamic-text game object.
    • undefined : Height of this dynamic-text game object will be set after invoked runWordWrap method.
  • padding : Padding of bounds.
    • A number
    • padding.left, padding.right,, padding.bottom
  • background : Properties of background round-rectangle.
    • background.color : Fill color, number or string.
      • null : No filling.
    • background.color2 : Gradient fill color, number or string.
      • null : No gradient filling.
    • background.horizontalGradient : Horizontal or vertical gradient filling.
      • true : Horizontal gradient filling.
      • false : Vertical gradient filling.
    • background.stroke : Stroke color, number or string.
      • null : No stroke.
    • background.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
    • background.cornerRadius : Corner-radius of round rectangle.
    • background.cornerIteration : Iteration of corner-radius.
      • null : Draw corner-radius via arc directly.
      • A number : Draw corner-radius via lines
  • innerBounds : Properties of inner-bounds.
    • innerBounds.color : Fill color, number or string.
      • null : No filling.
    • innerBounds.color2 : Gradient fill color, number or string.
      • null : No gradient filling.
    • innerBounds.horizontalGradient : Horizontal or vertical gradient filling.
      • true : Horizontal gradient filling.
      • false : Vertical gradient filling.
    • innerBounds.stroke : Stroke color, number or string.
      • null : No stroke.
    • innerBounds.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
  • style : Initial text-style.
    • style.bold : Bold
    • style.italic : Italic
    • style.fontSize : Font size, number or string.
    • style.fontFamily : Font family
    • style.color : Fill color, number or string.
    • style.stroke : Stroke color, number or string.
    • style.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
    • style.shadowColor : Shadow color, number or string.
      • null : No shadow.
    • style.shadowOffsetX : OffsetX of shadow.
    • style.shadowOffsetY : OffsetY of shadow.
    • style.shadowBlur : Blur of shadow.
    • style.backgroundColor : Background color of a character.
    • style.backgroundHeight, style.backgroundBottomY : Background position and height of a character.
      • undefined, or null : Use height of character as background height. Default behavior.
    • style.offsetX : OffsetX.
    • style.offsetY : OffsetY.
    • style.align : Override default line-alignment setting.
      • 0, 'left', 'top' : Align remainder lines to left/top.
      • 1, 'center' : Align remainder lines to center.
      • 2, 'right', 'bottom' : Align remainder lines to right/bottom.
      • undefined : Use default line-alignment setting.
  • childrenInteractive :
    • true : Fire input events ('child.pointerdown', 'child.pointerup', 'child.pointerover', 'child.pointerout') of any child after text.setInteractive().
    • false : Won't fire any input events of child. Default behavior.
  • text : Content of text.
  • wrap : Default configuration Horizontal/Vertical wrapping.
  • testString : Test string to get text ascent and text height with default text style.


var txt = scene.add.rexDynamicText(x, y, width, height, config);


var txt = scene.add.rexDynamicText(x, y, config);

Add dynamictext from JSON

var txt = scene.make.rexDynamicText({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,

    // origin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5},
    // fill: null,

    add: true

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyDynamicText extends DynamicText {
        constructor(scene, x, y, width, height, config)) {
            super(scene, x, y, width, height, config));
            // ...
        // ...
        // preUpdate(time, delta) {}
    • scene.add.existing(gameObject) : Adds an existing Game Object to this Scene.
      • If the Game Object renders, it will be added to the Display List.
      • If it has a preUpdate method, it will be added to the Update List.
  • Create instance
    var txt = new MyDynamicText(scene, x, y, config);

Clear content



Append text



        // bold: false,
        // italic: false,
        // fontSize: '16px',
        // fontFamily: 'Courier',
        // color: '#fff',
        // stroke: '#fff',
        // strokeThickness: 0,
        // shadowColor: null,
        // shadowOffsetX: 0,
        // shadowOffsetY: 0,
        // shadowBlur: 0,
        // backgroundColor: null,
        // backgroundHeight: undefined,
        // backgroundBottomY: undefined,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // align: undefined

To overwrite some properties of text-style.

Each character will be placed at position (0,0), without rotation. Uses word-wrap method to rearrange position of characters.

Set text



        // bold: false,
        // italic: false,
        // fontSize: '16px',
        // fontFamily: 'Courier',
        // color: '#fff',
        // stroke: '#fff',
        // strokeThickness: 0,
        // shadowColor: null,
        // shadowOffsetX: 0,
        // shadowOffsetY: 0,
        // shadowBlur: 0,
        // backgroundColor: null,
        // backgroundHeight: undefined,
        // backgroundBottomY: undefined,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // align: undefined

Insert text

txt.insertText(index, text);

txt.insertText(index, text, 
        // bold: false,
        // italic: false,
        // fontSize: '16px',
        // fontFamily: 'Courier',
        // color: '#fff',
        // stroke: '#fff',
        // strokeThickness: 0,
        // shadowColor: null,
        // shadowOffsetX: 0,
        // shadowOffsetY: 0,
        // shadowBlur: 0,
        // backgroundColor: null,
        // backgroundHeight: undefined,
        // backgroundBottomY: undefined,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // offsetY: 0,
        // align: undefined

Remove text


Get text

  • Get active characters
    var text = txt.text;
    var text = txt.getText();
  • Get all characters
    var text = txt.getText(false);


Append image

txt.appendImage(key, frame, {
    // width: ,
    // height: ,
    // scaleX: ,
    // scaleY: ,
    // color: ,
  • width : Scaled-width. Aspect-ratio will be kept if no height, or scaleY is set.
  • height : Scaled-height. Aspect-ratio will be kept if no width, or scaleX is set.
  • color : Tint-fill color. Default is undefined.


  • Fill style
    // txt.setBackgroundColor(color, color2, isHorizontalGradient);
  • Stroke style
    txt.setBackgroundStroke(color, lineWidth);
  • Corner radius
    // txt.setBackgroundCornerRadius(radius, iteration)

Inner bounds

  • Fill style
    // txt.setInnerBoundsColor(color, color2, isHorizontalGradient);
  • Stroke style
    txt.setInnerBoundsStroke(color, lineWidth);


Control characters :

  • '\n' : New line
  • '\f' : Page break

Horizontal wrap

var result = txt.runWordWrap({
    padding: {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        top: 0,
        bottom: 0
    ascent: undefined,
    lineHeight: undefined,
    useDefaultTextHeight: false,
    maxLines: undefined,
    wrapWidth: undefined,
    wrapMode: 'word',  // 1|'word'|2|'char'|'character'|3|'mix'
    letterSpacing: 0,
    hAlign: 0,
    vAlign: 0,

  • padding :
    •, padding.bottom, padding.left, padding.right : Extra space around lines.
  • ascent, lineHeight : Height of first line and remainder lines
    • ascent will set to lineHeight if ascent is undefined but lineHeight is not undefined (backward compatible)
    • Get ascent, lineHeight from default text style and test string, if ascent, lineHeight are both undefined
  • useDefaultTextHeight : If parameter lineHeight is not given,
    • false : Set line height to (total line height / maxLines), if parameter maxLines is larger than 0. Default behavior.
    • true : Set line height to default text height.
  • maxLines : Lines number of this page.
    • 0 : Wrapping whole content.
    • undefined : It will be set if lineHeight and height is given
  • wrapWidth : Width of wrapping. Use inner width if this parameter is undefined.
  • wrapMode :
    • No wrapping if wrapWidth, or inner width is not given.
    • 1, or 'word' : Word wrapping. Default behavior.
    • 2, or 'char', or 'character' : Character wrapping.
    • 3, or 'mix' : Word wrapping for ASCII word, Character wrapping for other (unicode) word.
  • letterSpacing : Space between each character.
  • hAlign : Horizontal alignment.
    • 0, or 'left' : Align to left bound.
    • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
    • 2, or 'right' : Align to right bound.
    • 3, 'justify', 'justify-left' : If remainder space is less or equal than 25%, then justify children. Else align children to left/top side.
    • 4, 'justify-right' : If remainder space is less or equal than 25%, then justify children. Else align children to right/bottom side.
    • 5, 'justify-cneter' : If remainder space is less or equal than 25%, then justify children. Else align children to center.
  • vAlign : Vertical alignment.
    • 0, or 'top' : Align to top bound.
    • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
    • 2, or 'bottom' : Align to bottom bound.
  • Set vertical align mode
    • vAlign : Vertical alignment.
      • 0, or 'top' : Align to top bound.
      • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
      • 2, or 'bottom' : Align to bottom bound.
  • Set horizontal align mode
    • hAlign : Horizontal alignment.
      • 0, or 'left' : Align to left bound.
      • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
      • 2, or 'right' : Align to right bound.
Test string

Vertical wrap

var result = txt.runVerticalWrap({
    padding: {
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0
    lineWidth: undefined,
    maxLines: undefined,
    fixedChildHeight: undefined,
    charPerLine: undefined,
    wrapHeight: undefined,
    letterSpacing: 0,
    rtl: true,
    hAlign: 0,
    vAlign: 0,
  • padding :
    •, padding.bottom, padding.left, padding.right : Extra space around lines.
  • lineWidth : Line width.
    • undefined : It will be set if maxLines and fixedWidth is given.
  • maxLines : Lines number of this page.
    • 0 : Wrapping whole content.
    • undefined : It will be set if lineWidth and fixedWidth is given.
  • fixedChildHeight : Each character has the same fixed height.
    • undefined : Get fixedChildHeight according to charPerLine parameter. Or use height of each character if fixedChildHeight and charPerLine parameters are undefined.
  • charPerLine : Amount of characters in each line, to get fixedChildHeight.
  • wrapHeight : Height of wrapping
  • letterSpacing : Space between each character.
  • rtl :
    • true : Place lines from right to left.
    • false : Place lines from left to right.
  • hAlign : Horizontal alignment.
    • 0, or 'left' : Align to left bound. Default value if rtl is set to false.
    • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
    • 2, or 'right' : Align to right bound. Default value if rtl is set to true.
  • vAlign : Vertical alignment.
    • 0, or 'top' : Align to top bound.
    • 1, or 'center' : Align to center.
    • 2, or 'bottom' : Align to bottom bound.


    children: [],
    lines: [],
    isLastPage: false
  • children : Character/Image data in this page.
  • lines : Array of line data. A line data contains
        children: [],
        width: 0,     // Horizontal-wrapping
        height: 0,    // Vertical-wrapping.        
    • children : Character/Image data in this line.
    • width : Width of this line, in result of horizontal-wrapping.
    • height : Height of this line, in result of vertical-wrapping.
  • isLastPage :
    • false : Run txt.runWordWrap(result)/txt.runVerticalWrap(result) to get next page of word-wrapping result.
    • true : No remainder of characters.

Wrap next page

var result = txt.runWordWrap(prevResult);
  • prevResult : Result of previous word-wraping.
  • result : Current result of word-wraping.

Default configuration of wrapping


Scroll content

Scroll content by setting textOX, textOY members

  • Set
    txt.setTextOXY(x, y).updateTexture();    
    // txt.setTextOX(x).updateTexture();
    // txt.setTextOY(x).updateTexture(); 
    txt.addTextOXY(incX, incY).updateTexture(); 
    // txt.addTextOX(incX).updateTexture(); 
    // txt.addTextOY(incY).updateTexture(); 
    txt.textOX = x;
    txt.textOY = y;
  • Get
    var ox = txt.textOX;
    var oy = txt.textOY;


General properties

  • Visible :
    • Get
      var visible = child.visible;
    • Set
      // child.visible = true;
      child.setVisible(false);  // Set to invisible
      // child.visible = false;
  • Alpha
    • Get
      var alpha = child.alpha;
    • Set
      // child.alpha = alpha;
  • Position :
    • Get
      var x = child.x;
      var y = child.y;
    • Set
      child.setPosition(x, y);
      // child.x = x;
      // child.y = y;
  • Angle :
    • Get
      var degrees = child.angle;
      // var radians = child.rotation;
    • Set
      // child.angle = degrees;
      // child.rotation = radians;
  • Scale
    • Get
      var scaleX = child.scaleX;
      var scaleY = child.scaleY;
    • Set
      child.setScale(scaleX, scaleY);
      // child.scaleX = scaleX;
      // child.scaleY = scaleY;
  • Draw callbacks
    • Set
      • callback :
        function(child) {
            var text = child.text;                
            var context = child.context;
            // ...
  • World position
    var worldXY = child.getWorldPosition();
    // out = child.getWorldPosition(out);
    var worldXY = txt.getCharWorldPosition(char);
    // out = txt.getCharWorldPosition(char, out);


  • Get
    var bold =;
    var italic =;
    var fontSize =;
    var fontFamily =;
    var color =;
    var stroke =;
    var strokeThickness =;
    var shaodwColor =;
    var shadowBlur =;
    var shadowOffsetX =;
    var shadowOffsetY =;
    var backgroundColor =;
    var backgroundHeight =;
    var backgroundBottomY =;
    var xOffset =;
    var yOffset =;
  • Set
        // bold: false,
        // italic: false,
        // fontSize: '16px',
        // fontFamily: 'Courier',
        // color: '#fff',
        // stroke: '#fff',
        // strokeThickness: 0,
        // shaodwColor: null,
        // shadowBlur: 0,
        // shadowOffsetX: 0,
        // shadowOffsetY: 0,
        // backgroundColor: null,
        // backgroundHeight: undefined,
        // backgroundBottomY: undefined,
        // offsetX: 0,
        // offsetY: 0
    // char.setBold(false);
    // char.setItalic(false);
    char.setFontSize(fontSize); // number, string
    char.setColor(color); // number, string
    // char.setColor(); // No filling color
    char.setStrokeStyle(color, thickness);
    // char.setStrokeStyle();  // No stroke
    // char.setShadowColor();  // No shadow
    char.setShadowOffset(offsetX, offsetY);
    // char.setBackgroundColor();  // No shadow


  • Size
    • Get
      var width = image.width;
      var height = image.height;
    • Set
      // image.setWidth(width, true);  // Resize and keep aspect- ratio
      // image.setHeight(height, true);  // Resize and keep aspect- ratio

For each child

  • Any child
    • For each active child
      txt.forEachChild(function(child, childIndex){
      }, scope)
    • For each character child
      txt.forEachChild(function(child, childIndex){
      }, scope, false);
  • Renderable child
    • For each active renderable child
      txt.forEachRenderableChild(function(child, charIndex){
      }, scope)
    • For each renderable child
      txt.forEachRenderableChild(function(child, charIndex){
      }, scope, false);
  • Character child
    • For each active character child
      txt.forEachCharChild(function(child, charIndex){
      }, scope)
    • For each character child
      txt.forEachCharChild(function(child, charIndex){
      }, scope, false);

Get children

  • Get all children
    var children = txt.getChildren();
  • Get last appended children
    var children = txt.getLastAppendedChildren();
  • Get active children, after wrapping
    var children = txt.getActiveChildren();

Get character children

  • Get active character children
    var children = txt.getCharChildren();
  • Get all character children
    var children = txt.getCharChildren(false);
  • Get character child by character index
    var child = txt.getCharChild(charIndex);

Move child

  • Move child to fist
  • Move child to last
  • Move child up
  • Move child to down
  • Move child above another child
    txt.movechildAbove(child, baseChild);
  • Move child below another child
    txt.movechildBelow(child, baseChild);


  • Resize canvas size
    txt.setCanvasSize(width, height)
  • Reisze text wrapping size and canvas size.
    txt.setSize(width, height);
    txt.setFixedSize(width, height);
  • Resize to minimun size to show all visible characters.

Input events of child

  • Enable input events of child on config of constructor, or via method
  • Pointer down/up on child
    txt.on('child.pointerdown', function(child, pointer, localX, localY, event) {        
    txt.on('child.pointerup', function(child, pointer, localX, localY, event) {        
  • Pointer over/out on child
    txt.on('child.pointerover', function(child, pointer, localX, localY, event) {        
    txt.on('child.pointerout', function(child, pointer, localX, localY, event) {        

Other properties

See game object

Create mask

var mask = txt.createBitmapMask();

See mask

Shader effects

Support preFX and postFX effects

Compare with other kinds of text game object

  • Built-in text:
    • Single color per game object.
    • Draw content line by line.
    • Best render performance.
  • BBCode text:
    • Multiple colors, multiple font size per gaem object.
    • Draw content segment by segment.
    • Slower than built-in text game object.
  • Dynamic text:
    • Multiple colors, multiple font size per gaem object.
    • Draw content character by character.
    • Slower than bbcode text game object.