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Touch events


Built-in touch/mouse events of phaser.

  • Author: Richard Davey


No touch input event fired in preload stage.


Quick start

  • Is touching
    var pointer = scene.input.activePointer;
    if (pointer.isDown) {
        var touchX = pointer.x;
        var touchY = pointer.y;
        // ...
  • On any touching start
    scene.input.on('pointerdown', function(pointer){
        var touchX = pointer.x;
        var touchY = pointer.y;
        // ...
    }, scope);
  • On any touching end
    scene.input.on('pointerup', function(pointer){
        var touchX = pointer.x;
        var touchY = pointer.y;
        // ...
    }, scope);
  • On touch game object start
    gameObject.setInteractive().on('pointerdown', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){
        // ...
    }, scope);
  • On touch game object end
    gameObject.setInteractive().on('pointerup', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){
        // ...
    }, scope);
  • Drag game object
        .setInteractive({ draggable: true })
        .on('dragstart', function(pointer, dragX, dragY){
            // ...
        }, scope);
        .on('drag', function(pointer, dragX, dragY){
            gameObject.setPosition(dragX, dragY);
        }, scope);
        .on('dragend', function(pointer, dragX, dragY, dropped){
            // ...
        }, scope);

Reference : Properties of point

Register interactive

Call gameObject.setInteractive(...) to register touch input of Game Object before listening touching events.

  • Set hit area from width & height (rectangle) of the texture
  • Set hit area from game object
    gameObject.setInteractive(shape, callback);
    • Circle
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.Circle(x, y, radius)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Circle.Contains
    • Ellipse
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(x, y, width, height)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Contains
    • Rectangle
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(x, y, width, height)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains
    • Triangle
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.Triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Triangle.Contains
    • Polygon
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.Polygon(points)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Polygon.Contains
    • Hexagon
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.rexHexagon(x, y, size, type)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Polygon.Contains
    • Rhombus
      • shape : new Phaser.Geom.rexRhombus(x, y, width, height)
      • callback : Phaser.Geom.Polygon.Contains
    • Note: x, y relate to the top-left of the gameObject.
  • Set hit area from input plugin
    scene.input.setHitArea(gameObjects, shape, callback);
    • Circle
      scene.input.setHitAreaCircle(gameObjects, x, y, radius);
      // scene.input.setHitAreaCircle(gameObjects, x, y, radius, callback); // callback = Circle.Contains
    • Ellipse
      scene.input.setHitAreaEllipse(gameObjects, x, y, width, height);
      // scene.input.setHitAreaEllipse(gameObjects, x, y, width, height, callback); // callback = Ellipse.Contains
    • Rectangle
      scene.input.setHitAreaRectangle(gameObjects, x, y, width, height);
      // scene.input.setHitAreaRectangle(gameObjects, x, y, width, height, callback); // callback = Rectangle.Contains
    • Triangle
      scene.input.setHitAreaTriangle(gameObjects, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
      // scene.input.setHitAreaTriangle(gameObjects, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, callback); // callback = Triangle.Contains
    • Note: x, y relate to the top-left of the gameObject.
  • Set interactive configuration
        hitArea: shape,
        hitAreaCallback: callback,
        hitAreaDebug: shape,
        draggable: false,
        dropZone: false,
        useHandCursor: false,
        cursor: CSSString,
        pixelPerfect: false,
        alphaTolerance: 1
    • Hit area
      • shape
      • Pixel alpha
        • pixelPerfect : true
        • alphaTolerance : 1 (0-255)
      • Custom hit-testing function
        • hitAreaCallback
          function(shape, x, y, gameObject) {
              return hit;  // true/false
          • shape : Hit area object
          • x, y : Local position of texture.
          • gameObject : Game object.
      • hitAreaDebug : Debug shape.
    • Dragging
      • draggable : true
    • Drop zone
      • dropZone : true
    • Cursor
      • cursor : CSS string
      • useHandCursor : true

Pixel perfect hit-testing

This is an expensive process, should only be enabled on Game Objects that really need it.

Disable interactive

  • Disable temporary
  • Remove interaction

Top only

When set to true this Input Plugin will emulate DOM behavior by only emitting events from the top-most Game Objects in the Display List. If set to false it will emit events from all Game Objects below a Pointer, not just the top one.

  • Get
    var topOnly = scene.input.topOnly;
  • Set
    scene.input.topOnly = topOnly;

Each scene can has its own scene.input.topOnly setting.

Touch events

Trigger these events from top scene to bottom scene.

  1. Events on touched Game object
    gameObject.on('pointerdown', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    gameObject.on('pointerup', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    gameObject.on('pointermove', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    gameObject.on('pointerover', function(pointer, localX, localY, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    gameObject.on('pointerout', function(pointer, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    • Cancel remaining touched events
      function(pointer, localX, localY, event) {
  2. Event on input plugin for each touched Game object
    scene.input.on('gameobjectdown', function(pointer, gameObject, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameobjectup', function(pointer, gameObject, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameobjectmove', function(pointer, gameObject, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameobjectover', function(pointer, gameObject, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameobjectout', function(pointer, gameObject, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    • Cancel remaining touched events
      function(pointer, gameObject, event) {
  3. Events to get all touched Game Objects
    scene.input.on('pointerdown', function(pointer, currentlyOver){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointerdownoutside', function(pointer){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointerup', function(pointer, currentlyOver){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointerupoutside', function(pointer){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointermove', function(pointer, currentlyOver){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointerover', function(pointer, justOver){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('pointerout', function(pointer, justOut){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameout', function(timeStamp, domEvent){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    scene.input.on('gameover', function(timeStamp, domEvent){ /* ... */ }, scope);
    • Check in multiple-cameras scene.

Game canvas

scene.input.on('gameout', function(timeStamp, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('gameover', function(timeStamp, event){ /* ... */ }, scope);


Enable dragging

  • Enable dragging when registering interactive
    gameObject.setInteractive({ draggable: true });
  • Enable dragging and add it to dragging detecting list after registered interactive
  • Enable dragging
    gameObject.input.draggable = true;

Disable dragging

  • Remove Game Object from dragging detecting list
    scene.input.setDraggable(gameObject, false);
  • Disable dragging but keep it in dragging detecting list
    gameObject.input.draggable = false;

Dragging events

gameObject.on('dragstart', function(pointer, dragX, dragY){ /* ... */ }, scope);
gameObject.on('drag', function(pointer, dragX, dragY){ /* ... */ }, scope);
gameObject.on('dragend', function(pointer, dragX, dragY, dropped){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('dragstart', function(pointer, gameObject){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('drag', function(pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('dragend', function(pointer, gameObject, dropped){ /* ... */ }, scope);
  • dropped : 'dragend' and also 'drop'.

Dragging properties

scene.input.dragDistanceThreshold = 16;
scene.input.dragTimeThreshold = 500;

Drop zone

Enable drop zone

  • Enable dropping when registering interactive
    gameObject.setInteractive({ dropZone: true });
  • Enable dropping after registered interactive
    gameObject.input.dropZone = true;

Disable drop zone

gameObject.input.dropZone = false;

Dropping events

gameObject.on('drop', function(pointer, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);

gameObject.on('dragenter', function(pointer, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);
gameObject.on('dragover', function(pointer, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);
gameObject.on('dragleave', function(pointer, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('drop', function(pointer, gameObject, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);

scene.input.on('dragenter', function(pointer, gameObject, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('dragover', function(pointer, gameObject, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);
scene.input.on('dragleave', function(pointer, gameObject, target){ /* ... */ }, scope);

First event of all

scene.input.on('preupdate', function() { /* ... */ }, scope);

Single touch


var pointer = scene.input.activePointer;


Amount of active pointers

Set amount of active pointers in game configuration

var config = {
    // ...
    input: {
        activePointers: 1,
        // ...
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);

Or add pointers in run-time.

scene.input.addPointer(num);  // total points = num + 1


  • pointer 1 ~ 10
    var pointer = scene.input.pointer1;
    // ...
    var pointer = scene.input.pointer10;
  • pointer n
    var pointer = scene.input.manager.pointers[n];
  • Amount of total pointers
    var amount = scene.input.manager.pointersTotal;
    • 1 in desktop
    • 2 in touch device. (0 for mouse, 1 for 1 touch pointer)


  • Position
    • Current touching
      • Position in screen : pointer.x , pointer.y
      • Position in camera :
        • Single camera :
          var worldX = pointer.worldX;
          var worldY = pointer.worldY;
        • Multiple cameras :
          var worldXY = pointer.positionToCamera(camera);  // worldXY: {x, y}
          // var worldXY = pointer.positionToCamera(camera, worldXY);
          var worldX = worldXY.x;
          var worldY = worldXY.y;
        • Camera
          var camera =;
      • Position of previous moving : pointer.prevPosition.x , pointer.prevPosition.y
        • Updating when pointer-down, potiner-move, or pointer-up.
      • Interpolated position :
        var points = pointer.getInterpolatedPosition(step);
        // var out = pointer.getInterpolatedPosition(step, out);
    • Drag
      • Touching start : pointer.downX, pointer.downY
      • Touching end : pointer.upX, pointer.upY
      • Drag distance between pointer-down to latest pointer : pointer.getDistance()
        • Horizontal drag distance : pointer.getDistanceX()
        • Vertical drag distance : pointer.getDistanceY()
      • Drag angle : pointer.getAngle()
  • Time
    • Touching start : pointer.downTime
    • Touching end : pointer.upTime
    • Drag : pointer.getDuration()
  • Touch state
    • Is touching/any button down : pointer.isDown
    • Is primary button down : pointer.primaryDown
  • Button state : pointer.button
    • On Touch devices the value is always 0.
  • Button down
    • No button down : pointer.noButtonDown()
    • Is primary (left) button down : pointer.leftButtonDown()
    • Is secondary (right) button down : pointer.rightButtonDown()
    • Is middle (mouse wheel) button down : pointer.middleButtonDown()
    • Is back button down : pointer.backButtonDown()
    • Is forward button down : pointer.forwardButtonDown()
  • Button released
    • Is primary (left) button released : pointer.leftButtonReleased()
    • Is secondary (right) button released : pointer.rightButtonReleased()
    • Is middle (mouse wheel) button released : pointer.middleButtonReleased()
    • Is back button released : pointer.backButtonReleased()
    • Is forward button released : pointer.forwardButtonReleased()
  • Index in scene.input.manager.pointers :
  • Motion
    • Angle: pointer.angle
    • Distance: pointer.distance
    • Velocity: pointer.velocity
      • pointer.velocity.x, `pointer.velocity.y

Input object

  • gameObject.input : Game object's input object.
  • gameObject.input.localX, gameObject.input.localY : Pointer to local position of texture.
  • gameObject.input.dragStartX, gameObject.input.dragStartY : The x/y coordinate of the Game Object that owns this Interactive Object when the drag started.
  • gameObject.input.dragStartXGlobal, gameObject.input.dragStartYGlobal : The x/y coordinate that the Pointer started dragging this Interactive Object from.
  • gameObject.input.dragX, gameObject.input.dragY : The x/y coordinate that this Interactive Object is currently being dragged to.


Get touch position from interpolation of previous touch position and current touch position.

Touch-position = (current-touch-position * smooth-factor) + (previous-touch-position * (1 - smooth-factor))
  1. Set smooth factor. In game configuration
    var config = {
        // ....
        input: {
            smoothFactor: 0
  2. Get touch position
    var x = pointer.x;
    var y = pointer.y;
    var worldX = pointer.worldX;
    var worldY = pointer.worldY;


  • Enable, draw shape of (shape) hit area.
    // scene.input.enableDebug(gameObject, color);
  • Disable
  • Get debug shape game object
    var shape = gameObject.input.hitAreaDebug;

Poll rate

  • Poll when touches moved, or updated. Default behavior.
  • Poll every tick.
  • Set poll rate.