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Scroll-able panel


A container with a panel, slider, and scroller.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');
  • Add scrollable-panel object
    var panel = scene.rexUI.add.scrollablePanel(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add scrollable-panel object
    var panel = scene.rexUI.add.scrollablePanel(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { ScrollablePanel } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
  • Add scrollable-panel object
    var panel = new ScrollablePanel(scene, config);

Add scroll-able panel object

var panel = scene.rexUI.add.scrollablePanel({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:

    // scrollMode: 0,

    // Elements
    background: backgroundGameObject,

    panel: {
        child: panelGameObject,
        mask: {
            padding: 0, // or {left, right, top, bottom}
            // updateMode: 0,

    slider: {
        // background: sliderBackgroundGameObject,
        track: trackGameObject,
        track: { 
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        thumb: thumbGameObject,
        thumb: { 
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        // input: 'drag',
        // position: 'right',

        // hideUnscrollableSlider: false,
        // adaptThumbSize: false,
        // minThumbSize: undefined,

        // buttons: {
        //     top: topButtonGameObject, 
        //     bottom: bottomButtonGameObject,
        //     left: leftButtonGameObject, 
        //     right: rightButtonGameObject,
        //     step: 0.01,
        // }

    // sliderX: {...},
    // sliderY: {...},

    // scroller: {
    //     threshold: 10,
    //     slidingDeceleration: 5000,
    //     backDeceleration: 2000,
    //     pointerOutRelease: true,
    //     dragRate: 1,
    // },

    // scrollerX: {...},
    // scrollerY: {...},

    mouseWheelScroller: false,
    // mouseWheelScroller: {
    //     focus: true,
    //     speed: 0.1
    // },

    // mouseWheelScrollerX: {...},
    // mouseWheelScrollerY: {...},

    clamplChildOY: false,
    // clamplChildOX: false,

    header: headerGameObject,
    footer: footerGameObject,

    space: {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        top: 0,
        bottom: 0,

        panel: 0,
        // panel: {
        //    top: 0,
        //    bottom: 0,
        //    left: 0,
        //    right: 0,

        slider: 0,
        // slider: {
        //     top: 0,
        //     bottom: 0,
        //     left: 0,
        //     right: 0,
        // },
        // sliderX: 0,
        // sliderY: 0,

        header: 0,
        footer: 0,

    expand: {
        header: true,
        footer: true,
        panel: true,

    align: {
        header: 'center',
        footer: 'center',
        panel: 'center',

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width, height : Minimum width, minimum height.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this sizer. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • scrollMode : Scroll panel vertically, or horizontally.
    • 0, 'vertical', or 'v', 'y' : Scroll panel vertically. Default value.
    • 1, 'horizontal', or 'h'. 'x' : Scroll panel horizontally.
    • 2, or 'xy' : Two-sliders mode, scroll panel vertically and horizontally.
  • background : Game object of background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of scroll-able panel.
  • panel : Configuration of panel game object.
    • panel.child : Panel game object.
    • panel.mask : Configuration of panel's mask.
      • panel.mask.padding :
        • A number : Extra left/right/top/bottom padding spacing of this rectangle mask. Default value is 0.
        • A plain object {left, right, top, bottom}
      • panel.mask.updateMode : When to update mask
        • 0, or 'update' : Apply mask only when scrolling. Default behavior.
        • 1, or 'everyTick' : Apply mask every tick. Use this mode if children game objects of panel are moved after scrolling and still been masked.
      • false : No mask
  • slider : Componments of slider, optional.
    • slider.background :
      • Game object of background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of slider.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.track :
      • Game object of track, optional. This track game object will be resized to fit the size of slider, with space.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.indicator :
      • Game object of indicator, optional.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.thumb :
      • Game object of thumb, optional.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.input :
      • 'pan', 'drag', or 0 : Control slider by panning/dragging thumb game object. Default setting.
      • 'click', or 1 : Control slider by touching track game object.
      • 'none', or -1 : Disable sider controlling.
    • slider.position : Position of this slider.
      • 0, 'right', 'bottom' : Slider at right/bottom side. Default value.
      • 1, 'left', 'top' : Slider at left/top side.
    • slider.hideUnscrollableSlider :
      • false : Slider is always visible no matter it is scrollable or not. Default behavior.
      • true : Set slider to invisible if it is unscrollable.
    • slider.adaptThumbSize :
      • false : Don't adjust height/width of thumb. Default behavior.
      • true : Adjust height/width of thumb according to ratio of visible child.
        • Minimum height/width of thumb = slider.minThumbSize. If content is larger then a page.
        • Maximum height/width of thumb = height/width of slider.track. If content is less then a page.
    • slider.minThumbSize : Minimum height/width of thumb used in slider.adaptThumbSize mode.
    • slider.buttons : Press button to scroll content in each tick.
      •, slider.buttons.bottom : Top and bottom buttons.
      • slider.buttons.left, slider.buttons.right : Left and right buttons
      • slider.buttons.step : Scrolling step in each tick. Default value is 0.01.
    • Set to false to skip creating slider.
  • sliderX, sliderY : Componments of sliderX and sliderY, for two-sliders mode.
  • scroller : Configuration of scroller behavior.
    • scroller.threshold : Minimal movement to scroll. Set 0 to scroll immediately.
    • scroller.slidingDeceleration : Deceleration of slow down when dragging released.
      • Set false to disable it.
    • scroller.backDeceleration : Deceleration of pull back when out of bounds.
      • Set false to disable it.
    • scroller.pointerOutRelease : Set to true to release input control when pointer out of gameObject.
    • scroller.dragRate : Rate of dragging distance/dragging speed. Default value is 1.
    • Set to false to skip creating scroller.
  • scrollerX, scrollerY : Configuration of scrollerX, scrollerY behavior, for two-sliders mode.
  • mouseWheelScroller : Configuration of mouse-wheel-scroller behavior.
    • mouseWheelScroller.focus :
      • true : Only scrolling when cursor is over panel. Default behavior.
      • false : Scrolling without checking cursor.
    • mouseWheelScroller.speed : Scrolling speed, default value is 0.1.
    • Set to false to skip creating mouse-wheel-scroller. Default behavior.
  • mouseWheelScrollerX, mouseWheelScrollerY : Configuration of mouse-wheel-scrollerX, or mouse-wheel-scrollerY behavior, for two-sliders mode.
  • clamplChildOY : Set true to clamp scrolling.
  • clamplChildOX : Set true to clamp scrolling, for two-sliders mode.
  • header : Game object of header, optional.
  • footer : Game object of footer, optional.
  • space : Pads spaces
    • space.left, space.right,, space.bottom : Space of bounds.
    • space.panel :
      • A number: Space between panel object and slider object.
      • An object: Padding of panel object.
        • If scrollMode is 0 (vertical) :
          •, space.panel.bottom : Top, bottom padding space of panel object.
          • space.panel.right : Space between panel object and slider object.
        • If scrollMode is 1 (horizontal) :
          • space.panel.left, space.panel.right : Left, right padding space of panel object.
          • space.panel.bottom : Space between panel object and slider object.
        • If two-sliders mode (scrollMode is 2):
          •, space.panel.bottom, space.panel.left, space.panel.right : Top, bottom, left, right padding space of panel object.
    • space.slider :
      • 0 : No space around slider.
      • space.slider.left, space.slider.right,, space.slider.bottom : Space around slider.
    • space.sliderX, space.sliderX : Space configuration of sliderX, sliderX, for two-sliders mode.
      • 0 : No space around slider.
    • space.header : Space between header and panel.
    • space.footer : Space between footer and panel.
  • expand : Expand width or height of element
    • expand.header : Set true to expand width or height of header game object. Default value is true.
    • expand.footer : Set true to expand width or height of footer game object. Default value is true.
    • expand.panel : Set true to expand width or height of panel game object. Default value is true.
  • align : Align element
    • align.header
      • 'center', or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER : Align game object at center. Default value.
      • 'left', or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER : Align game object at left-center.
      • 'right', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at right-center.
      • 'top', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.TOP_CENTER : Align game object at top-center.
      • 'bottom', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.BOTTOM_CENTER : Align game object at bottom-center.
    • align.footer
      • 'center', or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER : Align game object at center. Default value.
      • 'left', or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER : Align game object at left-center.
      • 'right', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at right-center.
      • 'top', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.TOP_CENTER : Align game object at top-center.
      • 'bottom', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.BOTTOM_CENTER : Align game object at bottom-center.
    • align.panel
      • 'center', or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER : Align game object at center. Default value.
      • 'left', or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER : Align game object at left-center.
      • 'right', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at right-center.
      • 'top', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.TOP_CENTER : Align game object at top-center.
      • 'bottom', or Phaser.Display.Align.ALIGN.BOTTOM_CENTER : Align game object at bottom-center.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire sizer events. Default value is false.

Scroll mode

If scrollMode parameter is not given :

  • Set scrollMode to 2, if configuration has sliderX, sliderY, or scrollerX, scrollerY parameters.
  • Set scrollMode to 0, if configuration has sliderY, or scrollerY parameters.
  • Set scrollMode to 1, if configuration has sliderX, or scrollerX parameters.

Child bounds

Scrollable panel will mask child if child's bounds (child.getBounds()) is across mask area.

Bitmaptext game object does not have getBounds method. User can inject it by

const Components = Phaser.GameObjects.Components;

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyPanel extends RexPlugins.UI.ScrollablePanel {
        constructor(scene, config) {
            super(scene, config);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Create instance
    var panel = new MyPanel(scene, config);

Layout children

Arrange position of all elements.


See also - dirty

Scroll content

  • Set
    panel.childOY = oy;
    // panel.setChildOY(oy);
  • Set and clamp
    panel.setChildOY(oy, true);
  • Add
  • Add and clamp
    panel.addChildOY(oy, true);
  • Get
    var childOY = panel.childOY;
  • Top OY
    var topOY = panel.topChildOY;
  • Bottom OY
    var bottomOY = panel.bottomChildOY;
  • Is overflow (height of content is larger than display height)
    var isOverflow = panel.isOverflow;

Scroll by percentage

  • Set
    panel.t = t;  // t: 0~1
    // panel.setT(t);  
  • Set and clamp
    panel.setT(t, true);
  • Get
    var t = panel.t;

Scroll to top/bottom

  • Scroll to top
    • Equal to panel.t = 0;
  • Scroll to bottom
    • Equal to panel.t = 1;

Scroll to child

panel.scrollToChild(child, align);
  • align :
    • undefined : Align child to top(left), or bottom(right) of panel. Default value.
    • 'top', 'center', 'bottom' : Align child to top/center/bottom of panel.
    • 'left', 'center', 'right' : Align child to left/center/right of panel.

Enable/disable scrolling

  • Slider
    • Set enable state
      panel.sliderEnable = enabled;
    • Get enable state
      var enable = panel.sliderEnable;
  • Scroller
    • Set enable state
      panel.scrollerEnable = enabled;
    • Get enable state
      var enable = panel.scrollerEnable;
  • Mouse-Wheel-Scroller
    • Set enable state
      panel.mouseWheelScrollerEnable = enabled;
    • Get enable state
      var enable = panel.mouseWheelScrollerEnable;


  • Scroll
    panel.on('scroll', function(panel) {
        // ...
  • Scroller drag start
    panel.getElement('scroller').on('dragstart', function(panel) {
        // ...
  • Scroller drag end
    panel.getElement('scroller').on('dragend', function(panel) {
        // ...

Other properties

See sizer object, base sizer object, container-lite.

Get element

  • Get element
    • Background game object
      var background = panel.getElement('background');
    • Child-panel game object
      var childPanel = panel.getElement('panel');
    • Child-panel mask game object, which is a graphics game object.
      var maskGameObject = panel.getElement('mask');
    • Layer of panel, assigned at config panel.mask.layer.
      var layer = panel.getElement('panelLayer');
    • Header game object
      var childPanel = panel.getElement('header');
    • Footer game object
      var childPanel = panel.getElement('footer');
    • Slider
      • Track
        var track = panel.getElement('slider.track');
      • Thumb
        var thumb = panel.getElement('slider.thumb');
    • Scroller
      var scroller = panel.getElement('scroller');
    • Scrollable-block, registering scroller and children-interactive on it.
      var scrollableBlock = panel.getElement('scrollableBlock');
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = panel.getElement('#' + name);
    // var gameObject = panel.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = panel.getByName(name);
    // var gameObject = panel.getByName(name, recursive);
    • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.

Input events

Two possible solution to register input events to children of scrollable panel.

Set children interactive

Applies click, tap, press, swipe behaviors on this scrollable panel, to detect input events of children.

    // targetMode: 'parent',
    targets: targetSizers,

    // dropZone: false,

    // click: {mode: 'release', clickInterval: 100},

    // over: undefined,

    // press: {time: 251, threshold: 9},

    // tap: {time: 250, tapInterval: 200, threshold: 9, tapOffset: 10, 
    //       taps: undefined, minTaps: undefined, maxTaps: undefined,},

    // swipe: {threshold: 10, velocityThreshold: 1000, dir: '8dir'},

    // inputEventPrefix: 'child.',
  • targetMode :
    • 'parent' : targetSizers is an array of hit-targrts' parentSizers. Will run hit-test on parentSizers first, then run hit-test on children of parentSizer. Default behavior.
    • 'direct' : targetSizers is an array of hit-targrts. Will run hit-test directly on these hit-targrts.
  • targetSizers : Array of hit-targrts' parentSizers, or array of hit-targrts. See targetMode parameter.
  • dropZone :
    • true : Enable drop Zone on scrollable area.
    • false : Do nothing.

See Base-sizer/Set children interactive


See Base-sizer/Set children interactive/Events

Individual input events

When scene.input.topOnly is true (default value), input events of children elements will block the drag-scrolling of scrollable panel. (Assmue that the children elememts are above scrollable panel)

  • Set scene.input.topOnly to false to enable drag-scrolling and input events of children elememts both.
  • Test if pointer is inside the mask of panel via panel.isInTouching('mask'), during input events' callback.
  • To recognize pointer-down and dragging-start, use press's pressstart event.

Steps of building a scrollable panel

  1. Build child panel from bottom to top
  2. Build scrollable panel
  3. Add interactive events