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Scroll bar


A container with slider, two buttons, and background.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
  • Add scroll bar object
    var scrollBar = scene.rexUI.add.scrollBar(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from "phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js";
    var config = {
      // ...
      plugins: {
        scene: [
            key: "rexUI",
            plugin: UIPlugin,
            mapping: "rexUI",
          // ...
      // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add scroll bar object
    var scrollBar = scene.rexUI.add.scrollBar(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { ScrollBar } from "phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js";
  • Add scroll bar object
    var sizer = new ScrollBar(scene, config);

Add scroll bar object

var scrollBar = scene.rexUI.add.scrollBar({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:
    orientation: 0,

    background: backgroundGameObject,    
    slider: {
        background: backgroundGameObject,
        background: { 
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        track: trackGameObject,
        track: { 
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        indicator: indicatorGameObject,
        indicator: { 
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        thumb: thumbGameObject,
        thumb: { 
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined

        input: 'drag',
        gap: undefined,        
        easeValue: {
            duration: 0,
            ease: 'Linear'

    buttons: {
        top: topButtonGameObject, 
        bottom: bottomButtonGameObject,
        left: leftButtonGameObject, 
        right: rightButtonGameObject,
        step: 0.01,

    valuechangeCallback: function(newValue, oldValue, scrollBar) {
        // scrollBar.text = Math.round(Phaser.Math.Linear(0, 100, newValue));

    space: {
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        top: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        item: 0

    enable: true,

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // sizerEvents: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width, height : Minimum width, minimum height.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this sizer. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • orientation : Main orientation of the sizer.
    • 'left-to-right', 'horizontal','h', 'x', or 0 : Arrange game objects from left ot right.
    • 'top-to-bottom', 'vertical','v', 'y', or 1 : Arrange game objects from top to bottom.
  • background : Game object of background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of scrollBar.
  • slider : Slider game object which composed of
    • slider.width : Fixed width of slider, optional. Width of slider will be extended if this value is not set.
    • slider.background :
      • Game object of background, optional. This background game object will be resized to fit the size of slider.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.track :
      • Game object of track, optional. This track game object will be resized to fit the size of slider, with space.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.indicator :
      • Game object of indicator, optional.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.thumb :
      • Game object of thumb, optional.
      • A plain object to create round rectangle shape
            width: 1, height: 1,
            radius: 0, 
            color: undefined, alpha: 1,
            strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
            shape: undefined
    • slider.input :
      • 'pan', 'drag', or 0 : Control knob by panning/dragging thumb game object. Default setting.
      • 'click', or 1 : Control slider by touching track game object.
      • 'none', or -1 : Disable sider controlling.
    • : Snap a value to nearest grid slice, using rounding.
      • undefined : Disable this feature.
    • slider.easeValue : Easing value when input is 'click'.
      • slider.easeValue.duration : Duration of value easing, default is 0 (no easing).
      • slider.easeValue.ease : Ease function, default is 'Linear'.
  • buttons : Press button to scroll content in each tick.
    •, buttons.bottom : Top and bottom buttons.
    • buttons.left, buttons.right : Left and right buttons
    • buttons.step : Scrolling step in each tick. Default value is 0.01.
  • space : Pads spaces
    • space.left, space.right,, space.bottom : Space of bounds
    • space.item : Space between 2 children game objects.
  • valuechangeCallback : callback function when value changed.
  • enable : Set false to disable controlling.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire sizer events. Default value is false.

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyScrollBar extends RexPlugins.UI.ScrollBar {
      constructor(scene, config) {
        super(scene, config);
        // ...
      // ...
  • Create instance
    var scrollBar = new MyScrollBar(scene, config);

Layout children

Arrange position of all elements.


See also - dirty

Get element

  • Get element
  • Background game object
    var background = scrollBar.getElement("background");
  • Slider game object
    • Slider background
      var sliderBackground = scrollBar.getElement("slider.background");
    • Slider track
      var sliderTrack = scrollBar.getElement("slider.track");
    • Slider indicator
      var sliderIndicator = scrollBar.getElement("slider.indicator");
    • Slider thumb
      var sliderThumb = scrollBar.getElement("slider.thumb");
  • Button game objects
    var buttons = scrollBar.getElement("buttons");
    • buttons : Array of button game objects.
      • buttons[0] : Left or top button.
      • buttons[1] : Right or bottom button.
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = scrollBar.getElement("#" + name);
    // var gameObject = scrollBar.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = scrollBar.getByName("#" + name);
    // var gameObject = scrollBar.getByName(name, recursive);
  • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.


  • Get
    var enable = scrollBar.enable;
  • Set
    scrollBar.enable = enable;


Change value will also change the position of slider thumb and width of slider indicator.

  • Get value
    var value = scrollBar.getValue(min, max); // value : min ~ max
    var value = scrollBar.getValue(); // value: 0 ~ 1
    var value = scrollBar.value; // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Set value
    scrollBar.setValue(value, min, max); // value: min ~ max
    scrollBar.setValue(value); // value: 0 ~ 1
    scrollBar.value = value; // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Increase value
    scrollBar.addValue(inc, min, max); // inc: min ~ max
    scrollBar.addValue(inc); // inc: 0 ~ 1
    scrollBar.value += inc; // inc: 0 ~ 1

Ease value

  • Ease value to
    scrollBar.easeValueTo(value, min, max);  // value: min ~ max
    scrollBar.easeValueTo(value);  // value: 0 ~ 1
  • Stop ease
  • Set ease duration
  • Set ease function

Other properties

See sizer object, base sizer object, container-lite.


  • On value changed
      function (newValue, oldValue, scrollBar) {
        // scrollBar.text = Math.round(Phaser.Math.Linear(0, 100, newValue));