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Get pan events of a game object.

  • Author: Rex
  • Behavior of game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexgesturesplugin', '', 'rexGestures', 'rexGestures');
  • Add pan input
    var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan(config);
    // var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan(gameObject, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import GesturesPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/gestures-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexGestures',
                plugin: GesturesPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexGestures'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add pan input
    var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan(config);
    // var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan(gameObject, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Pan } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/gestures.js';
  • Add pan input
    var pan = new Pan(scene, config);
    // var pan = new Pan(gameObject, config);

Create instance

  • Pan input
    var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan({
        // enable: true,
        // bounds: undefined,
        // threshold: 10,
    • enable : Set false to disable input events.
    • bounds : Touch detecting area rectangle, if game obect is not given.
      • undefined : Ignore this feature, default behavior.
    • threshold : Minimal movement when pointer is down.
  • Pan behavior of game object
    var pan = scene.rexGestures.add.pan(gameObject, {
        // enable: true,
        // threshold: 10,


  • Get
    var enable = pan.enable;  // enable: true, or false
  • Set
    pan.setEnable(enable);  // enable: true, or false
    // pan.enable = enable;
  • Toggle



pan.on('pan', function(pan, gameObject, lastPointer){
}, scope);
  • pan.dx, pan.dy : Vector from previous pointer to current pointer.
  • pan.dWorldX, pan.dWorld : Vector from previous pointer to current pointer, in world position. i.e, including camera-zoom.
  • pan.worldX, pan.worldY : World position of current pointer.
  • pan.x, pan.y : Scene position of current pointer.
  • gameObject, pan.gameObject : Parent gameobject of this pan behavior.
  • lastPointer : Last touch pointer.

Pan start

pan.on('panstart', function(pan, gameObject, lastPointer){
}, scope);
  • pan.startWorldX, pan.startWorldY : World position of pan-start pointer.
  • pan.startX, pan.startY : Scene position of pan-start pointer.
  • gameObject, pan.gameObject : Parent gameobject of this pan behavior.
  • lastPointer : Last touch pointer.

Pan end

pan.on('panend', function(pan, gameObject, lastPointer){
}, scope);
  • pan.endWorldX, pan.endWorldY : World position of pan-end pointer.
  • pan.endX, pan.endY : Scene position of pan-end pointer.
  • gameObject, pan.gameObject : Parent gameobject of this pan behavior.
  • lastPointer : Last touch pointer.

Is panned

var isPanned = pan.isPanned;

Return true if panned.

Is pointer inside another game object

Under any pan event,

pan.on('panend', function(pan){
    var isPointerInsideGameObject = pan.isPointerInGameObject(anotherGameObject);

Other properties

  • Drag threshold
    • Get
      var dragThreshold = pan.dragThreshold;
    • Set
      // pan.dragThreshold = dragThreshold;
  • Detect bounds
    • Get
      var bounds = pan.bounds;
    • Set
      // pan.bounds = bounds;