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Handling playback of a video file, video stream or media stream.

  • Author: Richard Davey


Load video, url, noAudio);

Reference: load video


Can't load video cross-origin via
Using, y).loadURL(urls, noAudio, crossOrigin) to load video cross-origin.

Add video object

Reference video from Video Cache

var video =, y, key);
  • key : Key of the Video this Game Object will play, as stored in the Video Cache.

Load video from URL

  1. Add video object
    var video =, y);
  2. Play video from URL
    // video.loadURL(urls, noAudio, crossOrigin);
    • noAudio : Does the video have an audio track? If not you can enable auto-playing on it.
      • false : Has audio track. Default behavior.
    • crossOrigin : The value to use for the crossOrigin property in the video load request.
      • undefined : crossorigin will not be set in the request. Default behavior.
      • 'anonymous'
      • 'use-credentials'

Load video from MediaStream

// video.loadMediaStream(stream, noAudio, crossOrigin);
  • stream : The MediaStream object.
  • noAudio : Does the video have an audio track? If not you can enable auto-playing on it.
    • false : Has audio track. Default behavior.
  • crossOrigin : The value to use for the crossOrigin property in the video load request.
    • undefined : crossorigin will not be set in the request. Default behavior.
    • 'anonymous'
    • 'use-credentials'
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false })
    .then(function(stream) {
        video.loadMediaStream(stream, true);;
    .catch(function(err) {


Get first frame



  • Initial size : 256x265 (video.setSize(256, 256))
  • Size after playing : Size of video from metadata

//, markerIn, markerOut);
  • loop : Should the video loop automatically when it reaches the end? Please note that not all browsers support seamless video looping for all encoding formats.
  • markerIn, markerOut : Optional in/out marker time, in seconds, for playback of a sequence of the video.

Play video first time

Call when playing video first time.


If you need audio in your videos, then you'll have to consider the fact that the video cannot start playing until the user has interacted with the browser, into your game flow.


  • Pause
    // video.setPaused(true);
  • Resume

Play video after paused

Call video.setPaused(false) to resume playing.


Stops the video playing and clears all internal event listeners.


Is playing

  • Is playing
    var isPlaying = video.isPlaying();  // (not PAUSE) and (not not ENDED)
  • Is paused
    var isPaused = video.isPaused();

Playback time

  • Get
    var playbackTime = video.getCurrentTime();
    var t = video.getProgress(); // t: 0~1
  • Set
    • Set to
      video.setCurrentTime(playbackTime);  // time in seconds
      video.seekTo(t); // t: 0~1
      • Is seeking
        var isSeeking = video.isSeeking();
    • Forward
      video.setCurrentTime('+' + time);  // time in seconds
      // video.setCurrentTime('+2');
    • Backeard
      video.setCurrentTime('-' + time);  // time in seconds
      // video.setCurrentTime('-2');

Playback rate

  • Get
    var rate = video.getPlaybackRate();
  • Set


var duration = video.getDuration();  // time in seconds


  • Get
    var volume = video.getVolume();  // volume: 0~1
  • Set
    video.setVolume(volume);  // volume: 0~1


  • Get
    var muted = video.isMuted();  // muted: true/false
  • Set
    video.setMute(muted);  // muted: true/false


  • Get
    var loop = video.getLoop();  // loop: true/false
  • Set
    video.setLoop(loop);  // loop: true/false

Video key

  • Get
    var key = video.getVideoKey();
  • Change video key (video source)
    // video.changeSource(key, autoplay, loop, markerIn, markerOut);
    • autoplay : Should the video start playing immediately, once the swap is complete?
    • loop : Should the video loop automatically when it reaches the end? Not all browsers support seamless video looping for all encoding formats.
    • markerIn, markerOut : Optional in/out marker time, in seconds, for playback of a sequence of the video.


  • Add mark
    video.addMarker(key, markerIn, markerOut);
    • key : A unique name to give this marker.
    • markerIn, markerOut : The time, in seconds, representing the start/end of this marker.
  • Play mark
    video.playMarker(key, loop);
  • Remove mark


  1. Allocate a canvas texrure
    • key : Texture key.
  2. Take a snapshot
    var canvasTexture =;
    // var canvasTexture = video.snapshot(width, height);
    var canvasTexture = video.snapshotArea(x, y, srcWidth, srcHeight);
    // var canvasTexture = video.snapshotArea(x, y, srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight);
    • x, y : The horizontal/vertical location of the top-left of the area to grab from.
    • srcWidth, srcHeight : The width/height of area to grab from the video.
    • destWidth, destHeight : The destination width/height of the grab, allowing you to resize it.
    • canvasTexture : Canvas texture object.
      • Get key of texture
        var key = canvasTexture.key;

Save texture

The saved texture is automatically updated as the video plays. If you pause this video, or change its source, then the saved texture updates instantly.

var texture = video.saveTexture(key);
// var texture = video.saveTexture(key, flipY);
  • flipY : Set to true if use it as the input for a Shader.


  • The media source doesn't represent a supported media format.
    video.on('unsupported', function(video, error){
    }, scope);
  • A Video is unlocked by a user gesture.
    video.on('unlocked', function(video, error){
    }, scope);
  • A Video tries to play a source that does not exist, or is the wrong file type.
    video.on('error', function(video, error){
    }, scope);
  • A Video has access to the metadata.
    video.on('metadata', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video has exhausted its allocated time while trying to connect to a video source to start playback.
    video.on('timeout', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video begins playback.
    video.on('play', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • First started or restarted.
    video.on('playing', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • The video has finished loading enough data for its first frame.
    video.on('textureready', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video finishes playback by reaching the end of its duration, or markerOut.
    video.on('complete', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video that is currently playing has looped.
    video.on('loop', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video begins seeking to a new point in its timeline.
    video.on('seeking', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • A Video completes seeking to a new point in its timeline.
    video.on('seeked', function(video){
    }, scope);
  • Enough of the video source has been loaded, that the browser is able to render a frame from it.
    video.on('created', function(video, width, height){
    }, scope);
  • Stalled by stalled, suspend, waiting DOM event.
    video.on('stalled', function(video, width, height){
    }, scope);
  • A Video is stopped from playback via a call to the Video.stop method,
    video.on('stop', function(video){
    }, scope);

Other properties

See game object

Create mask

var mask = video.createBitmapMask();

See mask

Shader effects

Support preFX and postFX effects