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Drag content. Slow down when dragging released, pull back when out of bounds.

  • Author: Rex
  • Behavior of game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rexscrollerplugin', '', true);
  • Add scroller behavior
    var scroller = scene.plugins.get('rexscrollerplugin').add(gameObject, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import ScrollerPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/scroller-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexScroller',
                plugin: ScrollerPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add scroller behavior
    var scroller = scene.plugins.get('rexScroller').add(gameObject, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import Scroller from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/scroller.js';
  • Add scroller behavior
    var scroller = new Scroller(gameObject, config);

Create instance

var scroller = scene.plugins.get('rexScroller').add(gameObject, {
    bounds: [
    value: topBound,    
    // threshold: 10,
    // slidingDeceleration: 5000,
    // backDeceleration: 2000,

    // dragReverse: false,
    // dragRate: 1,

    // enable: true,
    // orientation: 'vertical',
    // pointerOutRelease: true,
    // rectBoundsInteractive: false,

    // valuechangeCallback: null,
    // valuechangeCallbackScope: null,

    // overmaxCallback: null,
    // overmaxCallbackScope: null,

    // overminCallback: null,
    // overminCallbackScope: null,
  • bounds : An array of 2 values [bound0, bound1]
  • value : Initial value between bound0 and bound1
  • threshold : Minimal movement to scroll. Set 0 to scroll immediately.
  • slidingDeceleration : Deceleration of slow down when dragging released.
    • Set false to disable it.
  • backDeceleration : Deceleration of pull back when out of bounds.
    • Set false to disable it.
  • dragReverse :
    • false : Dragging up will decrease value, dragging down will increase value. Default behavior.
      • Use this mode when scrolling by position of game object.
    • true : Dragging up will increase value, dragging down will decrease value.
      • Use this mode when scrolling by camera.
  • dragRate : Rate of dragging distance/dragging speed. Default value is 1.
  • enable : Set true to get dragging events.
  • orientation :
    • 'vertical','v', 'y', or 0 : dragging on vertical/y axis.
    • 'horizontal','h', 'x', or 1 : dragging on horizontal/x axis.
  • pointerOutRelease : Set to true to release input control when pointer out of gameObject. Default value is true.
  • rectBoundsInteractive :
    • false : Detect scrolling by game object's touch input. Default behavior.
    • true : Detect scrolling by rectangle bounds of game object.
  • valuechangeCallback , valuechangeCallbackScope : Bind this callback to valuechange event
  • overminCallback , overmaxCallbackScope : Bind this callback to overmax event
  • overminCallback , overminCallbackScope : Bind this callback to overmin event

Set bounds

this.setBounds(bounds);  // bounds: [bound0, bound1]
// this.setBounds(bound0, bound1);

Set deceleration

  • Deceleration of slow down when dragging released
    • Disable
  • Deceleration of pull back when out of bounds
    • Disable

Get value

var value = scroller.value;

Set value

  • Set value
    scroller.value = newValue;
    // scroller.setValue(newValue);
  • Set value, clamp between minValue and maxValue
    scroller.setValue(newValue, true);
  • Add value
    scroller.value += inc;
    // scroller.addValue(inc);
  • Add value, clamp between minValue and maxValue
    scroller.addValue(inc, true);

Fires valuechange event if new value is not equal to current value.


  • Value changed
    scroller.on('valuechange', function(newValue, prevValue){ /* ... */ });
    • Set position of content under this event
  • Value out of max/min bound
    scroller.on('overmax', function(newValue, prevValue){ /* ... */ });
    scroller.on('overmin', function(newValue, prevValue){ /* ... */ });
  • On drag start
    scroller.on('dragstart', function() { /* ... */ });
  • On drag end
    scroller.on('dragend', function() { /* ... */ });


Drag enable

  • Get
    var enable = scroller.enable;
  • Set
    // scroller.setEnable(enable);  // enable: true, or false
    scroller.enable = enable; // enable: true, or false
  • Toggle

Is dragging

var isDragging = scroller.isDragging;

State machine

graph TB

IDLE["Idle"] --> |Drag| DRAG["Dragging<br>event 'valuechange'"]
DRAG --> |Release| OnRelease{"Under bounds?"}

OnRelease --> |Yes| SLIDE["Sliding<br>Sliding-deceleration"]
SLIDE --> |Stop| IDLE
SLIDE --> |Drag| DRAG

OnRelease --> |No| BACK["Pull back to bounds<br>Back-deceleration"]
BACK --> |Stop| IDLE
BACK --> |Drag| DRAG
  • Get state
    var state = scroller.state;
    • 'IDLE' : No dragging, no sliding
    • 'DRAG' : Dragging
    • 'SLIDE' : Sliding when dragging released
    • 'BACK' : Sliding back to bound when out of bound