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Transition image


Transit texture to another one. A containerLite game object with 2 image game objects.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rextransitionimageplugin', '', true);
  • Add image object
    var image = scene.add.rexTransitionImage(x, y, texture, frame, config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import TransitionImagePlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/transitionimage-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexTransitionImagePlugin',
                plugin: TransitionImagePlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add image object
    var image = scene.add.rexTransitionImage(x, y, texture, frame, config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import TransitionImage from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/transitionimage.js';
  • Add image object
    var image = new TransitionImage(scene, x, y, texture, frame, config);

Create instance

var image = scene.add.rexTransitionImage(x, y, texture, frame, {
    // dir: 0,
    // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onStartScope: undefined,
    // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onProgressScope: undefined,
    // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onCompleteScope: undefined,    
    // duration: 1000,
    // ease: 'Linear',
    // mask: undefined,

    // width: undefined, height: undefined,

var image = scene.add.rexTransitionImage(x, y, texture, frame, {
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // key: 
    // frame: 
    // dir: 0,
    // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onStartScope: undefined,
    // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onProgressScope: undefined,
    // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onCompleteScope: undefined,    
    // duration: 1000,
    // ease: 'Linear',
    // mask: undefined,

    // width: undefined, height: undefined,
  • dir : Transition direction.
    • 0, or 'out' : Transit current texture/image out.
    • 1, or 'in' : Transit next texture/image in.
  • onStart, onStartScope : Callback and scope of transition-start. See Set transition callbacks
  • onProgress, onProgressScope : Callback and scope of transition-progress. See Set transition callbacks
  • onComplete, onCompleteScope : Callback and scope of transition-complete. See Set transition callbacks
  • duration : Duration of transition.
  • ease : Ease function of transition-progress.
  • mask : Mask game object.
  • width, height : Scale images to fit this size (widthxheight).
    • undefined : Don't scale images.

If onStart, onProgress and onComplete are all undefined, it will use cross-fade as default transition callbacks.

Add transitionimage from JSON

var image = scene.make.rexTransitionImage({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    key: null,
    frame: null,

    // dir: 0,
    // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onStartScope: undefined,
    // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onProgressScope: undefined,
    // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onCompleteScope: undefined,
    // duration: 1000,
    // ease: 'Linear',
    // mask: undefined,

    // width: undefined, height: undefined,

    // origin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5},
    add: true

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyTransitionImage extends TransitionImage {
        constructor(scene, x, y, texture, frame, config) {
            super(scene, x, y, texture, frame, config);
            // ...
        // ...
        // preUpdate(time, delta) {}
    • scene.add.existing(gameObject) : Adds an existing Game Object to this Scene.
      • If the Game Object renders, it will be added to the Display List.
      • If it has a preUpdate method, it will be added to the Update List.
  • Create instance
    var transitionimage = new MyTransitionImage(scene, x, y, texture, frame, config);


    // .setTransitionDirection(dir)
    // .setTransitionStartCallback(onStart, onStartScope)
    // .setTransitionProgressCallback(onProgress, onProgressScope)
    // .setTransitionCompleteCallback(onComplete, onCompleteScope)
    // .setDuration(duration)
    // .setEaseFunction(ease)
    // .setMaskEnable(enable)
    .transit(texture, frame)


    key: undefined,
    // frame: undefined,
    // dir: 0,
    // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onStartScope: undefined,
    // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onProgressScope: undefined,
    // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
    // onCompleteScope: undefined,
    // duration: 1000,
    // ease: 'Linear',
    // mask: undefined,
  • mask : Mask game object.
    • true : Default graphics game object. Also apply this mask to current and next textures/images
    • Any shape game object, or custom shape, custom progress game object.
      • Apply mask to current texture :
        // image.setCurrentImageMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);
      • Apply mask to next texture :
        // image.setNextImageMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);
      • Apply mask to both current and next trextures :
        // image.setMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);

Fire 'complete' event when transition completed.

Register transtion mode

  • Register transtion mode
    image.addTransitionMode(modeName, {
        // dir: 0,
        // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onStartScope: undefined,
        // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onProgressScope: undefined,
        // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onCompleteScope: undefined,
        // duration: 1000,
        // ease: 'Linear',
        // mask: undefined,
  • Trnasit by transition mode
    image.transit(texture, frame, modeName);
    // image.transit(texture, frame, modeNames);
        key: undefined,
        // frame: undefined,
        mode: modeName, // or modeName
        // dir: 0,
        // onStart: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onStartScope: undefined,
        // onProgress: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onProgressScope: undefined,
        // onComplete: function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { },
        // onCompleteScope: undefined,
        // duration: 1000,
        // ease: 'Linear',
        // mask: undefined,
    • Can override configuration of transition mode
    • modeName : A string, or an array of string to pick a random mode.
  • Current transition mode
    var modeName = image.currentTransitionMode;

Current texture

var textureKey = image.texture.key;
var frameName =;

Transition callbacks

  • Set transition direction
    • 0, or 'out' : Transit current texture out.
    • 1, or 'in' : Transit next texture in.
  • Set transition-start callback
    image.setTransitionStartCallback(onStart, onStartScope)
    • onStart
      function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { }
  • Set transition-progress callback
    image.setTransitionProgressCallback(onProgress, onProgressScope)
    • onProgress
      function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { 
          // parent.setChildLocalAlpha(currentImage, 1 - t);
          // parent.setChildLocalScale(currentImage, 1 - t);
          // parent.setChildLocalPosition(currentImage, x, 0);
      • parent : Transition image game object, extends from ContainerLite
      • currentImage : Image game object to display current texture.
        • Set alpha of currentImage, or nextImage by parent.setChildLocalAlpha(currentImage, alpha).
        • Set scale of currentImage, or nextImage by parent.setChildLocalScale(currentImage, scale).
        • Set position of currentImage, or nextImage by parent.setChildLocalScale(currentImage, x, y).
      • nextImage : Image game object to display next texture.
      • t : Progress percentage. 0~1.
  • Set transition-complete callback
    image.setTransitionCompleteCallback(onComplete, onCompleteScope)
    • onComplete
      function(parent, currentImage, nextImage, t) { }

Transition duration

  • Set
  • Get
    var duration = image.duration;

Ease function

  • Set
  • Get
    var ease = image.easeFunction;


  • Apply mask to current texture :
    // image.setCurrentImageMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);
  • Apply mask to next texture :
    // image.setNextImageMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);
  • Apply mask to both current and next trextures :
    // image.setMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);
  • Assign default mask game object
  • Assign custom mask game object

Grid cut

Grid cut texture to cells.

  • Grid cut current texture :
    var cellImageGameObjects = image.gridCutCurrentImage(columns, rows);
    • cellImageGameObjects : Array of cell game objects.
  • Grid cut next texture :
    var cellImageGameObjects = image.gridCutNextImage(columns, rows);
    • cellImageGameObjects : Array of cell game objects.
  • Get cut cell image game objects, after cutting.
    var cellImageGameObjects = image.getCellImages();
  • Apply mask to cell images
    // image.setCellImagesMaskEnable(enable, invertAlpha);

Cut cell image game objects will be set to invisible after transition complete.





Also will fire 'complete' event.


  • On complete
    image.on('complete', function(){


Apply flipX, flipY to both current and next trextures.

  • Flip
    image.flip(x, y);
  • Toggle


Apply tint to both current and next trextures.


Use cases

  • Ease property of current/next image.
  • Apply shader effect to current/next image, then ease property this shader effect.
  • Grid cut current/next image to cell images, then ease property of cell images
  • Morph custom mask game object

Internal image game object

  • Current, next image game object
    var curentImageGO = image.currentImage;
    var nextImageGO = image.nextImage;
  • Front, back image game object
    var frontImageGO = image.frontImage;
    var backImageGO = image.backImage;

Other properties

See game object

Shader effects

Internal image game objects (image.currentImage, image.nextImage) support preFX and postFX effects