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Fine-tuning properties of target object. Reference

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');
  • Add tweaker object
    var tweaker = scene.rexUI.add.tweaker(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add tweaker object
    var tweaker = scene.rexUI.add.tweaker(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { Tweaker } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
  • Add tweaker object
    var tweaker = new Tweaker(scene, config);

Add tweaker object

var tweaker = scene.rexUI.add.tweaker({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:
    // orientation: 0,

    // style: { ... }
    styles : {
        itemWidth : 0,

        inputRow: {
            background: {


            title: {


            inputText: {


            inputTextArea: {

            list: {
                label: {


                button: {


            button: {


            slider: {
                track: {


                indicator: {


                thumb: {


            colorInput: {
                colorPicker: {


                colorComponents: {
                    inputText: {


            checkbox: {


            toggleSwitch: {


            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

        separator: {


        folder: {

        tab: {

        scrollable: {

        space: {
            left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, item: 0

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // sizerEvents: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width, height : Minimum width, minimum height.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this sizer. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • orientation : Main orientation of the tweaker.
    • 'left-to-right', 'horizontal','h', 'x', or 0 : Arrange game objects from left ot right.
    • 'top-to-bottom', 'vertical','v', 'y', or 1 : Arrange game objects from top to bottom. Default value is 1.
  • styles, or style : Styles settings of input rows, separator, folder, tab, and scrollable. See Styles chapter for more detail.
    • style.itemWidth : Width of input row, used if orientation is set to 'y'(1).
    • : Pads spaces.
      •,,, : Space of bounds.
      • : Space between 2 input rows.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire sizer events. Default value is false.
  • enableLayer :
    • false : Add child game objects into scene's display list. Default behavior.
    • true : Add child game objects into an internal layer game object. See also.

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyTweaker extends RexPlugins.UI.Tweaker {
        constructor(scene, config) {
            super(scene, config);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Create instance
    var tweaker = new MyTweaker(scene, config);

Add input row

An input row can fine-tuning properties of target object.

Text input row

object[key] is a text value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {    
    // view: 'string',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,

    // autoUpdate: true,
    // onValidate: undefined,
    // onValueChange: undefined,    


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'string',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,

    // autoUpdate: true,
    // onValidate: undefined,
    // onValueChange: undefined,    
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'string', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.
  • autoUpdate :
    • true : Update binding key when user input. Default behavior.
    • false : Use onValueChange to set value of binding key when user input.
  • onValidate :
    • Callback invoked when new value input.
      function(newValue, oldValue, bindingTarget, bindingKey) { 
          return true;
      • true : Accept this new value.
      • false : Reject this new value.
    • undefined : Always accept new value changing. Default behavior.
  • onValueChange :
    • Callback invoked when binding value changing.
      function(newValue, oldValue, bindingTarget, bindingKey) { 
    • undefined : Ignore this feature. Default value.

See Style of text input

Text-Area input row

object[key] is a text value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {    
    view: 'textarea',

    // height: undefined,
    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,

    // autoUpdate: true,
    // onValidate: undefined,
    // onValueChange: undefined,    


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    view: 'textarea',

    // height: undefined,
    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,

    // autoUpdate: true,
    // onValidate: undefined,
    // onValueChange: undefined,    
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : 'textarea'.
  • height : Height of this input row.
    • undefined : Use children height.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.
  • autoUpdate :
    • true : Update binding key when user input. Default behavior.
    • false : Use onValueChange to set value of binding key when user input.
  • onValidate :
    • Callback invoked when new value input.
      function(newValue, oldValue, bindingTarget, bindingKey) { 
          return true;
      • true : Accept this new value.
      • false : Reject this new value.
    • undefined : Always accept new value changing. Default behavior.
  • onValueChange :
    • Callback invoked when binding value changing.
      function(newValue, oldValue, bindingTarget, bindingKey) { 
    • undefined : Ignore this feature. Default value.

See Style of text-area input

Text input from list

object[key] is a text value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    // view: 'list',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0, /* icon: , iconFrame, .. */ },
        {text: text1, value: value1, /* icon: , iconFrame, .. */ },
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'list',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0, /* icon: , iconFrame, .. */ },
        {text: text1, value: value1, /* icon: , iconFrame, .. */ },
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'list', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • options : Option list, each item contains
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of list input

Text input from buttons

object[key] is a text value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    view: 'buttons',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    view: 'buttons',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'buttons'.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • options : Option list, each item contains
    • text : Display text.
    • value : Set key to this value.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of buttons input

Number input row

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    // view: 'number',
    // int: undefined,

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'number',
    // int: undefined,

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'number', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • int : Set to true to truncate float number to integer number.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of text input

Number input in a range

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    // view: 'range',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    min: minValue, 
    max: maxValue,
    // step: undefined,

    // format: function(value) { return s; },
    // inputTextReadOnly: false,

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'range',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    min: minValue, 
    max: maxValue,
    // step: undefined,

    // format: function(value) { return s; },
    // inputTextReadOnly: false,

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'range', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • min, max : Minimum, maximun value of range.
  • step : Step/gap of slider, optional.
  • format : Callback to return formatted string for input text field.
    function(value) {
        return s;
  • inputTextReadOnly :
    • false : Input text field is editable. Default behavior.
    • true : Input text field is read-only.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of range input

Number input in inc-dec buttons

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    view: 'incdec',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // min: undefined, 
    // max: undefined,
    // step: 1,

    // format: function(value) { return s; },
    // inputTextReadOnly: false,

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'incdec',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // min: undefined, 
    // max: undefined,
    // step: 1,

    // format: function(value) { return s; },
    // inputTextReadOnly: false,

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'incdec', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • step : Incremental or decremental value when clicking inc-button, or dec-button
  • min, max : Minimum, maximun value of range, optional.
  • format : Callback to return formatted string for input text field.
    function(value) {
        return s;
  • inputTextReadOnly :
    • false : Input text field is editable. Default behavior.
    • true : Input text field is read-only.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of incdec input

Number input from list

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    // view: 'list',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'list',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'list', if bindingTarget is not given.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • options : Option list, each item contains
    • text : Display text.
    • value : Set key to this value.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of list input

Number input from buttons

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    view: 'buttons',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    view: 'buttons',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    options: [
        {text: text0, value: value0},
        {text: text1, value: value1},
        // ...

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'buttons'.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • options : Option list, each item contains
    • text : Display text.
    • value : Set key to this value.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of buttons input

Color input

object[key] is a number value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    view: 'color',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    view: 'color',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'color'.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of color input

Boolean input row

object[key] is a boolean value.

tweaker.addInput(object, key, {
    // view: 'boolean',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,


    bindingTarget: object,
    bindingKey: key,
    // view: 'boolean',
    // view: 'toggleSwitch',

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • bindingKey : Bind to target's property key. Necessary field
  • view : Set to 'boolean', or 'toggleSwitch', if bindingTarget is not given.
    • 'boolean' : Checkbox input. Default behavior.
    • 'toggleSwitch' : Toggle switch input.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of boolean input

Value callbacks row

    bindingTarget: object,

    onGetValue(bindingTarget) {


    onSetValue(bindingTarget, value) {


    view: ,

    // Other properties..

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    // title: undefined,

    // orientation: 'x',

    // monitor: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target object.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • onGetValue : Callback to get dispaly value
    function(bindingTarget) {
        return value;
  • onSetValue : Callback to set value to bindingTarget
    function(bindingTarget, value) {        
  • view : Any kind of view listed before.
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label. Default value is equal to key.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target. Default behavior.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.


No bindingKey parameter in this case.

Add button

    // bindingTarget: object,

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    title: undefined,

    label: undefined,

    callback: function(target) {},

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target will pass to callback. Optional.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label.
  • label : Display text of button, a string or a plain object.
        text: '',
        icon: undefined, 
        iconFrame: undefined,
        iconSize: undefined,
        action: undefined, 
        actionFrame: undefined,
        actionSize: undefined,
  • callback : Callback when clicking button
    function(target) { }
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by tweaker.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of botton

Add buttons

    // bindingTarget: object,

    // icon: undefined,
    // iconFrame: undefined,
    // iconSize: undefined,

    title: undefined,

            label: undefined,
            callback: function(target) {},
            label: undefined,
            callback: function(target) {},
        // ...

    wrap: false,

    // key: undefined,
  • bindingTarget : Binding target will pass to callback. Optional.
    • Can bind target later via tweaker.setBindingTarget(object).
  • icon, iconFrame : Texture key, frame name of icon on title-label.
  • iconSize : Fixed icon size
  • title : Display text of title-label.
  • buttons : Array of button label and button callback
        label: undefined,
        callback: function(target) {},
    • label : Display text of button, a string or a plain object. ```javascript { text: '',

      icon: undefined, 
      iconFrame: undefined,
      iconSize: undefined,
      action: undefined, 
      actionFrame: undefined,
      actionSize: undefined,

      } `` -callback: Callback when clicking button

      function(target) { }
      -wrap: Layout mode of buttons. -true: [fixwidth-sizer]( layout. -false: [sizer]( layout. Default behavior. -key: Add this child into childMap, which could be read back bytweaker.getElement(key). -undefined` : Don't add this child. Default value.

See Style of botton

Add separator


See Style of separator

Add folder

Folder contains collapsible child tweaker game object.

var childTweaker = tweaker.addFolder({
    title: titleA,

    // expanded: true,

// childTweaker.addInput(...)
  • childTweaker : Child tweaker game object. Add input rows by addInput method.
  • title Title of folder. Click title can collapse or expand child tweaker game object.
  • expanded :
    • true : Expand child tweaker game object at beginning. Default behavior.
    • false : Collapse child tweaker game object at beginning.

See Style of folder

Add tab

Tab containes pages. Each page is a tweaker game object.

var childrenTweakers = tweaker.addTab({
    pages: [
            title: titleA, 
            // show: false
            title: titleB
            // show: false
        // ...

// childrenTweakers[0].addInput(...)
// childrenTweakers[1].addInput(...)
  • childrenTweakers : Array of children tweaker game object. Add input rows by addInput method.
  • pages : Array of page setting.
        title: titleA,
        show: false,
    • title : Display text of page title
    • show : Set to true to show this page at beginning

See Style of tab

Add columns

Multiple columns in a row. Each column is a tweaker game object.

var childrenTweakers = tweaker.addColumns(amount);

// childrenTweakers[0].addInput(...)
// childrenTweakers[1].addInput(...)


var childrenTweakers = tweaker.addColumns({
    // title: title,

    columns: [
            // width: 0,
            // expand: true
            // width: 0,
            // expand: true

// childrenTweakers[0].addInput(...)
// childrenTweakers[1].addInput(...)
  • childrenTweakers : Array of children tweaker game object. Add input rows by addInput method.
  • amount : A number, amount of columns. Will use default column config.
  • columns : Array of column config, each column config contains
    • width : Minimum width of this column, default value is 0, will set proportion to 1.
    • expand : Expand height of this column, default value is true.

See Style of columns

Add scrollable

Scrollable(Panel) contains child tweaker game object and slider.

var childTweaker = tweaker.addScrollable({
    // title: title,

    // height: 0

// childTweaker.addInput(...)
  • childTweaker : Child tweaker game object. Add input rows by addInput method.
  • title Title of scrolable.
    • A string : Title string.
    • undefined : Hide this title game object.
  • height :
    • A number : Height of this Scrollable(Panel).
    • undefined, or 0 : Expand this scrollable(Panel).

See Style of scrollable

Add rows

Add mutiple rows (input row, button, buttons, separator, folder, tab) in a single method

tweaker.addRows(properties, target);
// tweaker.addRows(properties, target, monitor);
  • properties : A list of properties, each property could be one of
    • Input row
          $key: '',
          // $target:
          // More properties...
    • Button
          $type: 'button', title: '', label: '',
          callback(target) {
    • Buttons
    • Separator
      { $type: 'separator' }
    • Folder
          $type: 'folder', title: '',
          // $target: 
          $properties: [
              // ...
      • $target : Override target value pass to remainder $properties.
        • undefined : Use previous target value. Default behavior.
    • Tab
          $type: 'tab',
          // $target:
          pages: [
                  title: '',
                  $properties: [
                      // ...
                  title: '',
                  $properties: [
                      // ...
              // ... More pages
      • $target : Override target value pass to remainder $properties.
        • undefined : Use previous target value. Default behavior.
    • Columns
          $type: 'columns',
          // $target:
          columns: [
                  // width: 0,
                  // expand: true,
                  $properties: [
                      // ...
                  // width: 0,
                  // expand: true,
                  $properties: [
                      // ...
              // ... More columns
      • $target : Override target value pass to remainder $properties.
        • undefined : Use previous target value. Default behavior.
    • Scrollable
          $type: 'scrollable', title: undefined,
          // $target: 
          $properties: [
              // ...
      • $target : Override target value pass to remainder $properties.
        • undefined : Use previous target value. Default behavior.
  • monitor :
    • false : Don't update input text every tick from target.
    • true : Update input text from current object, in postupdate event of scene. Default behavior.

Layout children

Arrange position of all elements.


See also - dirty


Style of text input

Style of text-area input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.inputText
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            inputText: {
                background: {
                    color: null,
                    color2: null,
                    horizontalGradient: true,

                    stroke: null,
                    strokeThickness: 2,

                    cornerRadius: 0,
                    cornerIteration: null
                focusStyle: {
                    // color:
                    // color2:
                    // horizontalGradient:

                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:

                    // cornerRadius:
                    // cornerIteration:

                style: {
                    bold: false,
                    italic: false,
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadowColor: null,
                    shadowOffsetX: 0,
                    shadowOffsetY: 0,
                    shadowBlur: 0,
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    backgroundHeight: undefined,
                    backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                    offsetX: 0,
                    offsetY: 0
                cursorStyle: {
                    // bold:
                    // italic:
                    // fontSize:
                    // fontFamily:
                    // color:
                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:
                    // shadowColor:
                    // shadowOffsetX:
                    // shadowOffsetY:
                    // shadowBlur:
                    // backgroundColor:
                    // backgroundHeight:
                    // backgroundBottomY:
                    // offsetX:
                    // offsetY:

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,

Style of text-area input

Style of text-area input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.inputTextArea
  • styles.inputRow.inputText
  • styles.inputRow.slider
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            inputTextArea: {
                height: undefined,

                text: {


                slider: {
                    // ...

            inputText: {
                background: {
                    color: null,
                    color2: null,
                    horizontalGradient: true,

                    stroke: null,
                    strokeThickness: 2,

                    cornerRadius: 0,
                    cornerIteration: null
                focusStyle: {
                    // color:
                    // color2:
                    // horizontalGradient:

                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:

                    // cornerRadius:
                    // cornerIteration:

                style: {
                    bold: false,
                    italic: false,
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadowColor: null,
                    shadowOffsetX: 0,
                    shadowOffsetY: 0,
                    shadowBlur: 0,
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    backgroundHeight: undefined,
                    backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                    offsetX: 0,
                    offsetY: 0
                cursorStyle: {
                    // bold:
                    // italic:
                    // fontSize:
                    // fontFamily:
                    // color:
                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:
                    // shadowColor:
                    // shadowOffsetX:
                    // shadowOffsetY:
                    // shadowBlur:
                    // backgroundColor:
                    // backgroundHeight:
                    // backgroundBottomY:
                    // offsetX:
                    // offsetY:

            slider: {
                track: {
                    height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                indicator: {
                    height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                thumb: {
                    width: 0, height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,

Style of text-area is defined at styles.inputRow.inputTextArea :

  • Define style of input text at styles.inputRow.inputTextArea.text, if not given, it will use styles.inputRow.inputText.
  • Define style of slider at styles.inputRow.inputTextArea.slider, if not given, it will use styles.inputRow.slider.

Style of list input

Style of text/number list input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.list
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            list: {
                label: {
                    background: {
                        radius: 0,
                        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                        color: undefined,
                        alpha: undefined,
                        strokeColor: undefined,
                        strokeAlpha: undefined,
                        strokeWidth: undefined,

                    text: {
                        fontFamily: 'Courier',
                        fontSize: '16px',
                        fontStyle: '',
                        backgroundColor: null,
                        color: '#fff',
                        stroke: '#fff',
                        strokeThickness: 0,
                        shadow: {
                            offsetX: 0,
                            offsetY: 0,
                            color: '#000',
                            blur: 0,
                            stroke: false,
                            fill: false
                        padding: {
                            left: 0,
                            right: 0,
                            top: 0,
                            bottom: 0,
                        // more text styles

                    iconSize: undefined,
                    iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                    space: {
                        left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                        icon: 0, text: 0


                button: {
                    background: {
                        radius: 0,
                        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                        color: undefined,
                        alpha: undefined,
                        strokeColor: undefined,
                        strokeAlpha: undefined,
                        strokeWidth: undefined,

                        'hover.color': undefined,
                        'hover.alpha': undefined,
                        'hover.strokeColor': undefined,
                        'hover.strokeAlpha': undefined,
                        'hover.strokeWidth': undefined,

                    text: {
                        fontFamily: 'Courier',
                        fontSize: '16px',
                        fontStyle: '',
                        backgroundColor: null,
                        color: '#fff',
                        stroke: '#fff',
                        strokeThickness: 0,
                        shadow: {
                            offsetX: 0,
                            offsetY: 0,
                            color: '#000',
                            blur: 0,
                            stroke: false,
                            fill: false
                        padding: {
                            left: 0,
                            right: 0,
                            top: 0,
                            bottom: 0,
                        // more text styles

                    iconSize: undefined,
                    iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                    space: {
                        left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                        icon: 0, text: 0

                list: {
                    alignParent: 'text',
                    alignSide: 'left',
                    expandDirection: 'down',

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,

Style of buttons input

Style of buttons input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.button
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            button: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

                expand: true

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,


Style of range input

Style of range input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.slider
  • styles.inputRow.inputText
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            slider: {
                track: {
                    height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                indicator: {
                    height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                thumb: {
                    width: 0, height: 0,

                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

            inputText: {
                background: {
                    color: null,
                    color2: null,
                    horizontalGradient: true,

                    stroke: null,
                    strokeThickness: 2,

                    cornerRadius: 0,
                    cornerIteration: null
                focusStyle: {
                    // color:
                    // color2:
                    // horizontalGradient:

                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:

                    // cornerRadius:
                    // cornerIteration:

                style: {
                    bold: false,
                    italic: false,
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadowColor: null,
                    shadowOffsetX: 0,
                    shadowOffsetY: 0,
                    shadowBlur: 0,
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    backgroundHeight: undefined,
                    backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                    offsetX: 0,
                    offsetY: 0
                cursorStyle: {
                    // bold:
                    // italic:
                    // fontSize:
                    // fontFamily:
                    // color:
                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:
                    // shadowColor:
                    // shadowOffsetX:
                    // shadowOffsetY:
                    // shadowBlur:
                    // backgroundColor:
                    // backgroundHeight:
                    // backgroundBottomY:
                    // offsetX:
                    // offsetY:

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,
                range: {
                    slider: 0,
                    inputText: 0,

  • Set proportion.range.slider and proportion.range.inputText to layout slider and inputText.

Style of inc-dec input

Style of range input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.incDec
  • styles.inputRow.inputText
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            incDec: {
                incButton: {
                    background: {
                        radius: 0,
                        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                        color: undefined,
                        alpha: undefined,
                        strokeColor: undefined,
                        strokeAlpha: undefined,
                        strokeWidth: undefined,

                    icon: {

                    text: null,
                    action: null,

                    iconSize: undefined,
                    iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                    space: {
                        left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                        icon: 0, text: 0

                decButton: {
                    background: {
                        radius: 0,
                        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                        color: undefined,
                        alpha: undefined,
                        strokeColor: undefined,
                        strokeAlpha: undefined,
                        strokeWidth: undefined,

                    icon: {

                    text: null,
                    action: null,

                    iconSize: undefined,
                    iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                    space: {
                        left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                        icon: 0, text: 0

                inputTextIndex: 0, // 0,1,2

            inputText: {
                background: {
                    color: null,
                    color2: null,
                    horizontalGradient: true,

                    stroke: null,
                    strokeThickness: 2,

                    cornerRadius: 0,
                    cornerIteration: null
                focusStyle: {
                    // color:
                    // color2:
                    // horizontalGradient:

                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:

                    // cornerRadius:
                    // cornerIteration:

                style: {
                    bold: false,
                    italic: false,
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadowColor: null,
                    shadowOffsetX: 0,
                    shadowOffsetY: 0,
                    shadowBlur: 0,
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    backgroundHeight: undefined,
                    backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                    offsetX: 0,
                    offsetY: 0
                cursorStyle: {
                    // bold:
                    // italic:
                    // fontSize:
                    // fontFamily:
                    // color:
                    // stroke:
                    // strokeThickness:
                    // shadowColor:
                    // shadowOffsetX:
                    // shadowOffsetY:
                    // shadowBlur:
                    // backgroundColor:
                    // backgroundHeight:
                    // backgroundBottomY:
                    // offsetX:
                    // offsetY:

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,
                range: {
                    slider: 0,
                    inputText: 0,


Style of color input

Style of color input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.inputText
  • styles.inputRow.colorInput
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            colorInput: {
                swatch: {
                    radius: 0,
                    size: undefined,

                inputText: {
                    background: {
                        color: null,
                        color2: null,
                        horizontalGradient: true,

                        stroke: null,
                        strokeThickness: 2,

                        cornerRadius: 0,
                        cornerIteration: null
                    focusStyle: {
                        // color:
                        // color2:
                        // horizontalGradient:

                        // stroke:
                        // strokeThickness:

                        // cornerRadius:
                        // cornerIteration:

                    style: {
                        bold: false,
                        italic: false,
                        fontSize: '16px',
                        fontFamily: 'Courier',
                        color: '#fff',
                        stroke: '#fff',
                        strokeThickness: 0,
                        shadowColor: null,
                        shadowOffsetX: 0,
                        shadowOffsetY: 0,
                        shadowBlur: 0,
                        backgroundColor: null,
                        backgroundHeight: undefined,
                        backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0
                    cursorStyle: {
                        // bold:
                        // italic:
                        // fontSize:
                        // fontFamily:
                        // color:
                        // stroke:
                        // strokeThickness:
                        // shadowColor:
                        // shadowOffsetX:
                        // shadowOffsetY:
                        // shadowBlur:
                        // backgroundColor:
                        // backgroundHeight:
                        // backgroundBottomY:
                        // offsetX:
                        // offsetY:
                // inputText: false,

                colorPicker: {
                    background: {
                        radius: 0,
                        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                        color: undefined,
                        alpha: undefined,
                        strokeColor: undefined,
                        strokeAlpha: undefined,
                        strokeWidth: undefined,

                colorComponents: {
                    inputText: {
                        background: {
                            color: null,
                            color2: null,
                            horizontalGradient: true,

                            stroke: null,
                            strokeThickness: 2,

                            cornerRadius: 0,
                            cornerIteration: null
                        focusStyle: {
                            // color:
                            // color2:
                            // horizontalGradient:

                            // stroke:
                            // strokeThickness:

                            // cornerRadius:
                            // cornerIteration:

                        style: {
                            bold: false,
                            italic: false,
                            fontSize: '16px',
                            fontFamily: 'Courier',
                            color: '#fff',
                            stroke: '#fff',
                            strokeThickness: 0,
                            shadowColor: null,
                            shadowOffsetX: 0,
                            shadowOffsetY: 0,
                            shadowBlur: 0,
                            backgroundColor: null,
                            backgroundHeight: undefined,
                            backgroundBottomY: undefined,
                            offsetX: 0,
                            offsetY: 0
                        cursorStyle: {
                            // bold:
                            // italic:
                            // fontSize:
                            // fontFamily:
                            // color:
                            // stroke:
                            // strokeThickness:
                            // shadowColor:
                            // shadowOffsetX:
                            // shadowOffsetY:
                            // shadowBlur:
                            // backgroundColor:
                            // backgroundHeight:
                            // backgroundBottomY:
                            // offsetX:
                            // offsetY:


                // colorComponents: false,


            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,


Style of boolean input

Style of boolean input is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.checkbox, or styles.inputRow.toggleSwitch
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            // For checkbox view
            checkbox: {
                // size: undefined,

                color: 0x005cb2,
                boxFillAlpha: 1,
                uncheckedColor: null,
                uncheckedBoxFillAlpha: 1,

                boxLineWidth: 4,
                boxStrokeColor: 0x005cb2,
                boxStrokeAlpha: 1,
                uncheckedBoxStrokeColor: 0x005cb2,
                uncheckedBoxStrokeAlpha: 1,

                checkerColor: 0xffffff,
                checkerAlpha: 1,

                circleBox: false

                animationDuration: 150,

                readOnly: false,

            // For toggle switch view
            toggleSwitch: {
                // size: undefined,

                color: 0x005cb2,
                trackFillAlpha: 1,
                falseValueTrackColor: undefined,
                falseValueTrackFillAlpha: 1,

                thumbColor: 0xffffff,
                thumbAlpha: 1,

                trackWidth: 0.9,
                trackHeight: 0.5,
                trackCornerRadius: (trackHeight * 0.5),

                thumbHeight: (trackHeight * 0.9),
                thumbWidth: (thumbHeight),
                thumbCornerRadius: (thumbHeight * 0.5),

                thumbLeft: 0.3,
                thumbRight: (1 - thumbLeft),
                rtl: false,

                animationDuration: 150,

                readOnly: false,

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,


Style of botton

Style of button is defined in

  • styles.inputRow.title
  • styles.inputRow.button
  • styles.inputRow.background
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        inputRow: {
            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            button: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0,
                title: 0

            proportion: {
                title: 0, inputField: 0,


Style of separator

Style of separator is defined in

  • styles.separator
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        separator: {
            height: 0,

            radius: 0,
            // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

            color: undefined,
            alpha: undefined,
            strokeColor: undefined,
            strokeAlpha: undefined,
            strokeWidth: undefined,

Style of folder

Style of folder is defined in

  • styles.folder
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        folder: {
            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

                expandedIcon: {
                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: 1,

                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: 1,
                    strokeWidth: 1,
                    arrowOnly: false,

                    easeDuration: 0,

            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 

Style of tab

Style of tab is defined in

    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        tab: {
            tab: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                    'active.color': undefined,
                    'active.alpha': undefined,
                    'active.strokeColor': undefined,
                    'active.strokeAlpha': undefined,
                    'active.strokeWidth': undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

            wrapTabs: false,

            tabs: {
                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    item: 0,

            pages: {
                fadeIn: 0,

Style of columns

Style of columns is defined in

  • styles.columns
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        columns: {
            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

                expandedIcon: {
                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: 1,

                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: 1,
                    strokeWidth: 1,
                    arrowOnly: false,

                    easeDuration: 0,

            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            //background: [
            //    {
            //        radius: 0,
            //        // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}
            //        color: undefined,
            //        alpha: undefined,
            //        strokeColor: undefined,
            //        strokeAlpha: undefined,
            //        strokeWidth: undefined,
            //    }

            space: {
                left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                column: 0,

Style of scrollable

Style of scrollable is defined in

  • styles.scrollable
    // style: {...}
    styles: {
        scrollable: {
            title: {
                background: {
                    radius: 0,
                    // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: undefined,
                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: undefined,
                    strokeWidth: undefined,

                text: {
                    fontFamily: 'Courier',
                    fontSize: '16px',
                    fontStyle: '',
                    backgroundColor: null,
                    color: '#fff',
                    stroke: '#fff',
                    strokeThickness: 0,
                    shadow: {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        color: '#000',
                        blur: 0,
                        stroke: false,
                        fill: false
                    padding: {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                    // more text styles

                iconSize: undefined,
                iconWidth: undefined, iconHeight: undefined,

                space: {
                    left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0, 
                    icon: 0, text: 0

                expandedIcon: {
                    color: undefined,
                    alpha: 1,

                    strokeColor: undefined,
                    strokeAlpha: 1,
                    strokeWidth: 1,
                    arrowOnly: false,

                    easeDuration: 0,

            background: {
                radius: 0,
                // radius: {tl: {x,y}, tr: {x,y}, bl: {x,y}, br: {x,y}}

                color: undefined,
                alpha: undefined,
                strokeColor: undefined,
                strokeAlpha: undefined,
                strokeWidth: undefined,

            slider: {
                track: { 
                    width: 1, height: 1,
                    radius: 0, 
                    color: undefined, alpha: 1,
                    strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
                    shape: undefined

                thumb: { 
                    width: 1, height: 1,
                    radius: 0, 
                    color: undefined, alpha: 1,
                    strokeColor: undefined, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeWidth: 2,
                    shape: undefined

                // hideUnscrollableSlider: false,
                // adaptThumbSize: false,
                // minThumbSize: undefined,

            space: {

Bind target

All input rows will bind to this new target, and update display status.



  • On value change of any bindingKey
    tweaker.on('valuechange', function(newValue, oldValue, bindingTarget, bindingKey) {

Get element

  • Get by key
    var gameObject = tweaker.getElement(key);
    • key : Add by key parameter in tweaker.addInput(config) method
          key: ...
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = tweaker.getElement('#' + name);
    // var gameObject = pages.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = tweaker.getByName(name);
    // var gameObject = tweaker.getByName(name, recursive);
    • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.

Other properties

See sizer object, base sizer object, container-lite.