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Text player


Typing characters on dynamic text, waiting click or key enter, play sound effect or backgroun music.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.plugin('rextextplayerplugin', '', true);
  • Add text-player object
    var txt = scene.add.rexTextPlayer(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import TextPlayerPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/textplayer-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [{
                key: 'rexTextPlayerPlugin',
                plugin: TextPlayerPlugin,
                start: true
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add text-player object
    var txt = scene.add.rexTextPlayer(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import TextPlayer from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/textplayer.js';
  • Add text-player object
    var txt = new TextPlayer(scene, config);

Create instance

var txt = scene.add.rexTextPlayer({
    x: 0, 
    y: 0,
    width: undefined, 
    height: undefined,

    padding: 0,  // {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}

    background: {
        color: null,
        color2: null,
        horizontalGradient: true,

        stroke: null,
        strokeThickness: 2,

        cornerRadius: 0,
        cornerIteration: null

    innerBounds: {
        color: null,
        color2: null,
        horizontalGradient: true,

        stroke: null,
        strokeThickness: 2

    style: {
        bold: false,
        italic: false,
        fontSize: '16px',
        fontFamily: 'Courier',
        color: '#fff',
        stroke: '#fff',
        strokeThickness: 0,
        shadowColor: null,
        shadowOffsetX: 0,
        shadowOffsetY: 0,
        shadowBlur: 0,
        offsetX: 0,
        offsetY: 0,
        leftSpace: 0,
        rightSpace: 0,

    parser: {
        delimiters: '[]',
        comment: '//',
        // translateTagNameCallback: undefined,

    wrap: {
        callback: undefined, // Default wrapping callback is dynamicText.runWordWrap()
        // maxLines: 
        padding: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 },
        letterSpacing: 0,
        wrapMode: 'word',  // 1|'word'|2|'char'|'character'|3|'mix'
        hAlign: 0, // 0|'left'|1|'center'|2|'right'|3|'justify'|'justify-left'|4|'justify-center'|5| justify-right'
        vAlign: 0, // 0|'top'|1|'center'|2|'bottom'


    typing: {
        speed: 250,
        onTypingStart: function (children) {
            for (var i = 0, cnt = children.length; i < cnt; i++) {
        },  // Default: set all children invisible
        animation: undefined,  // Default: no typing animation, only invoke onStart callback
        animation: {
            duration: 1000,
            yoyo: false,
            onStart: function(child) {
            onProgress: function(child, t) {

            onComplete: function(child) {


        // skipSpace: false,

        // minSizeEnable: false,

        fadeOutPage: undefined,  // Default: no fade-out-page animation
        fadeOutPage: function(children) {
            return eventEmitter;
            return promise;


    images: {
        // key: {width, height}
        // key: {key, frame, width, height}

    sprites: {
        // createCallback: 'sprite',
        // createCallback: function(scene, ...) { return gameObject; },

        // fade: 500,
        // fade: {mode: 'tint', time: 500},

        // viewportCoordinate: false,
        // viewportCoordinate: { viewport: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle() },


    layers: undefined, // []

    sounds: {
        bgm: {
            initial: undefinied,
            loop: true,
            fade: 500
        bgm2: {
            initial: undefinied,
            loop: true,
            fade: 500

    clickTarget: this,  // This text player    
    nextPageInput: null,
    // ignoreNextPageInput: false,

    text: undefined
  • x, y : Position of this text-player game object.
  • width : Fixed width.
    • A number : Width of this text-player game object.
      • Wrap-width is width - padding.left - padding.right.
    • undefined : Width of this text-player game object will be set after invoked runWordWrap method.
  • height : Fixed height.
    • A number : Height of this text-player game object.
    • undefined : Height of this text-player game object will be set after invoked runWordWrap method.
  • padding : Padding of bounds.
    • A number
    • padding.left, padding.right,, padding.bottom
  • background : Properties of background round-rectangle.
    • background.color : Fill color.
      • null : No filling.
    • background.color2 : Gradient fill color.
      • null : No gradient filling.
    • background.horizontalGradient : Horizontal or vertical gradient filling.
      • true : Horizontal gradient filling.
      • false : Vertical gradient filling.
    • background.stroke : Stroke color.
      • null : No stroke.
    • background.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
    • background.cornerRadius : Corner-radius of round rectangle.
      • 0 : No round corner
      • > 0 : Convex round corner
      • < 0 : Concave round corner
    • background.cornerIteration : Iteration of corner-radius.
      • null : Draw corner-radius via arc directly.
      • A number : Draw corner-radius via lines
  • innerBounds : Properties of inner-bounds.
    • innerBounds.color : Fill color.
      • null : No filling.
    • innerBounds.color2 : Gradient fill color.
      • null : No gradient filling.
    • innerBounds.horizontalGradient : Horizontal or vertical gradient filling.
      • true : Horizontal gradient filling.
      • false : Vertical gradient filling.
    • innerBounds.stroke : Stroke color.
      • null : No stroke.
    • innerBounds.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
  • style : Initial text-style.
    • style.bold : Bold
    • style.italic : Italic
    • style.fontSize : Font size
    • style.fontFamily : Font family
    • style.color : Fill color
    • style.stroke : Stroke color
    • style.strokeThickness : Line width of stroke.
    • style.shadowColor : Shadow color.
      • null : No shadow.
    • style.shadowOffsetX : OffsetX of shadow.
    • style.shadowOffsetY : OffsetY of shadow.
    • style.shadowBlur : Blur of shadow.
    • style.offsetX : OffsetX.
    • style.offsetY : OffsetY.
    • style.leftSpace : Extra space between this character and previous character.
    • style.rightSpace : Extra space between this character and next character.
    • style.align : Override default line-alignment setting.
      • 0, 'left', 'top' : Align remainder lines to left/top.
      • 1, 'center' : Align remainder lines to center.
      • 2, 'right', 'bottom' : Align remainder lines to right/bottom.
      • undefined : Use default line-alignment setting.
  • wrap : Default configuration Horizontal/Vertical wrapping.
  • typing :
    • typing.speed : Default typing speed of each character.
    • typing.onTypingStart : Callback when typing start. Default is to set all children to invisible.
      function (children) {
          for (var i = 0, cnt = children.length; i < cnt; i++) {
      • children : Array of child.
    • typing.animation : Configuration of typing animation
      • undefined : No typing animation, default behavior
    • typing.animation.duration : Duration of typing animation.
    • typing.animation.yoyo :
      • false : Mapping progress t to 0 - 1. Default behavior.
      • true : Mapping progress t to 0 - 1 - 0.
    • typing.animation.onStart : Callback when typing start of a character. Default is to set this child to visible.
      function(child) { 
    • typing.animation.onProgress : Callback when progress typing animation.
      function(child, t) {
    • typing.animation.onComplete : Callback when typing animation complete.
      function(child) {
    • typing.skipSpace :
      • false : Will have delay when typing space character. Default behavior.
      • true : Typing space character immediately.
    • typing.minSizeEnable :
      • true : Resize to minimun size for showing all visible characters.
      • false : Won't resize during typing. Default behavior.
    • typing.fadeOutPage : Callback to fade-out characters of previous page.
      • undefined : Default value, no fade-out-page animation.
      • Callback
        function(characters) {
            return tween;  // eventEmitter
            return promise;
        • characters : Fade out targets.
        • Return value could be tween object (event emitter), or promise object.
          • Tween object : Wait until 'complete' event triggering.
          • Promise object : Wait until promoise resolving.
  • parser : Configuration of parser.
    • parser.delimiters : Delimiters of tag. Default value is '[]'.
    • parser.comment : Start word of a comment line. Default value is '//'.
      • null, or false : No comment line.
    • parser.translateTagNameCallback : Callback to translate tag-name
      • undefined : Use original tag-name. Default behavior.
      • A function, return new tag name.
        function(tagName) {
            return newTagName;
  • images : Configuration of images.
  • sprites : Configuration of sprites.
    • sprites.createCallback :
      • 'sprite' : Create sprite game object. Default behavior.
      • 'image' : Create image game object.
      • Callback to return a game object
        function(scene, textureKey, frameName) {
            // return scene.add.sprite(0, 0, textureKey, frameName);
    • sprites.fade :
      • 0 : No fade-in or fade-out when adding or removing a sprite.
      • A number : Duration of fading. Default value is 500.
      • A plain object contains mode, time
        • sprite.fade.mode : Fade mode
          • 'tint', or 0 : Fade-in or fade-out via tint property.
          • 'alpha', or 1 : Fade-in or fade-out via alpha property.
          • 'revealUp', or 2 : Reveal up for fade-in.
          • 'revealDown', or 3 : Reveal down for fade-in.
          • 'revealLeft', or 4 : Reveal left for fade-in.
          • 'revealRight', or 5 : Reveal right for fade-in.
        • sprite.fade.time : Duration of fading. Default value is 500.
    • sprites.viewportCoordinate : Apply viewportCoordinate behavior to sprite game object.
      • true : Attach vpx, vpy, vp to sprite game object.
        • vpx, vpy : Number between 0~1. Proportion of viewport.
        • vp : Viewport in rectangle
      • false : Do nothing, default behavior.
    • sprites.symbols : Convert string value to number value when Set or Ease property of game object.
      • A plain object contains string key and number value.
  • layers :
  • sounds : Configuration of sound effect, or background music.
    • sounds.bgm.initial, sounds.bgm2.initial : Initial music instance created by scene.sound.add(key) before starting playing content.
      • undefined : No initial music instance, default value.
    • sounds.bgm.loop, sounds.bgm2.loop :
      • true : Loop background music, default behavior.
      • false : Play background music once.
    • sounds.bgm.fade, sounds.bgm2.fade :
      • 0 : No fade-in or fade-out when starting or stopping a background music.
      • A number : Fade-in or fade-out (cross-fade) when starting or stopping a background music. Default value is 500.
  • nextPageInput : Wait condition to type next page
    • null, or false : Stop tying next page. Default behavior
      • Typing next manually via txt.typingNextPage().
    • 'click' : Wait click.
    • 'click|2000' : Wait one of condition: click, or 2000ms.
    • 'click|enter|2000' : Wait one of condition: click, enter key down, or 2000ms.
    • A function callback :
      function(callback) {
          // Invoke `callback()` to continue typing
  • clickTarget : Click target, default is text player itself.
    • scene : Any pointer down on this scene.
  • ignoreNextPageInput : Set true to continue typing next page without any waiting.
  • text : Content of text to play.


var txt = scene.add.rexTextPlayer(x, y, width, height, config);


var txt = scene.add.rexTextPlayer(x, y, config);

Add textplayer from JSON

var txt = scene.make.rexTextPlayer({
    x: 0,
    y: 0,

    // origin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5},
    // fill: null,

    add: true

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyTextPlayer extends TextPlayer {
        constructor(scene, x, y, config) {
            super(scene, x, y, config);
            // ...
        // ...
        // preUpdate(time, delta) {}
    • scene.add.existing(gameObject) : Adds an existing Game Object to this Scene.
      • If the Game Object renders, it will be added to the Display List.
      • If it has a preUpdate method, it will be added to the Update List.
  • Create instance
    var txt = new MyTextPlayer(scene, x, y, config);

Game object manager

    name: goType,
    createGameObject: function(scene, ...) {
        return gameObject

    fade: 500,
    // fade: {mode: 'tint', time: 500},

    // viewportCoordinate: false,
    // viewportCoordinate: { viewport: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle() },

    // defaultLayer: layerName,

    // symbols: undefined,  // { key:value },
  • name : Name of this game object manager, a string.
  • createGameObject : Callback to return a game object
    function(scene, a, b, c) {
        // return gameObject;
    • a, b, c : Parameters pass from [,b,c]
  • fade : Tint-fade (if game object has tint property) or alpha-fade game object when creating or destroying a game object.
    • 0 : No fade-in or fade-out when adding or removing a game object.
    • A number : Duration of fading. Default value is 500.
    • A plain object contains mode, time
      • fade.mode : Fade mode
        • 'tint', or 0 : Fade-in or fade-out via tint property.
        • 'alpha', or 1 : Fade-in or fade-out via alpha property.
        • 'revealUp', or 2 : Reveal up for fade-in.
        • 'revealDown', or 3 : Reveal down for fade-in.
        • 'revealLeft', or 4 : Reveal left for fade-in.
        • 'revealRight', or 5 : Reveal right for fade-in.
      • fade.time : Duration of fading. Default value is 500.
  • viewportCoordinate : Apply viewportCoordinate behavior to sprite game object.
    • false : Do nothing, default behavior.
    • true, or an object :
      • viewport :
        • undefined : Rectangle of display area under main camera of current scene. Default value.
        • A rectangle
  • defaultLayer : Put this game object into layer inside of layerManager.
  • symbols : Convert string value to number value when Set or Ease property of game object.
    • A plain object contains string key and number value.

Built-in commands

goType : name parameter in config of txt.addGameObjectManager method

  • Add game object : [,b,c]
    • Tint-fade-in, or alpha-fade-in if fade is not 0
  • Remove game object : [/]
    • Tint-fade-out, or alpha-fade-out if fade is not 0
  • Remove all game objects : [/goType]
    • Tint-fade-out, or alpha-fade-out if fade is not 0
  • Call method : [,value1,value2]
  • Set property : [], [], ....
  • Ease property :
    • prop : Any number property of this sprite.
    • easeMode : One of these modes
      • to, toLeft, toRight, toUp, toDown
      • yoyo, yoyoLeft, yoyoRight, yoyoUp, yoyoDown
      • from, fromLeft, fromRight, fromUp, fromDown
    • duration : Default value is 1000
    • easeFunction : Default value is 'Linear'
    • repeat : Default value is 0
  • Wait ease task of game object's number property : []
    • Also fire event 'wait.' + goType
      txt.on('wait.' + goType, function(name, prop) {
  • Wait a game objects are destroyed : []
    • Also fire event 'wait.' + goType
      txt.on('wait.' + goType, function(name, prop) {
          // prop parameter are `undefined` here
  • Wait all game objects are destroyed : [wait=goType]
    • Also fire event 'wait.' + goType
      txt.on('wait.' + goType, function(name, prop) {
          // name and prop parameter are `undefined` here
  • Wait boolean data in game object's data manager set to true/false : []/[!dataKey]
    • Also fire event 'wait.' + goType
      txt.on('wait.' + goType, function(name, prop) {

Typing content;


        // Typing content complete

Show current page

  • Set typing speed to 0.
  • Set animation progress to 1.
  • Skip all waiting events.
  • Stop current sound effects, and ignore remainder sound effects.

Typing next page

  • Set nextPageInput to null, or false in config.

Ignore next page input

  • Ignore next page input
  • Rollback waiting next page input


  • Pause typing and typing animation
  • Pause typing only


  • Resume typing and typing animation

Typing speed

  • Get
    • Default typing speed
      var speed = txt.defaultTypingSpeed;
    • Current typing speed
      var speed = txt.typingSpeed;
  • Set
    • Default typing speed
      txt.defaultTypingSpeed = speed;
    • Current typing speed
      // txt.setTypingSpeed();    // Set speed to default speed
      txt.typingSpeed = speed;

Time scale

Time scale of typing, typing animation, sprite animation and easing of sprite's properties.

  • Get
    var timeScale = txt.timeScale;
  • Set
    txt.timeScale = timeScale;


  • Is playing : After, before typing all pages completed
    var isPlaying = txt.isPlaying
  • Is page typing : After, or txt.typingNextPage(), before page typing completed
    var isPageTyping = txt.isPageTYyping;


  • On typing content complete
    txt.on('complete', function() {
  • On typing a character or an image
    txt.on('typing', function(child) {
        if (child.type === 'text') {
            var character = child.text;
        } else {
            var textureLey = child.key;
            var frameKey = child.frame;
  • On typing a page start
    txt.on('page.start', function() {
  • On typing a page complete
    txt.on('page.complete', function() {

Tags of content


These lines will be skipped :

  • Empty line, which only has space characters.
  • Comment line, start with '//'.

New line symbol '\n' will be removed, use [r] to insert a new line character.

Content output switch

  • Turn off content output : []
  • Turn on content output : [content.on]
Content output enable
  • Content won't output if parser.setContentOutputEnable(false) under custom tag events
    • Fire 'parser.+custom#content' event if conent is ignored now
      txt.on('parser.+custom#content', function(parser, content) {
  • Invoke parser.setContentOutputEnable() to turn on content output back.

Text style

  • Font color : [color=red]content[/color], [color=#FF0000]content[/color]
  • Font size : [size=24]content[/size]
  • Bold : [b]content[/b]
  • Italic : [i]content[/i]
  • Stroke : [stroke]content[/stroke], [stroke=red]content[/stroke]
    • strokeThickness is set in config
  • Shadow : [shadow]content[/shadow], [shadow=red]content[/shadow]
    • shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowBlur are set in config
  • Character offset Y : [y=-8]c[/y]ontent
  • Character offset X : [x=10]c[/x]ontent
  • Left space : [left=10]c[/left]ontent
  • Right space : conten[right=10]t[/right]
  • Line-align : [align=left], [align=center], [align=right]

New line

  • New line : [r]
    • New line via \n will be ignored.

Page break

  • [pagebreak], or [pb] : Put remainder characters to next page.



Render size
  • Set render size in config
        images: {
            // key: {width, height},
            // key: {key, frame, width, height, tintFill: false}
    • tintFill :
      • false : Keep original color. Default behavior.
      • true : Change fill-color by color tag. [color=...][img=...].
  • Set render size by method
        // key: {width, height},
        // key: {key, frame, width, height, tintFill: false}
  • Use origin render size by default



Typing speed

  • No typing : [speed=0]
  • Set speed : [speed=1000]
  • Back to default speed : [/speed]


  • Add sprite : [,frameKey]
    • Tint-fade-in if sprite.fade is not 0
  • Remove sprite : [/]
    • Tint-fade-out if sprite.fade is not 0
  • Remove all sprites : [/sprite]
    • Tint-fade-out if sprite.fade is not 0
  • Call method : [,value1,value2]
  • Set property : [], [], ....
  • Ease property :
    • duration : Default value is 1000
    • easeFunction : Default value is 'Linear'
    • repeat : Default value is 0
  • Yoyo ease property :
  • Set texture : [,frameKey]
  • Play animation : [], or [,animationKey1,...]
    • Can play animation without adding sprite first.
  • Stop animation : [/], or []
  • Pause animation : []

Sound effect

  • Play : [se=key], [se2=key]
    • Sound effect will be destroyed when complete
  • Play with fade in volume : [se=key,1000], [se2=key,1000]
  • Fade in volume : [se.fadein=1000], [se2.fadein=1000]
  • Fade out volume : [se.fadeout=1000], [se2.fadeout=1000]
  • Fade out volume then stop : [se.fadeout=1000,stop], [se2.fadeout=1000,stop]
  • Set volume : [se.volume=1], [se2.volume=1]

Background music

  • Play, stop : [bgm=key], [/bgm], [bgm2=key],[/bgm2]`
    • Previous background music will be stopped and destroyed.
    • Cross fade to next background music if sounds.bgm.fade/sounds.bgm2.fade is not 0
  • Play with fade in volume : [bgm=key,1000], [bgm2=key,1000]
  • Pause, resume : [bgm.pause], [/bgm.pause], [bgm2.pause], [/bgm2.pause]
  • Fade in volume : [bgm.fadein=1000], [bgm2.fadein=1000]
  • Fade out volume : [bgm.fadeout=1000], [bgm2.fadeout=1000]
  • Fade out volume then stop : [bgm.fadeout=1000,stop], [bgm2.fadeout=1000,stop]
  • Cross fade to another background music : [bgm.cross=key,10000], [bgm2.cross=key,10000]
  • Set volume : [bgm.volume=1], [bgm2.volume=1]
  • Mute : [bgm.mute], [bgm2.mute], [bgm.unmute], [bgm2.unmute]


  • Fade-in effect : [camera.fadein], [camera.fadein=1000], or [camera.fadein=duration,red,green,blue]
  • Fade-out effect : [camera.fadeout], [camera.fadeout=1000], or [camera.fadeout=duration,red,green,blue]
  • Flash effect : [camera.flash], [camera.flash=1000], or [camera.flash=duration,red,green,blue]
  • Shake effect : [camera.shake], [camera.shake=1000], or [camera.shake=duration,intensity]
  • Zoom
    • Set zoom : [camera.zoom=2]
    • Zoom to : [,1000], or [,duration,Cubic]
  • Rotate
    • Set angle : [camera.rotate=90], angle in degrees
    • Rotate to : [,1000], or [,duration,Cubic], angle in degrees
  • Scroll
    • Scroll x,y : [camera.scroll=0,200]
    • Scroll x,y to : [,200,1000], or [,y,duration,Cubic]

Wait conditions

  • Wait click : [wait=click], [click]
    • Also fire event ''
       txt.on('', function() {
  • Wait key-down : [wait=enter], [wait=space], ....
    • Also fire event 'wait.keydown'
       txt.on('wait.keydown', function(keyName) {
  • Wait time : [wait=1000]
    • Also fire event 'wait.time'
       txt.on('wait.time', function(time) {
  • Wait sound effect : [wait=se], [wait=se2]
    • Also fire event ''
       txt.on('', function(music) {
           // var key = music.key;
  • Wait background music : [wait=bgm], [wait=bgm2]
    • Also fire event ''
       txt.on('', function(music) {
           // var key = music.key;
  • Wait camera effect : [wait=camera.fadein], [wait=camera.fadeout], [wait=camera.flash], [wait=camera.shake], [wait=camera.zoom], [wait=camera.rotate], [wait=camera.scroll]
    • Also fire event ''
       txt.on('', function(effectName) {
           // effectName : 'camera.fadein', 'camera.fadeout', 'camera.flash', 'camera.shake', 'camera.zoom', 'camera.rotate', 'camera.scroll'
  • Wait ease task of sprite's property : []
    • Also fire event 'wait.sprite'
       txt.on('wait.sprite', function(name, prop) {
  • Wait all sprites are destroyed : [wait=sprite]
    • Also fire event 'wait.sprite'
       txt.on('wait.sprite', function(name, prop) {
           // name and prop parameter are `undefined` here
  • Wait callback : [wait], or [wait=xxx] (xxx is any string which not been used in above case)
    • Fire event 'wait'
      txt.on('wait', function(callback) {
          // Invoke `callback()` to continue typing
    • Fire event ''
      txt.on('', function(callback) {
          // Invoke `callback()` to continue typing
  • Combine conditions : [wait=cond0|cond1|...]
    • Wait click, or enter key down : [wait=click|enter]
    • Wait click, enter key down, or 100ms : [wait=click|enter|1000]

Custom tag

Assume that adding a custom tag : [custom=10,20][/custom]

  • On parse a +custom tag, will add a custom command child
    txt.on('parser.+custom', function(parser, a, b, params) {
        // console.log('Parse +custom tag:', a, b)
    • a, b, ... : Parameters after =
    • params : Arguments array used when executing +custom. Equal to [a, b] in this case.
    • Disable content after this start tag
  • On execute a +custom command child
    txt.on('tag.+custom', function(a, b) {
        // console.log('Execute +custom tag:', a, b)
    • a, b, ... : Parameters passed from params in 'parser.+custom' event.
  • On parse a -custom tag, will add a custom command child
    txt.on('parser.-custom', function(parser, params) {
        // console.log('Parse -custom tag')
    • params : Arguments array used when executing -custom. Equal to [] in this case.
    • Enable content after this start tag
  • On execute a -custom command child
    txt.on('tag.-custom', function(...params) {
        // console.log('Execute -custom tag')
    • params : Parameters passed from params in 'parser.-custom' event.


  • Resize canvas size
    txt.setCanvasSize(width, height)
  • Reisze text wrapping size and canvas size.
    txt.setSize(width, height);
    txt.setFixedSize(width, height);
  • Resize to minimun size to show all visible characters.

Other properties

See game object

Create mask

var mask = txt.createBitmapMask();

See mask

Shader effects

Support preFX and postFX effects