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Grid sizer


Layout children game objects in grids.

  • Author: Rex
  • Game object

Live demos


Sample code

Install plugin

Load minify file

  • Load plugin (minify file) in preload stage
    scene.load.scenePlugin('rexuiplugin', '', 'rexUI', 'rexUI');
  • Add sizer object
    var sizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer(config);

Import plugin

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Install plugin in configuration of game
    import UIPlugin from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-plugin.js';
    var config = {
        // ...
        plugins: {
            scene: [{
                key: 'rexUI',
                plugin: UIPlugin,
                mapping: 'rexUI'
            // ...
        // ...
    var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
  • Add sizer object
    var sizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer(config);

Import class

  • Install rex plugins from npm
    npm i phaser3-rex-plugins
  • Import class
    import { GridSizer } from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/templates/ui/ui-components.js';
  • Add sizer object
    var sizer = new GridSizer(scene, config);

Add grid sizer object

var gridSizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer({
    // x: 0,
    // y: 0,
    // anchor: undefined,
    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined,
    // origin: 0.5
    // originX:
    // originY:

    column: 0,  // col: 0
    row: 0,
    // columnProportions: undefined,
    // rowProportions: undefined,
    // space: {
    //     left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0,
    //     column: 0, // [0, 0, 0]
    //     row: 0,    // [0, 0, 0]
    //     indentLeftOdd: 0, indentLeftEven: 0,
    //     indentTopOdd: 0, indentTopEven: 0,
    // },

    // createCellContainerCallback: function(scene, x, y, config) {
    //     config.expand = true;
    //     return cellContainer;
    // },

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false


var gridSizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer(x, y, {
    column: 0,  // col: 0
    row: 0,
    // columnProportions: undefined,
    // rowProportions: undefined,

    // space: {
    //     left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0,
    //     column: 0, // [0, 0, 0]
    //     row: 0,    // [0, 0, 0]
    //     indentLeftOdd: 0, indentLeftEven: 0,
    //     indentTopOdd: 0, indentTopEven: 0,
    // },

    // createCellContainerCallback: function(scene, x, y, config) {
    //     config.expand = true;
    //     return cellContainer;
    // },

    // width: undefined,
    // height: undefined


var gridSizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer(x, y, width, height, {
    column: 0,   // col: 0
    row: 0,
    // columnProportions: undefined,
    // rowProportions: undefined,

    // space: {
    //     left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0,
    //     column: 0, // [0, 0, 0]
    //     row: 0,    // [0, 0, 0]
    //     indentLeftOdd: 0, indentLeftEven: 0,
    //     indentTopOdd: 0, indentTopEven: 0,
    // },

    // createCellContainerCallback: function(scene, x, y, config) {
    //     config.expand = true;
    //     return cellContainer;
    // },


var gridSizer = scene.rexUI.add.gridSizer(x, y, width, height, column, row, {
    // space: {
    //     left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom:0,
    //     column: 0, // [0, 0, 0]
    //     row: 0,    // [0, 0, 0]
    //     indentLeftOdd: 0, indentLeftEven: 0,
    //     indentTopOdd: 0, indentTopEven: 0,
    // },

    // createCellContainerCallback: function(scene, x, y, config, gridSizer) {
    //     config.expand = true;
    //     return cellContainer;
    // },

    // name: '',
    // draggable: false,
    // sizerEvents: false,
    // enableLayer: false,
  • x, y : Position of this object, it is valid when this object is the top object.
  • anchor : See anchor.
    • left, right, centerX, x, top, bottom, centerY, y : Position based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
        • 'left'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'right'(=100%)
        • 'top'(=0%), 'center'(=50%), 'bottom'(=100%)
      • Offset : '+n', or '-n'.
    • width, height : Set size (invoke onResizeCallback) based on visible window, which composed of
      • Percentage of visible width/height : 'p%', p: 0 ~ 100.
      • Padding : '+n', or '-n'.
    • onResizeCallback : A default resize callback will be assigned interanlly.
  • width : Minimum width. i.e. Width of this gridSizer will larger then this value.
  • height : Minimum height. i.e. Hieght of this gridSizer will larger then this value.
  • origin, originX, originY : Set origin of this sizer. Default value is (0.5, 0.5).
  • column, or col : Amount of column grids.
  • row : Amount of row grids.
  • columnProportions, rowProportions : Proportion of each column/row.
    • Number : Apply this number proportion to each column/row
    • Number array : Apply proportion of column/row through elements of this number array.
  • space : Pads spaces.
    • space.left, space.right,, space.bottom : Space of bounds.
    • space.column : Space between 2 columns
      • A number
      • A number array
    • space.row : Space between 2 rows
      • A number
      • A number array
    • space.indentLeftOdd, space.indentLeftEven : Indent at each odd/even row.
    • space.indentTopOdd, space.indentTopEven : Indent at each odd/even column.
  • createCellContainerCallback : Callback to create container(sizer) of each cell.
    function(scene, x, y, config) {
        return cellContainer;
    • x, y : Column, row index of this cell.
    • config : Config of adding child
      config.align = 'center';
      config.padding = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
      config.expand = false;
      config.key = undefined;
    • cellContainer : Return a game object for this cell.
  • name : Set name of this game object.
  • draggable : Set true to drag top-most object.
  • sizerEvents : Set true to fire sizer events. Default value is false.
  • enableLayer :
    • false : Add child game objects into scene's display list. Default behavior.
    • true : Add child game objects into an internal layer game object. See also.

Custom class

  • Define class
    class MyGridSizer extends RexPlugins.UI.GridSizer {
        constructor(scene, x, y, minWidth, minHeight, column, row) {
            super(scene, x, y, minWidth, minHeight, column, row);
            // ...
        // ...
  • Create instance
    var gridSizer = new MyGridSizer(scene, x, y, minWidth, minHeight, column, row);

Add background



gridSizer.addBackground(child, {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}, key);
  • left, right, top, bottom : Extra padded space. Default is 0.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by sizer.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

Add child

Add a game obejct to grid sizer

gridSizer.add(child, column, row);


        column: 0,
        row: 0,
        align: 'center',
        padding: {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
        expand: false,        // expand: {width, height}
        key: undefined


gridSizer.add(child, column, row, align, padding, expand, key);
  • child : A game object
  • column, row : Index of grid to add.
    • column and row are numbers : Insert game object to cell (column, row).
      • Do nothing if that cell has item already.
    • column and row are undefined : Search each column, each row to find an empty cell for inserting.
      • Add an new row (gridSizer.addEmptyRow()) if last row was full, then find an empty cell in new row.
    • column is undefined, and row is true : Search each row, each column to find an empty cell for inserting.
      • Add an new column (gridSizer.addEmptyColumn()) if last column was full, then find an empty cell in new column.
    • column is a number, and row is undefined : Search each row of column column to find an empty cell for inserting.
      • Add an new row (gridSizer.addEmptyRow()) if last row was full, then find an empty cell in new row.
    • column is undefined and row is a number : Search each column of row row to find an empty cell for inserting.
      • Add an new column (gridSizer.addEmptyColumn()) if last column was full, then find an empty cell in new column.
  • align :
    • 'center', or Phaser.Display.Align.CENTER : Align game object at center. Default value.
    • 'left', or Phaser.Display.Align.LEFT_CENTER : Align game object at left-center.
    • 'right', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at right-center.
    • 'top', or Phaser.Display.Align.RIGHT_CENTER : Align game object at top-center.
    • 'bottom', or Phaser.Display.Align.BOTTOM_CENTER : Align game object at bottom-center.
  • padding : Add space between bounds. Default is 0.
    • A number for left/right/top/bottom bounds
    • Or a plain object
          left: 0,
          right: 0,
          top: 0,
          bottom: 0
  • expand :
    • Boolean value
      • true : Expand width and height of child. Default value.
      • false : Don't expand width or height of child.
    • A plain object
      • {width: true} : Only expand width of child.
      • {height: true} : only expand height of child.
      • {width: true, height: true} : Expand width and height of child.
  • key : Add this child into childMap, which could be read back by sizer.getElement(key).
    • undefined : Don't add this child. Default value.

Insert empty row/column

  • Insert an empty row
    // gridSizer.insertEmptyRow(rowIndex, proportion, space);
    • proportion : Proportion of this new row.
      • undefined : Use proportion of 1st row as default value.
    • space : Space between this new row and previous row.
      • undefined : Use space of 1st row as default value.
  • Add an empty row
    // gridSizer.addEmptyRow(rowIndex, proportion, space);
  • Insert an empty column
    // gridSizer.insertEmptyColumn(colIndex, proportion, space);
    • proportion : Proportion of this new column.
      • undefined : Use proportion of 1st column as default value.
    • space : Space between this new column and previous column.
      • undefined : Use space of 1st column as default value.
  • Add an empty row
    // gridSizer.addEmptyColumn(colIndex, proportion, space);


Set proportion of each column or row via

gridSizer.setColumnProportion(columnIndex, proportion);
gridSizer.setRowProportion(rowIndex, proportion);

Layout children

Arrange position of all children.


See also - dirty


  • Set invisible, won't layout it
  • Set visible, will layout it;

Grid index <-> child

  • Grid index -> child
    var child = gridSizer.getChildAt(columnIndex, rowIndex);
  • Child -> grid index
    var gridIndex = gridSizer.childToGridIndex(child);
    // var gridIndex = gridSizer.childToGridIndex(child, out);
    • gridIndex : {x, y}, or null if child is not belong this sizer.

Remove child

  • Remove a child
    gridSizer.removeAt(columnIndex, rowIndex);
  • Remove and destroy a child
    gridSizer.remove(child, true);
    gridSizer.removeAt(columnIndex, rowIndex, true);
  • Remove all children
  • Remove and destroy all children
  • Remove all children and backgrounds
  • Remove and destroy all children and backgrounds
  • Remove from parent sizer

Sort children

  • Sort by data
    gridSizer.sortChildrenByData(key, descending).layout();
    • key : Data key
    • descending :
      • true : Descending order
      • false : Ascending order, default behavior.
  • Sort by property of child
    gridSizer.sortChildrenByProperty(key, descending).layout();
    • key : Property key
    • descending :
      • true : Descending order
      • false : Ascending order, default behavior.
  • Sort by callback
    gridSizer.sortChildren(function(childA, childB){
        // var valueA = childA.getData(key);
        // var valueB = childB.getData(key);
        // return valueB - valueA
    • childA, childB : 2 children of this size

Grid size

  • Amount of column
    var columnCount = gridSizer.columnCount;
  • Amount of row
    var rowCount = gridSizer.rowCount;
  • Amount of grid = columnCount * rowCount
    var gridCount = gridSizer.gridCount;

Get element

  • Get element
    • All children items
      var items = gridSizer.getElement('items');
  • Get by name
    var gameObject = gridSizer.getElement('#' + name);
    // var gameObject = gridSizer.getElement('#' + name, recursive);
    var gameObject = gridSizer.getByName(name);
    // var gameObject = gridSizer.getByName(name, recursive);
    • recursive : Set true to search all children recursively.

Get child index

var index = sizer.getChildIndex(child);
  • index : A number, or null.

Reset grid

sizer.resetGrid(column, row, columnProportions, rowProportions, space);
  • column : Amount of column grids.
  • row : Amount of row grids.
  • columnProportions, rowProportions : Proportion of each column/row.
    • Number : Apply this number proportion to each column/row
    • Number array : Apply proportion of column/row through elements of this number array.
  • space :
    • space.column : Space between 2 columns
      • A number
      • A number array
    • space.row : Space between 2 rows
      • A number
      • A number array


Children game objects will be removed without destroyed.


Will invoke createCellContainerCallback to create cellContainer of each cell.

Other properties

See base sizer object, container-lite.